Chapter 1

2074 Words
It hurts so bad. A searing pain that I can compare to nothing else. I've never felt anything like this before. It is as if a fire was setting in my whole body and forced me to twist in all directions trying in vain to extinguish it. I pass out after a few seconds ne longer being able to bear this pain. I fall in a deep slumber. Deep and strange. It feels like I am elevating outside of my body and floating in a dark slimy and comforting place. I am not cold surrounded by all this darkness however I have chills. Suddenly my body calms down and I can't open my eyes. I can't feel the pain anymore. In fact I can't feel anything. Only the peace of the darkness. Am I dead ? No. I know this isn't the end. I can't leave that easily. As I am floating in this heap I think back to everything that happened to me this last year. So much happened in so little time but I feel like this year disappeared in a second. The details fade away and disappear one by one only leaving behind the émotions I felt at those moments. I didn't know I had powers at the beginning. I thought I was just a normal girl like any other in my university. Like anyone I thought I was original in some way however I didn't think I was original to the point of having powers. I had a very simple life compared to now. I didn't float in an impenetrable darkness. I just woke up every day and went to the university. There I was assisting to some fascinating classes that I completed with programms that I found online. Appart from classes I could se my friends at school and continue talking to them via my phone when I got home. I didn't really have to work hard to get good grades so I had to find occupations to feel busy. I traveled with my family, went to the museum to look at paintings, sang, read, wrote, watched movies and animés... I did everything in order to stay busy at all times. Back then I thought I was someone who had her life together and was succeeding in it. But looking back I realize that it's not these frivolous things that make someones life interesting. I should have just enjoyed the moments of silence and peace. Now, in the dark I had plenty of time to do that. My life may have been eventfull before I discovered my powers, itw as nothing compared to after that. Everything fell appart in this world where I had a lot of landmarks in just one day. A day like any other at my university. My friends and I had to change buildings for our next class. Therefore we were walking and talking about nothing. Our biggest problem being that we woke up too early that day. I was in a good mood and other sudents were walking on the same path as us. There was nothing unusual that day and yet suddenly everything fell appart. A huge noise ripped the sky followed by an earthquake wich propelled us to the ground. I hit my head without having a major injury and stood up as fast as I could to avoid being trampled by panicked students trying to flee at all cost. The noises and the lights in the sky continued not helping the panick that took place in peoples hearts. Everyone must have thought we were being attacked by terrorists. I should have run too but my legs refused to listen to me. My friends yelled at me to follow them but I didn't move. I couldn't take my eyes off the lights. The flight of others cleared my view and I could perfectly see what was causing all of this. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Ten meters from me a fight was taking place between two men whose faces I couldn't see because they were moving so fast. Appart from fighting with their fists they made lightning or something else come out of their palms wich was responsible for the horrible sound. I couldn't understand what was going on in front of me. It was as if I was myself in a Hollywood movie. Seeing this lightning I felt something strange in my stomach. Without knowing why I could feel who was the badguy in this fight and I watched them without moving a muscle. I was paralyzed. I've never seen magic before and I didn't even know it existed. Seeing with my own eyes that everything I thought I knew wasn't right turned my stomach over. A weird feeling invaded me. A kind of fear but also jealousy. Why wasn't I a part of that world ? A wormd wich scared me but at the same time attracted me so badly. Suddenly I felt like my place was in this fight and an unknown power pushed me forward. Without having the time to think I realized I was behind the badguy who didn't think a random human would try to attack him. Therefore having the element of surprise by my side I kicked him and sent him to the ground. The villain instantly got up and I could tell he wasn't very happy about what I just did. No one had ever looked at me like this before. With empty, cold eyes. Behind those eyes was a soul simply moved by the desire to destroy. I moved back by reflex but it was too late. Thinking about it now I wanted to laugh. Why did I want so much to be appart of this ? Why couldn't I just run away like any other human being would have ? I had nothing to prove to anyone. No one would have blamed me if I had fled, on the contrary they would have found me totally sane. On the other hand I don't regret what I did. I am even proud of myself. For the first time in my life I had the urge to fight and I have not backed down. I had been courageous and had finally become truly original. My smile