Round 2: Ice Cream

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Charles woke up with a searing pain on his head.   He remembered how he failed to protect his little brother. Seeing him so broken, vulnerable and fragile after someone framed him. Moreover, he let him do it alone. Yesterday they send him to study abroad. He tries to convince him not to leave but he insists that he needs it to find himself again. With a heavy heart, he wishes his brother the best of luck on his decision. His tears began to fall.   "Why are you crying?" Lucas asked him to snuggle even closer. His arms wrapped around him. They have hit each other in the past and not even a single drop of tear was shed. Charles did not respond. He let Charles cry his heart out, he wanted him to let his emotion flow Lucas knew that at this point he needs someone who will be there for him. He needs to be that person. When the tears run out and the sniffing stop Lucas realized that Charles fell asleep into a deep slumber. He wanted to help the poor guy, but he is too stubborn as always, he is shutting him off every time. Lucas looked at him dearly, memorizing his face and the expressions that it is making even in his sleep. He asks himself how he fell for someone like him. Dismissing his thoughts, he went to the shower to cool off.   When he returns, Charles is nowhere to be found. He immediately checks every corner of his condo unit but not even a shadow is left there. Charles left him without a word. Sighing he just fetch fresh new clothes and get dress; he is very irritated for some reason. He is not satisfied with how he looks himself on the mirror with the ensemble he is wearing. Lucas drop himself on top of his bed where the scent of Charles is still lingering. He has been staying like that for quite some time now. Thinking that Charles never had any sort of feelings for him and that the first time something did happen was a sort of mistake. His head is thinking nonstop, and his heart is breaking obviously.   Sadness, frustration and loneliness is seen on his face all at once when the doorbell suddenly make a sound and keeps on going. Lazily, he stands up and check who it could be. His heart got excited when he saw Charles waiting outside from the peephole. He swings the door open and pull Charles inside in an instant.   "Where have you been?" Lucas can't help but ask him the question. "I just bought something I'm craving for!" He answered shouting back at him while pointing at the plastic bag he is showing in front of Lucas. "You could have at least wait for me or left me a note!" Lucas retort back. "What's wrong with you? I just went out for a little while, why are you making a fuss? Besides I don't know where to find the pen and paper for the f*****g note!" Charles said, his patience is almost snapping with how their conversation is going. "I'm sorry! I'm just too worried I guess." Lucas calm down. "I am here, I went back." Charles mumbled while his face is all red out of shyness, cannot look at the guy in front of him. The two of them stand there in awkward silence. "I uhmm...grab one of your sleeves I hope you won't mind." Charles breaking the silence that surrounds the two of them. "Nah! You can pick whatever suits your taste. Besides I think they will fit you perfectly just as I am perfect for you." Lucas smiling while indirectly confessing to Charles. "Whatever!" Charles said and then sit on the bed and open the tub of the ice cream he bought earlier.   Charles began to feast on the strawberry flavored ice cream when he saw Lucas staring at him. Chuckling as if he had seen something funny. Lucas bend over and lick the sides of Charles lips. Taken aback Charles eyes widen in disbelief of what just happened. "What? I just clean your face seeing that you are a messy eater." Lucas said. He went back on eating. "Ahhh!" He said to Lucas as he holds a spoonful of ice cream he's trying to feed Lucas. He just stared at him. "Come on! My hands are getting numb!" Charles complained, then Lucas went back to reality and open his mouth to welcome the spoon with the ice cream on it. "No wonder your lips tasted like strawberries." Lucas stated. Charles chose to ignore that last statement before standing up and disposing the tub throwing it on the garbage bin at the kitchen by the sink.   The day went by with the two of them either snubbing or cursing at each other. "Can I stay here? I really don't want to go home." Charles said to Lucas asking for his permission. The guy nodded at him.  He is busy watching on the television when his phone ring. He looks at the caller ID and reject the call. Then it rings again and again and again. "Who is it? Why are you not picking up?" Lucas asked him. "None of your business." Charles answered simply but in irritation. Lucas went near him, snatch the phone and check on the caller ID. It is Liam! Lucas remembered him. His blood boil, first with Charles brother and now he is bothering him again when he is with his Charles before answering the call. "What do you want? Stop pestering him! What? I don't care. Yeah, well f**k you!" Lucas said before returning the phone to Charles.   Lucas is really irritated. "What's the real score between the two of you?" Lucas asked Charles. His eyes are cold and intimidating. "There's nothing going on between us! He is just a friend well ex friend." Charles defended himself from the accusation. "Now you are denying it huh?! Don't take me for a fool!" Lucas hit back as he held Charles on his collar. His grip is tightening.   "There is really nothing going on!" Charles hissed at him. "How dare you cheat on me?" Lucas angrily said and push Charles on the bed like a pillow being thrown and bounce on it. Charles had enough of his attitude. If Lucas is furious, he is now irritated because he is being accused of something, he has not done much worst the guy he is talking to is now closed minded. "You know what, we are not even together so f**k off!" Charles shout back his black orbs are emanating hate.   Lucas pull him up once again grabbing him by the collar. The shirt he is wearing started to become stretched out. The friction is now causing pain on his skin that is in contact. "What did you say? I never wanted anyone as much as I do for you." His teeth are gritting while his tone is firm. He looks at Charles intently as the boy fight with his death glares. With all the anger fuming out of him, Lucas pulled the shirt Charles is wearing and started to suck on every exposed portion his eyes can see. He throws him back on the bed and started stripping his clothes he did the same to Charles. Each kiss leaves a mark on Charles skin. It's like a tattoo that is saying that his body is reserved only for Lucas nobody else. Charles snap back and push Lucas away. He grabbed the shirt and the sheet on the bed to cover his body from the eyes of the beast that is trying to devour every fiber of his being.    "What you'll gonna rape me again?"
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