Chapter 1

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Warning: Adult content! Scenes may not be suitable for younger readers. Read at your own risk. ----- Today is the first day of my work. To be honest, I'm surprised by how fast this company hires people. I only applied for the job today and I was hired instantly. I doubt that they are short for employees since they did not post about urgent job hiring. I thought I will hear from them a week before my application but here I am, walking in the empty corridors on the 75th floor of the building. Nothing can be heard other than the squeaking of my worn-out rubber shoes making friction against the clean and shiny floor tiles. I am pushing my janitorial trolley as I trudge the deafening silence of the corridor of the MC Corporation building. It's already ten in the evening, office hours are done. But as a janitress, my work is just starting.  Only the employees under the security and maintenance department are left in the building... aside from one person. At the end of the corridor, I walk towards the large and only room on this floor. I stopped in front of the double door made of mahogany. My hand let go of the janitorial trolley and faced the door for a couple of seconds. Athan Cedy Macneil. Below it, a three-letter word is written. CEO. I uttered the familiar name on the gold door plaque softly. I take a deep breath and harshly blew it out. I raised my hand and clenched my fingers to knock on the door however, I stopped mid-air. I was having second thoughts. 'Kiya, this is for the future of your little sister. She's the last family you have. You can do this!' I tried to motivate myself and pushed the negative thoughts aside. For the sake of my sister and our future, I should be willing to give it all. I consecutively knock on the door and quietly cleared my throat. Slowly, I pressed down the doorknob and pushed it open. A spacious room welcomed me as I dragged my trolley with me inside. The glass wall which has an overlooking sight of the city lights is widely displayed on the left side of the room. A black sofa set was put neatly on the middle part of the room. A glass table in the center of the sofa set has enough size to fill up space. There is a small kitchen area on the right side of the room and beside it is a black door which  I guess, the comfort room. The interiors are made with a palette of black, gray, and white.  I look straight ahead and saw a black glass desk placed in the center front. Along with it is a man sitting in his swivel chair. His back is comfortably leaning on the chair. He is playing with a pen between his fingers when I came in. He stopped what he was doing and turned his head at me when he realizes someone barge into his room. His surprised reaction did not escape my sight. He was quick to alter it and displayed an emotionless facade. However, I know him pretty well. I memorize every emotion he has... or so I thought. "Did the head of the maintenance department brief you?" his voice is monotone. I can't decipher whether he's mad or irritated. "Yes," I softly answered.  His gaze bore into me. My heart felt like it fell down in an abyss when I saw how cold he pierced his eyes at me. This is not the eyes of the man I loved. "Are you aware that you are not allowed to went in if I'm still here?" This time, the annoyance in his voice is evident. He did not even try to hide it. "No..." Yes. I understand the rules laid by the maintenance department. I know that I am not allowed to get here at this hour. "Get out. Clean after I'm done here," he put down his pen. He grabbed the folder placed on his desk and started reading them, completely ignoring my presence. The heat is rising in the lower lids of my eyes as I felt the tears forming up. I quickly divert my attention to the black marble floor tile.  I can't give this up now. I once worked at the nightclub as a waitress. I left it since my salary is not enough to feed me and my little sister. Other than that, I have a business to negotiate. I blinked the tears away. I raised my head and look at the man who is still busy with his work. He turned to me when he felt that I was looking at him. He raised an eyebrow, asking why I am still here. "I-I have to t-talk to you, A-ace..." the sound of the folder slamming down on his glass desk is pretty loud against the silence that is enveloping the both of us. "Who are you to call me that?" he leaned back on his swivel chair as his dark grim eyes landed to the whole of my being. I gulped upon hearing his response. However, I have no intentions of backing down. This is my chance to talk it out with him. "My father borrowed money from this company. We have a large debt..." I explained. "I just received the notice three days ago. I w-was not aware o-of it," I added. Once again, I focused my eyes on the floor. I can't bear to see how he stares at me. I feel like I am a stranger to him. He made a sudden move that made me look back at him. He opened his laptop and typed something. The pressing of his keyboard is the only sound I can hear until he faced me and asked, "What's your name?" My heart started beating loudly. Why does he have to act as if he doesn't know me? Why does he have to be this cruel? He was the one who cheated! He was the one who ruined our relationship four years ago! "Kiyanah Nuevas," I bravely said. I forcibly pushed down the lump in my throat and faced him. His eyes did not leave his laptop screen as he uttered my surname and typed it in his laptop. "Sixty-three thousand dollars. This is around three million Philippine pesos," he said in a low voice. He turned his head at me. "Is your dad aware that he should be paying