suddenly faded. Without that fight I would never have met Arsène. Back to the story. After pissing off the so-called villain everything went black. He threw me against a tree and I lost consciousness instantly. However I woke up quite quickly because by the time I opened my eyes the two strangers were still fighting. The good guy was standing between the bad guy and me. I felt bad. If I hadn't intervened it would have been easier for him. He could have fought without thincking about protecting me. Therefore I got up and decided to leave in order to stop bothering him. I also wanted to leave because I was loosing a lot of blood and wanted to be treated before I passed out again. Now that the adrenaline was gone I was ashamed. I was ashamed because I mingled in something that wasn't my business at all but above all I was ashamed because I could have been seriously injured and in this case I would have hurt the people who loved me. I acted without thinkingnd for what purpose ? I could have said that I mingled because I wanted to save the good guy or that I just wanted to be selfish and feel usefull but the truth was somewhere in between. I myself did not understand what had happened that day. The firefighters found me quickly and I was entitled to the necessary care. I had nothing serious wich was a miracle considering the force with wich I had hit that tree. Several students said how scared they were to come back to class. I understood why. They could only be afraid of something they had ran away from. Personally the fact that I interposed had somehow removed the anxiety of returning to the place. As if I had fought my own fears. I learned later that Arsène, the good guy, shoul have erased my memory that day. The protocol stipulated that he had to erase the memory of all human witnesses of the scene. A few days after the incident I noticed that no one was talking about the event anymore and pretended like nothing happened. My friends were among the last people who got theirs brains wasched and when I saw Arsène who came to erase the last peoples memories, I hid and decided to follow him once he was done. I had seen his powers. I knew what he was capable of. I couldn't intervene to protect the memories of my friends. Besides, I thought maybe it was for the better that they forgot. Everyone around me had forgotten. But not me. So how could I possibly pretend as if nothing had happened ? I clung to my memories and wanted to know more. So the next day when I saw Arsène in front of the university I decided to follow him. Maybe I shouldn't have done it. Maybe I should have happily lived unconscious of the reality. But I don't regret a thing. Even though I knew he had come back on purpose to erase my memory, I decided to follow him. Deep down I had decided to give him me trust. He knew about my classes and must have known everything about me already. If he had planned to erase my memores he probably would have done it already. And I was right. Well, almost. Arsène had indeed insisted on erasing my memories but his superior asked him to bring me to him curious about my actions. So I followed Arsène for a good half an hour. I wasn't staying too far or too close. If I lost his sight I picked up the pace to catch him but he was always waiting for me to be sure I could catch up. He ended up taking me to an old building and seeing the state of the place I stopped hesitating. I didn't really want to go into such a place with a stranger. I did, however, and was surprised to see that the interior of the place was new and clean. I folloew Arsène directly to his superior. This one was an elderly man and not at all imposing so it was pretty weird seeing Arsène speaking to him so politely. Hearing the speak I stood in front of the door for a few minutes before entering. I had come this far, I wasn't going to turn around now. Seeing me enter, Monsieur L smiled warmly at ùe and told me to approach. As for Arsène, he obviously did not look very happy that I was here and took refuge in a corner of the room. « I'm sorry I made you come in such a way. I hope little Arsène didn't scare you. -Not at all. » But I barely had time to approach Monsieur L when the machine to his left made a sharp noise and suddenly smoke appeared behind it. Monsieur L and Arsène looked at the machine surprised before turning their eyes toward me. I didn't know why they were staring at me and I was suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Monsieur L ended up speaking again : « Sorru, I didn't ask for your first name. -Atalante. -It's a very pretty name. -Thank you. -Greek mythology is it ? -Indeed. My parents are huge mythology fans. » He smiled at me as I realized that Arsène seemed to be listenning to me with more and more curiosity. « Have you always had powers, Atalante ? -Powers ? No, never. Why ? -Oh, yes ? Well, this machine to my left is commonly called a Whole Measurer. Amoung other things this machine is able to measure the quantity of magic present in individuals or objects and when you approached it, the machine measured such a quantity of magic that it overheated. » I looked at the steaming machine frowning. « Do you mean that I am the one who did this ? » Monsieur L nodded. « Would you mind if I take a closer look ? » I shook my head. Knowing that I have magic in this world conforted me somehow.
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