Pot of tea

1029 Words
POV Samuel Nan lived about 25 mins away from the normal form of traffic. I had a Triumph Dayton so I knew I could get there a little quicker on my bike than a car. I know I had to speak to her, I had to get some answers from her. How was any of this possible? At first, when I started entering dreams I thought they were my own. I started zoning out during the day. I thought I was going mad. I knew I was a witch I had seen it as a child. You do not get your powers till you ascend which is around 18. It's like nature's way of making sure you are mature enough to deal with the powers that she has blessed you with. I did not ascend till I was almost 20. That was 6 months ago. I zoned out around my Grans place and drifted, she saw what happened and felt my anxiety. She explained everything to me. She had told me that this ability hasn't been present in our family line for a long time. This was a special power to be gifted to me. She started to train me to focus a relax my mind so I did not just zone out anymore. I could control my mind and my emotions. I had learned to harness other powers that had been passed down. I was able to make things move without touching them. I was good at herbs just small stuff. Finally, I arrived. The door flung open before I could knock. My gran looked at me with familiar eyes they were almost the same as mine greenish-blue. She was so short compare to me. she always kept her hair grey and short in a pixie haircut. She loved her earthy clothes all hemp and handmade. "Samuel my dear come inside out of this cold. I have made you a pot of tea and you can tell me what is wrong my darling". I needed this tea. I knew Gran made it herself, I could taste the fresh chamomile and a pinch of lavender. I know she was trying to calm me down after my phone call. She was the only person who did not think I was crazy. Telling her I was drawn into some strange but beautiful girl dream every night for a while now still felt odd. After a sip of Grans homemade and brewed tea, I started explaining. "There is a girl. Macy her name is. Every night She has pulled me into her dreams. There is always a figure looming in the background. I was in her dream just watching and a figure came into view. At first, I thought it was a nightmare but the woman figure said spoke to me then attacked Macy. I was able to speak to her and shoot a ball of fire out of my hands. When I left the dream my hands were still sore and red". I just blurted it all out at once. Her eyes widen and become a darker shade of green. "Is there anything else you remember any objects or small details. All dreams have clues lying in them. Sometimes it's not the main thing that is happening but the small objects that count". Trying to place me back there was almost frightening and Chilling. "I remember seeing pictures all around the Macy. I believe they were her family from generations their eyes seemed to follow her. The woman figure had a stone in her all most like yours". watched her get up and pace back and forth until she went into her cupboard under the buffet of herb plants. "what is that gran?". It looked old. "My dear this is mine. Soon to be your Grimoire. A book of our family's spells from 1440. I think the first entry starts". Wow now that was cool I did not even know much about my family's history "so how is this going to help us gran?" I was a bit intrigued. "This girl you say you are drawn to her do you know why?". Her eyes were dark and determined to get to the bottom of this. "lt feels like I know her soul. I don't know if that makes sense but I feel like we are connected". It was the truth I did feel connected with her even if she had no idea who I was. "Interesting let me look at your teacup dear". She studied it. I felt weird just staring at her till finally she broke her gaze with it and looked up at me. Grabbed my palm and mumbled a spell from the grimoire her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She started rocking back on forth. "Something is coming to for. You have to protect her. Something is coming for you both. You are both are in danger. Remember the past. Remember your ancestors. Night hag is coming" her head hit the table she was breathing deep and fast "Who are you? how do I protect her? and from what?" I had no idea what was happening but I had to get some answers. "She Is light, you are fire. I am kindred" That was it. Gran looked at me like she just run a mile. "Ever since you were born I knew something was special about you. After your mum wanted to call you Samuel I still was not too sure that you were the one the Grimoire talks about. Your gift just seemed to stay dormant longer than the rest of us. I almost had a bit of doubt in my mind. But Samuel this proves you are going to be the most powerful out of all your ancestors before you." Holy crap I knew I was not normal but something wrote about me that just seems crazy. "what do you mean I am in the grimoire?" She looked scared and she pushed the Grimoire towards me. "I will make another pot of tea and fix up some lunch. Read from start to finish try to remember and learn everything you read okay love"
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