Horrific Extravagance

2588 Words
December 25. 22:45 pm Resilient, rude, arrogant, cocky, cold, handsome and gigantic.  I stood dumbly at the side of the counter with a very blank expression, which now seemed to be my signature one, since all I could do in this place was be blank. Just a step or two from me stood a very tall man, dressed very aesthetically, with a coat over his shoulders. His hands were in his pockets and a cigarette hang loosely on his plump, pink lips. His legs were long, just as his arms with broad shoulders. In other words he was ridiculously big. His neck and, from what I could see, most of his body was covered in tattoos, especially his arms. You could barely see any exposed skin on there, which only made him seem more handsome than he already was. Ironically, I almost felt like one of those girls in romance novels, with all the giddiness and the butterflies that arose with every second. My butterflies died as soon as they were hatched. Luckily for me, he had an awful personality; his rude remarks to the hostess would have ticked off a damn bomb, but strangely the woman treated him with a ridiculous amount of respect and patience. Her smile never fell, her tone never changed and her eyes looked straight into his, without any glimmer of fear or anger. She was smiling all the way through and I felt invisible to the human eye. In other words, I was being ignored. At that point I felt like a small river fish that had somehow wondered into the sea. They were both used to this, both workers, and both entitled to make my stay here enjoyable. But now, I was the one  who was entitled to take their attention from a pointless subject to myself. When ten minutes passed and it was almost eleven in the evening, my wick finally burned out. I stepped in, closer to the two of them with yet another fake ass smile which earned me 'what the f**k' looks from the both of them. I opened my mouth and the words, I was yet again biting back, broke free. "I'm sure you two would like to continue playing the insult-patience game but I would really like to do what I came here to do and leave this place." From the corner of my eye, I was keeping my gaze locked on the woman, I could see his eyebrows shooting up in the skies. He inhaled the smoke from the cigarette, and exhaled it right in my face, causing  it  to enter through my nose and mouth. I refused to cough out, even though I obviously didn't smoke, just in spite of his devilish personality.  "Someone is salty." He commented and I puffed out the inhaled smoke, looking up at him slowly with the same smile plastered on my lips. Yes, I was very much a salty person and even though it was rude to intrude on someone's conversation, I had already wasted enough time. The woman sighed and smiled at the both of us, looking very relaxed even though she could feel the obvious fireworks coming from the both of us. "Actually, I was just about to get to that. The card you've been gifted is an exclusive one, it holds a code to one of our best male representatives. And by coincidence, it turns out to be Isaac." What? Those scenes in anime series where there's silence and you can hear a cricket in the background while the characters dumbly stare, is what happened for a whole minute. I was potentially out of words, and the awkwardness began the second I looked up at him. He was already gazing down at me, more like glaring, probably examining my features. His eyes raked over, going down and down, then back up again, shamelessly scanning over my whole body as if he was thinking whether he was in for the catch or not. Turns out, I pinpointed the s**t exactly. The uncomfortable feeling of being stared at by a hunter, of being a prey, was creeping up the back of my neck. I balled my hands into fists in order to keep myself from speaking further. I was already rude enough. And I was already waiting for long enough. "I'm in." He muttered out in an approving tone and all I could do is let my eyes bulge out from how wide they went. Soon they would jump out of my sockets.  "Get her to my room." Those were the last words he uttered before he turned and left towards the left wing of the Hotel. I was left in spot to only stare blankly and tilt my head at the smiling hostess. The worst type of a personality I just couldn't get along with, is now going to be the one taking away my virginity. The long sigh left me, but what I didn't notice was that the kind hostess had scooted over to me, laying a hand on my shoulder. Her touch was gentle, but it was enough to make my muscles go tense. She offered, again, a small smile and gestured with her hand in the direction where my partner for the night went. Swallowing, I stepped forward, walking with her shoulder to shoulder. " You don't need to be so nervous." I was the tiniest bit surprised that she was giving me comforting words. "Does it show?" Of course it does. Anyone would be nervous as hell if they were in my situation, but most people probably wouldn't understand why I had agreed on something like this. "Why did you accept the gift card?" "Reasons." "We usually don't accept virgins, but the gift card you had was impossible to turn down." "Why?" She chuckled, probably at my lack of knowledge of this fancy brothel. "Because that card was the last one of its kind." I perked an eyebrow as we reached the stairs, which not surprisingly, looked just as magnificent as the rest of the hotel. There wasn't much stairs to climb to the first floor and I felt as though I was walking up a royal set of staircases, covered in burgundy red carpet. Even though I was still amazed by the interior of the hotel, my mind replayed the words of the hostess. The mysteriousness of this place kept getting bigger and stronger and the deeper I entered into its chambers, the more confusing it got. So, choosing not to dwell on it much, I simply acknowledged her words and we walked in silence the rest of the way.  When we arrived in front of a door, only then had I realized we were at the far end of the left wing, the bright colors draining and becoming nothing but pure white. It was kind of plain, but because the hallway was decorated with a lot of flowers and paintings, the windows with beautiful curtains, it gave off a calming feeling I couldn't ignore. The door we came to was a light caramel color, fitting in perfectly with the walls and the decorations. The whole hotel was aesthetically designed, the visuals pleasing to the eye. But, for some weird reason, this far end seemed kind of lonely, like it was just there, existing for itself.  The hostess knocked lightly on the door before stepping away. "Enjoy." She said it in a cheerful tone, before disappearing down the long hallway and around the corner. Then I realized I was on my own and the door opened slowly, revealing a wet, naked and tattooed torso. I looked up to see the man I am supposed to sleep with. The same rude man who was so insulting to the hostess, now he was going to take care of me in bed. I couldn't settle my mind on it.  "Are you coming in or do I need to drag you in?" He spoke before retracting himself in the room, to which I followed inside while rolling my eyes. I was again met with beautiful design of a room, shaking my head as I gave up on being amazed. Instead, I took in on observing the other human being in the room. Like said before, he was tall, broad shoulders, defined body, beautiful face and skin. Even though he seemed rough, with his tattooed arms, chest, back and legs, he had the baby face, although a serious one, any Japanese man would have. Though he was far more beautiful than the rest. The tattoos were also very artistic and didn't look like some scribbles most people have. Everything was carefully drawn on his body, that it almost looked like a masterpiece. He looked like art. And at that point I noticed how cliched this was, with an average looking girl and an Adonis in the room, about to make love. It all seemed too good to be true, which made me scoff to myself. Luckily, I wasn't the kind of girl that would simply waddle in and fall in love at first sight, and even though I was nervous, these weren't butterflies clawing at my insides. These were some kind of bats that wanted out desperately, so they blindly started roaring though my stomach. At some point I felt the urge to simply run out of that room, but I held on. For whatever ridiculous reason.  Let's do this. He turned around and sat on the bed, crossing his long legs,  the robe he was wearing half way falling off his thigh. I was being a nice girl, and not looking down  his legs, which in the slightest didn't interest me due to his foul mouth moving once again. "So you're still a virgin?" He mumbled out, clicking his tongue. "I can see why." His comment was kind of expected and yet it still caused my fire to be fueled. I had to fire back, or I would regret not doing it later. "Good. Then you'll get this over with quickly." Another perking of eyebrows and yet another observation from the said man. It was extremely awkward and uncomfortable, yet it wasn't that I was shy and self-conscious of my body, but I simply wasn't used to someone being that open about undressing me with their eyes. And speaking of that.... "Strip." It came before I could even complete my thought, and the blank stare now came to my face as if it was waiting to be shown. Closing my eyes briefly, I started undressing. I started off slow, giving myself time to actually prepare myself mentally for the upcoming event. And so, the most hectic night of my life began with extravagance and ended in horror. Unknown Time It's ready. The message said.  I wiped the drool off my jacket, walking almost mindlessly down the road. The bus left me here. It was its fault. It wasn't mine. Luckily for me, I knew the way there. It was just down the road. Just down the road. Yes. My legs are hurting. I feel like puking. The drugs are still working. I just want to close my eyes for a bit.  How long has it been since I last slept? I don't know. Don't ask me.  It was the baby's fault that my sleep was disturbed for the first 3 days. I couldn't shut it up. But at least the music there was so loud, that people didn't hear anything. And I was lucky because it would fall asleep when they were about to close and would still be asleep when they open. The little fucker slept through it all.  But after that, the memories came back and I was on the road again. I couldn't stop. The burning house kept coming back and I couldn't stop. I had to run away. I had to keep moving. It's ready. The message said. My ticket out is ready. I was going to be free.  A free human that would finally have a life worth living.  But first, I had to get there. I had to find him. Take the ticket and go. I had to fix this wound and I had to get away from this place. As fast as I could. Without ever looking back.  Minutes after the last thought started circling in my head, I found what I was looking for. The house with pink on it, and flowers everywhere. His wife was a working woman, the one who did all the work while his cheap ass was out playing with hookers. Despite his skill as a hacker, he was the cheapest of shits I had ever met in my line of work. Hookers were more important than his wife. Although she would spread her legs for him any day, he still chose to sleep with another dirty woman. I couldn't understand that.  But it was fine. I didn't need to. It was something not worth thinking about. Because this would be the end. I would be out and nobody will ever remember me. I would be out and I would be free.  I approached the door, climbing the little stairs in a limping manner, and rang the doorbell. The woman came out. His beautiful wife. She was always so nice, caring and giving. She had a heart of gold. She had everything, except for her husbands p***s. His p***s belonged to the hookers. Yes. He was an asshole. She gasped, taking in the grotesque image before her. I was covered in wounds and blood. Bullet holes, to be more exact. 2 of them. One in the shoulder, one in the hip. I would be surprised that I'm still standing myself. It was the drugs. They kept me alive. They covered the pain and they let the adrenaline pump through my veins. Otherwise my body would crumble. "Oh, my dear Jesus. Come in." I followed her in.  "I'll prepare you some clothes, you go and take a shower." She hurriedly said. And I did what she said.  I stood under the pressure of that water for, what felt like, hours. Until it turned cold and I could no longer feel anything on my skin. My wounds were clean, but still gushing with blood. They were healing too slow. Way too slow. Why were they so slow? Because the bullets were still inside. 2 bullets. 2 holes. I laughed.  The clothes were dry. She even bandaged my wounds.  Her husband gave me the passport and the ticket. He gave me the money and the keys. He explained to me where, how, when. I forgot what he said. But I knew what I had to do. She even gave me food.  "It was good working with you...but what's done is done. I've erased everything. There's not a trace left." I gave him the money. Transferred it to his account days ago. Why was he so slow? Because the hookers kept him busy and they didn't want to give his p***s back.  "Thanks." He prepared the gun I asked for. My favorite model. Fits right into my hands.  It was loaded. "I hope you have a safe trip honey." She said. She was nice. Like Analia.  Yes. Like Analia. Except she's older. Wiser. But very unfortunate.  Bang. Bang. Now her blood covers the soft carpet she once used to take care of. And his shirt is soaking in the redness he wouldn't spill for anyone.  They were nice.  But they would remember. And remembering isn't good.
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