half of this by now? Or at least 30% of this? He did not contact us for three years now," his voice went cold as he stated the last sentence. "That is why I'm here," I equaled the coldness in his voice. He didn't even flinch on his seat. "I can't pay that huge amount of money..." I straightforwardly said. "That's not my problem," he immediately answered back. "The MC Corporation is holding a program every year wherein people can borrow money from us as long as it is for their necessity," he looked back at his laptop. "Your father put here that he needs the money for his oldest daughter's university and law school fees," he looked back at me. "The money given to your father comes from both the donations of the different sectors in society and from this company. People like your father who doesn't pay their debts will cut short the budget of this program. Hence, the company will be having a hard time helping other families who also has needs." I did not answer him. He's right. MC Corporation, as one of the largest companies not just in the country but also in Asia, executes a helping program every year. Their company got a lot of support from the masses because of it. This is why their company is well-known across the globe. "It also says here that your father, in order for us to let him have the money, gave us an assurance that if he won't be able to pay his debts, we are allowed to get your house." "M-my father d-died three years a-ago..." I stutter upon reminiscing the tragedy that I faced. "Then we have to get your house," he cold-heartedly answered. I aggressively turn my head at him. Both of his elbows are on his desk. His fingers intertwined with each other as he leaned forward.  No! He can't take our house. That is the only possession left by our parents. I can't let them have it! He rests his chin on his intertwined fingers. His right thumb brushes his lower lip while he is looking intently at me, waiting for what I'll say. "I'm going to negotiate," I said without stuttering. This is it. I have to stand with this. "Is this why you sneaked here?" I was caught off guard by his question. Even he remained calm in his seat, I can still sense his authoritativeness. "H-how... I-I... n-no--"  "I'll let go of it this time since I know you in high school," he put down his arms and crossed them over his chest.  The muscles on his arms flexed and the veins on them became visible. I just noticed that he is not wearing his coat and his white long sleeves are folded into three-fourths. Two of his upper buttons are unbuttoned and his necktie is lazily hanging in his collar, slightly loose.  The throbbing pain in my chest is growing. Defining it as being stabbed by a knife is an understatement. You know me in high school? I loved you since high school! Damn you, Ace! Fcking cheater! Fck you! Fck you! Fck you! I gathered all my strength back and face him blankly. "I'm here to negotiate," I reiterated.  "Speak," he lazily answered. His tone screams that he's not interested at all. I left my janitorial trolly and walk in his direction. He is watching my every move. I stopped in front of him. He tilted his head, demanding of explanation of what I am doing. "I have something to offer," I spoke straightly but my hands are now quivering. I'm thankful that he can't see it since it was covered by his desk. His thick eyebrows positioned as if they were about to meet each other. "Do you have any other possession other than your house?" "I have my body." I looked straight into his eyes but I wished I didn't. I see nothing other than blankness. I saw how his jaw tightens as he gritted his teeth. I clenched my fist to stop my hands from shaking. This is not the time to break down. I have to be strong. For my sister. For myself. "What made you think that your body is worth thousands of dollars?" I blink twice. I don't know how to answer him. I parted my lips but no words escaped my mouth.  "Don't look down on the program laid by this company, Kiya." I felt a shiver on my spine when I heard him mentioned my name. "Once again, the money that your father should be paying will be directly forwarded in the program's fund. I don't use it for my personal benefit." I bowed my head as the tears slide down my cheeks. "A-ace..." I called, pleading.  I can't hold it anymore. With my sister laying in the hospital bed, our bills piling up, the endless night shift at the club, and now, our house is being taken away from us. At 22, I have to shoulder it all.  "Get out, Kiya," he didn't even look at me while saying it. He's busy staring at his laptop screen, typing who knows what. I can't give this up. I did not quit my job as a waitress in the bar just to be a janitress. I am here to offer him myself. This is the only way I can think if I want to pay for my sister's growing hospital bill and to keep our house. As my insides are descending and my mind is starting to lose hope, I did the thing I thought I'll never do.  "P-please..." I said almost in a whisper. Slowly, I bend down my knee and let them hit the marble floor. I placed my trembling hands on my lap. I gasped as I try to keep my cries silent. My hand instinctively went to my mouth and covered it when continuous cries escaped my lips. I heard the harsh move made by Ace as he stands from his seat. His swivel chair hit the wall. He did not even check if it broke. He closed our gap by making huge steps and tried to pull me up. Due to my drained energy and with the help of gravity, he failed. "Damn it, Kiya! Stand the f*ck up!" his voice roared as it echoes to the whole room.  