Chapter One

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Princess Nuru's Pov “Your mate’s pleasure is the most important thing to you as an omega,” the omega teacher in front of us said in the familiar drawl I was used to. Today’s lesson was very important as it was about how to please your mate, but I struggled to concentrate. Crudely drawn figures that alluded to mating positions accompanied the title, making it hard to understand what was going on. A video would have sufficed given the teachers’ art skills were as good as non-existent. The drawings looked like something a five-year-old might produce on a bad day. The rest of the students half-heartedly tried to follow along, but most of them gave up after a few minutes. This would not be the class where anyone discovered the particular skill. I needed to concentrate, given I had dedicated myself to learning everything I could to please my future mate. The thought of him was enough to make a small smile grace my face. Cedric. The most perfect Alpha to grace the wolf world in my opinion. I was the best in the cooking class, pup-rearing, and homemaking classes. This was my last class. I had to be the best to ensure that I left no doubt I was the best option for him. With my presentation and the courting season looming above me, I was always on edge, added by the fact that I was on suppressants 24/7 to shield my scent from everyone else. An idea that stemmed from my father, who insisted that it added more mystery to me so that I could be more alluring and mysterious to potential mates. This, in turn, caused a strain between my wolf and I. “During your heat is the only time your needs surpass your mates and it is also the best time to complete the mating bond and also get pregnant,’’ the teacher continued. I had missed something in between, but I couldn’t be faulted. I had a letter from my mother waiting for me in my room and two weeks till the training ended and we were all sent home. Everything that awaited me was enough to put me on edge as I dreaded the date that was looming closer than ever. The lesson ended with me chastising myself for not listening enough, but we had one more week of classes before we wrapped it all up. The other omegas began chattering after the teacher left and all I could think of was the letter that was waiting for me. Like everyone else, they had confiscated my phone for the time, but being the Princess came with a few perks. My mom could send me letters once in a while. “I am so excited to leave,’’ Anna, my close friend, whispered beside me. We had been in the program for six months, waiting to be presented with the Alphas in our age group and a few older ones who were yet to find mates. And all the Omega’s eyes were on one particular Alpha. Alpha Cedric. With Pandia alphas becoming scarcer as years went by, he was the one every female omega, whether Pandia or Menai, was aiming to mate with. “Me too,’’ I replied to Anna, hoping my voice carried the enthusiasm I lacked. I was not the least bit excited thinking of what waited for me at home. My father had been counting down the days before they would present me, as if the fate of the kingdom depended on it. It did, but he was too enthusiastic in a way that made me dread being back in his presence, “So, the girls are planning to do something next weekend before we leave,’’ Anna whispered, looking around, hoping no one had heard her. 'The girls’ were her newly acquired friends from the class who were always up to no good. Anna had always passed the invitations to me, but I had always declined to join them. “What exactly?” I whispered back. I needed something to get my mind off everything . For this once, I would entertain them. “It’s a secret. We will find out on that day. You in?’’ She asked, her gaze searching me curiously. I looked at the other omegas in question. So far, despite their numerous shenanigans, they had yet to be caught. “Don’t be a puss. You need to at least make some memories with us,’’ she pestered. “Fine,” I replied half-heartedly. I had nothing to lose. Just like me, they also had to be careful. They were pedigree omegas from important families. We broke away from each other as we each separated into our rooms, and I found the letter slipped under my door, the royal seal like a beacon begging me to open it immediately. Tearing through the envelope, I sat down, going through the few words that decorated the letter. Hello Nuru, Your Father, the King, sends his greetings. We are both well and so is everyone else in the palace. Be informed that your lady-in-waiting, Lily, passed away a few days ago. We are currently working on a replacement. Your father wants a male Musaeus helper this time since you are going to be around Alphas after you are presented and search for a mate. Looking forward to seeing you. Regards, Queen Reina. Just like all the other letters, it was completely concise and straight to the point. My father’s influence sprinkled all over. Despite everything, I was thankful for it. It was a warning. Morn before you come back to the palace. We will not give you time to. My lady-in-waiting had practically raised me. She had stepped up when my mother had not and now she was gone. A heavy weight settled in my stomach as tears pricked my eyes. I had few allies at the palace, but the most important one was gone. Now I was truly alone.
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