Chapter 6: Tracing Her Steps

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As Marcus followed Thessalia deeper into the woods, he became more aware of the crunching leaves and twigs under his feet. Suddenly, he felt like he was being watched, and he quickly turned around to find Charice standing there near the bushes, a look of curiosity on her face. "What brings you out here, Marcus?" she asked, her tone neutral but her eyes searching. Marcus tried to maintain his composure, but he couldn't help feeling a twinge of guilt at being caught. "Just taking a walk," Marcus said casually, trying to hide his unease. "You know how it is, sometimes you just need to clear your head." Charice raised an eyebrow as she asked with a low voice, "Are you sure? Isn't the event not over yet?" Marcus hesitated for a moment, unsure of what he should say to her. They were not just close friends, but soulmates bound by an unbreakable bond. However, Marcus knew that even with their strong connection, he still had to be careful with his words. "Just needed some fresh air," he said finally, hoping that Charice would drop the subject. "I see." Her expression softened. And with her voice tinged with concern, she asked, "And did you happen to see Thessalia pass by?" Hesitated for a moment, Marcus tried to keep his tone nonchalant when he said, "Uh, yeah, I think I saw her earlier. She slipped away from the gathering and headed towards the woods." Charice raised an eyebrow, sensing Marcus was not telling her everything. "And?" she prodded, her eyes searching his face. "And what?" Marcus asked, playing dumb. "And did you talk to her?" Charice pressed. Marcus shook his head. "No, she disappeared before I could catch up to her," he added, hoping to reassure her. Charice's brow furrowed. "Was she going out alone? She knows the dangers of the woods in the night." "Yes, she was alone." Suddenly, Marcus felt a pang of guilt. He knew that Thessalia was avoiding him, but he also couldn't help but worry about her safety. "Well then, we need to find her," he said determinedly, pushing aside his own feelings for the moment. "I hope you can help me find her," Charice said with a smile. "And Marcus, be careful. There are rumors of rogue lycan packs in the area." Marcus nodded, grateful for her concern. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Charice turned to leave, but then paused and looked back at him. "Hey, if you want some company on your walk, I'm free. It's always better to have someone to watch your back, especially with the rogue lycan pack around." Marcus nodded, grateful for the offer. "Sure, that would be great. Thanks, Charice." Charice nodded in response, and they set off in the direction that Thessalia had gone. "So, have you heard about the rogue lycan packs in the area?" Charice asked, breaking the silence. Marcus frowned, "Yeah, I heard the rumors. Have they caused any trouble yet?" "No, but it's always better to be alert," Charice replied, scanning the woods for any signs of danger. "We should make sure that our pack members are aware of the danger and take precautions." Charice nodded in agreement, "I'll make sure to spread the word to our pack as well." As they continued to search for Thessalia, Marcus couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. He had been so close to talking to her in private, but it seemed like fate had other plans. They continued to walk in silence for a few moments, scanning the woods for any sign of Thessalia. "I can't believe she just disappeared like that," Charice said, breaking the silence. "Do you think she's okay?" "I'm sure she's fine," Marcus said, trying to sound reassuring. "She's a tough one." Charice looked at him like she knew what he meant and she said, "I'm not worried about her being tough, Marcus. I'm worried about her being alone out there with the rumors of rogue lycan packs roaming around." Marcus felt a twinge of guilt at the mention of the rogue lycan packs. He knew that he should have been more careful and not let his personal feelings cloud his judgment. "I know, I know," Marcus said, his voice heavy with regret. "Let's keep looking, maybe we'll find her soon." Charice nodded in agreement and they continued to search the woods for Thessalia. The silence between them was heavy, and Marcus couldn't help but feel awkward. As they walked, his mind wandered back to Thessalia. He couldn't help but wonder where she was and what she was doing. He wished he could talk to her, but he knew that it was best to keep his distance for now. While Marcus and Charice continued to search for Thessalia, they were completely unaware that Thessalia had been watching them from a hidden spot nearby. She knew that she couldn't risk being seen by either of them, especially Marcus, after what had happened between them. She watched as they walked deeper into the woods, her heart racing with nervousness. She didn't want to be found, but she also couldn't bring herself to leave. Thessalia couldn't help but feel a twinge of mixed emotions as she watched Marcus and Charice going out together. She knew that they were soulmates, but she couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that they had each other. At the same time, she felt happy to see them getting along so well. It was a relief to know that Marcus had someone as loyal and trustworthy as Charice by his side. They were clearly devoted to each other, and it was heartwarming to see them. It was a feeling she tried to push down, knowing that it was irrational and unfair. After all, Marcus was not hers to claim. As Thessalia continued to watch them from her hidden spot, trying to keep her emotions in check, she couldn't help but wonder how different things might have been if she had never given in to her desire for Marcus that fateful night. Would she still be able to stand here and watch them together without feeling a sense of longing and regret? She let out a deep sigh and shook her head, trying to push those thoughts out of her mind. The situation was what it was, and she needed to accept it. Thessalia hesitated for a moment before turning away from the place. She knew that it was best for her to leave and avoid any further complications.
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