I looked up at him. My eyes are a bit blurry because of the tears that are blocking my sight. His hand is still on my elbow, trying to pull me from my bended knees. "Get up and we will have a talk about your f*cking offer." I turn my head at him. I stopped crying and quickly stand. I wipe my tears and faced him. He faced the opposite side and I have now a clearer view of his sharp-angled jaw.  "Follow me," he did not take a look at me and walk towards the black sofa seat. He sat on the L-shaped seat, waiting for me. I followed him and sat on a vacant seat right across him. I tried to calm myself. However, the traces of my cries are still with me and my breath is still hitching.  Ace stand from his seat and went to his small kitchen. When he got back, he is already holding a glass of water in his right hand. He gave it to me and sat beside me. I accepted and drink it immediately.  The cold water flowing down my throat gave me a refreshing state. As I finished the glass half-emptied, I put it down and faced the man who is looking intently at me. I stared back at him. I reviewed his face and I must say, even after four years, his features haven't changed. Or maybe I did memorize every part of his face that seeing him today makes me think nothing changed at him.  Even at the age of 24, he still doesn't let his beard grows. His dark eyes perfectly matched his thick eyebrows and olive skin.  My eyes traveled down and stoped on his reddish and slightly parted lips. When he realizes where I was staring, he eventually makes it in a thin line. My eyes shifted to the wholeness of his face. I can't fathom what he was thinking but I know exactly what I should do.  Without a second thought, I leaned closer to him and pressed my lips against his.  He did not move nor flinched. He kept his lips straight. He did not kiss back. I feel so degraded... unwanted. Shame crept into me. I pulled back. I look into him. I feel like my whole body is being crushed into tiny bits of pieces when I saw the humiliating look on his face. "Is that what you learned while working on the nightclub?" his voice is dominantly mocking instead of questioning. My eyes widened. How did he know? Did he--. Before I can think of anything that will make my hopes up, he cut off my thoughts. "The company is doing a background check before we let any employee work under this company," he explained. He stands from his seat and grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was resting on the high bar. He poured an ample amount of it onto his glass. "I assume your interviewer asked your previous job?" he added. He turns his back on me and went to the kitchen, not waiting for my response. I nod my head even he won't see it. Early this morning, I was interviewed and asked about my previous job. It was a general question among the interviews so it was not a big deal to me to disclose that kind of information. It's not like Iike I am applying to one of their office jobs. I am applying as a janitress and I think it wouldn't be a big deal if I worked at the nightclub.  Did the CEO have the duty to memorize every background of his employee? Even the janitress? There are thousands of employees working under his company. I wonder if he knows what kind of job does everyone had before working here. He went out of the kitchen and sat back on the L-shape sofa seat in front of me. He leaned his back comfortably on his seat. His left hand rested on his thigh while the other is holding a glass of whiskey. I noticed that it already has ice on it as he slowly moves his glass in a circular motion. The sound of the ice cube hitting the insides of his glass  "I was just a waitress..." I claimed. I don't know if I considered it as true or half-true. Yes, I am a waitress but sometimes, whenever I'm in the midst of strait, I let the customers touch me.  For every touch to my legs, waist, and occasionally-- my behind, I am being paid. But I don't go beyond that. I don't let them kiss me nor touch a part of me that I considered very private. I am not proud of it. But my pride won't make food on our table. It won't pay our bills and it won't help me keep our house. He gave me a scornful look as he hissed. The one side of his lips rose. He obviously displayed that he's not buying it. I did not let the derogatory behavior he makes towards me, forced me to back out. I made it here so I need to push it through. I stand from my seat and I slowly walk towards him. His eyes landed on me lazily. He was not surprised at all. I sat beside him. My hands reach for his upper body as I sensually caressed the unbuttoned buttons of his long sleeves. He slightly tilts his head on the opposite side and siped on his whiskey. I felt so low when he showed how he can easily ignore me while I'm making myself a w***e for him. Even my insides are crushing, I maintained a fierce facade that I usually wear whenever I work. I leaned closer to him while I give small kisses on his neck. I unbuttoned another button on his sleeves without my lips leaving his neck. "Is this what you really want?"  he asked in a low and hoarse voice. I suddenly stopped what I am doing. He took another sip of his whiskey. I stared at him for a second, even his questions were directed on how low I can get myself to, I continued kissing him. This time, I kissed the side of his jaw. My lips traveled up to his ear and licked his lobe before whispering my answer. "Yes." No. This is not what I want but this is what I need. He drank all the remaining whiskey in his glass on one gulp. He reaches for the table and puts the glass on it.  I was caught off guard when he aggressively pulled the back of my hair and harshly pressed his lips against mine. A moan escaped my mouth when he bit my lower lip, making me part them.  