Chapter 2

968 Words
(Veronica POV) “You are getting too good at this, V” Lion, one of the elite warriors said breathing hard. “Thank you for the compliment, Leo” I said before I dodge his sword. I swiftly moved to his back and hit the back of his neck with my elbow making him fall down. “s**t” he cursed as I laughed and pointed my sword at him. “Victory for Veronica in the green team!” the referee said as the other warriors cheered for me. I walked out of the arena and to the Philip who throws me a bottle of water. “Don’t overexert yourself on training” he said as I shrug. “I am not. I’m just relieving stress” I said as he looked at me in worry. “I know what you’re thinking” I said as he sighed. “V, how long are you going to keep avoiding him as a whole. It’s being 3 days and the prince is walking around restless.” He said as I sat on the grass leaning on a tree. “I don’t know. I need time I guess” I said as joined next to me. “Don’t worry. We will come up with a remedy” He said as I smiled and nodded at him. “Is he your boyfriend?” a familiar voice filled my ears. “Noah!” I said shocked to see him in front of me. He was glaring at us, his hands in a fist. He was surely angry as his eyes shined blue indication activation of his power. “Prince Noah” Philip said as he stood up and bowed at him. I immediately followed him and bowed down showing respect. But Noah only kept staring at us. Well glaring. “D-do you need anything, Prince Noah?” I asked as he makes a ticking sound with his tongue. “Yes I do. I need to speak to Veronica. Alone.” he said his voice strained. I stared at him wide eyes not knowing what to say. “Is there anything she did, Prince Noah? Persona-” Philip started to say but was cut off by him. “The matter has nothing to do with you. My business here is with Veronica.” He said angrily. Philip was going to say something but he was once again cut off by Noah. “Do you want to go against the Prince’s order, Sir Philip?” Noah raised his eyebrow at him and emphasizing his name. I could feel Philip getting angry and I quickly grabbed his arm. “Go. I will manage” I said as he looked at me in worry. I nodded my head reassuring him as he sighed and walked away. “You wanted to speak to me, Prince Noah?” I asked as I looked at him. If I keep matters professional I won’t have to worry about anything. “What happened? Is it something I did? Because I have no idea what and surely we can always talk it out” he asked his body language suddenly changing. He now looked helpless and it took every damn fiber in me to not embrace him and tell him everything was alright. “What do you mean, Prince Noah,” I asked as I tried to keep my face and voice free of my pain and emotion. “Why are you calling me Prince?” he asked taking one step at me. “I- you... You are the prince” I said as he raised his brows “You are a princess too. But that is not what I meant and you know it as well. Why are you running away from me?” he said as I gulp and step back. “I didn’t,” I said as he shook his head. “Both you and I know that you are lying” he said as he took steps closer to me. I moved back but my back hit the tree. I looked around and saw everyone stopped their training and was now watching us. At the corner of my eyes I saw Philip stand there all prepared to interfere. “Noah, Please. We are in public.” I said as he stared deep into my eyes. I felt the heat build-up in my body as tears start to fill my eyes. Noah’s face changed from anger to worry. “Vero. Don’t cry” he said as he put his hand on my cheek. The fire in me increased at his intimacy and I felt my mark start to burn. I quickly pushed him off catching him off guard. He fell to the ground and looked at me in shock as I tried to control myself. “Never touch me!” I shouted at him. His face was filled with confusion and hurt. “I’m sorry” I said before running to the forest. I reached the waterfall where Noah’s parents' wedding took place. I looked at my hand and light red swirl marking were seen. I was only wearing a sleeveless tank top and a three-fourth so it was too much exposed skin. I sighed in relief seeing that my mark was not so clear for others to see unless they strain themselves. I should stop wearing sleeveless tops. Suddenly a coat covered over me and I sighed knowing who it was. “Thanks” I said as Philip smiled and sat next to me. “Are you alright?” he asked worried. “No” I whispered before I cried on his shoulders.  
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