He pushed me back by his lips. My back felt the softness of the sofa seat. He positioned his hand at the side of my head to support his weight above me. He did not leave my lips as his fingers of his right hand run through the zipper of my janitress uniform.  Our kisses went deeper and wilder. He unzipped my upper uniform, revealing my plain black brassiere. He pushed it aside to have a sight of my breasts. He pulled from our kiss and stared directly at me. His dark eyes are now burning with desire as he scrutinizes my half-naked body. As much as I want to cover it, I stopped myself. If he wants to stare at it, then be it. I'll let him do whatever he wants. Without a word, he attacked my neck with his lips. He let his elbow and his arm supported his weight as he completely closed our gap. His left hand pulled my hair, making my head fall back. He sucked the side of my neck, leaving a mark on it.  A whimper escaped me when his free hand travel on the softness of my mounds. He reaches for my back and expertly unhooks my brassiere. I wonder how he easily unhooked it. Does he bed girls inside of his office too? Am I not the only one? I snapped back in reality when I felt his hand squeezing my right mound while the other one was being occupied by his lips. His hand traveled down my stomach and stopped on the garterized pants of my uniform. His lips went back to mine and started colliding with each other. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. Without a warning, he inserted his hand in my pants and cupped my front bottom.  My moan went louder than earlier. He pulled away from our kiss and stared intently at me. I felt his fingers running through my thing between my legs. I tightly closed my eyes as I felt the foreign sensation.  He was the only one who got to touch me there. He's my first. It's been a long since we did it. I was only 18 back then, and he was 20.  I winced as I felt a pang of pain when he inserted a finger in it. His eyes did not leave mine as his finger moved in and out of me. He added another finger that made my moan louder. My eyes are now half-closed-- getting dizzy from the moves of his fingers. "A-ace..." I moaned his name.  I felt so ashamed when he did not respond but instead, he moved his fingers faster. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming loudly. "Uncover your mouth," he said when he saw what I did. I submissively obeyed. His fingers are still busy with my down there while he is watching me responds to his moves. When I felt that I am near the climax, he eventually pulled out his finger. My weary eyes confusingly looked at him. He did not let me finish. He motioned his finger at me. "Lick," he commanded. My eyes went wider upon hearing what he said. I watched him closely but his expression didn't change. His stranger-looking eyes are still piercing into me.  With my quivering lips, I slowly part my mouth and do what I was told. I cleaned up his finger with my tongue, making me taste myself. Tears are slowly forming in my lower lids. Before a tear can escape my eyes, Ace pulled his fingers out of my mouth and turn his back. He grabbed his glass on the center table and went to the high-end bar on the left side of the room. I saw him poured another whiskey. He walks near the glass windows that overlook the city lights. "Dress up." I sniffed and wipe the unshed tears so they won't fall down. I felt... used. But this is what I needed to do right? I have to satisfy him.  I composed myself and sat. I crossed my hands over my chest to cover my exposed upper body. I fixed my lingerie as well as my uniform.  His eyes are still glued on the dark vast sky above the colorful lights of the night city. "It's late. You better get going," he said as he sipped on his whiskey, not bothering to give me a glance. Hurt. That is an understatement of what I am feeling right now. A tear slide down my cheek on which I quickly wipe away. With my fake braveness, I asked, "What about our deal? And won't you pay me for my service tonight?" I gulped upon completing the sentence. I want to reward myself for not stuttering. "It's a deal done. I'll finalize our contract tomorrow," he faced me. A questioning look is plastered on my face. Before I can spit the question, he explained, "I don't trust words, Kiya. I'll make you sign a contract." I nod my head as a response. He walks to his desk on the center part of the room and pulled to open a drawer. He grabbed a handy rectangular stack of paper. He picks a pen on his table and writes something on it. He then tears it out of the stack and walks towards me. He stopped in front of me and stretches his arm, lending me the paper. He did not wait for my hand to get it instead, he let go of it and the thin paper fell on my lap. He then walks back to the glass window, watching the night sky. With my shaking hands, I picked it. It's a cheque. $1000.  Oh, a thousand dollars for fingering me. I said, degrading myself. "T-thanks. I'll go n-now," I stuttered. I thank all the gods and goddesses that he's not looking in my direction. When I realize that he won't answer, I went to my janitorial trolley that was useless the whole time. I hurriedly dragged it out of his room before I burst out crying. My back rested on the closed door. I slowly slid down as I covered my mouth after letting myself cry silently. I have no idea that we will be seeing each other in this situation. A night with him will start the changes in my life tomorrow. Isn't it ironic? The one who broke me before is also the person that can fix the broken me today. ----- Unedited. Expect typo and grammatical errors. ----- A Night With My Ex by: Joanne Cristel ©2021
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