Chapter 4: The Pack Event

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A few weeks later, there will be an annual pack gathering, a large event where werewolves from different packs come together to socialize and exchange information. In spite of their best efforts to avoid one another, Thessalia and Marcus will be present at the event and may very well run into one another there. Thessalia had been dreading the pack event for days. She knew that Marcus would certainly be there, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face him. As she made her way with her foster family towards the gathering, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to put on a brave face and focus on the task at hand. She tried to shake off her nerves and remind herself that she needed to put on a strong front for her pack. But the thought of meeting Marcus made her feel uneasy. She had spent the past few days trying to distance herself from him, avoiding any situations where they might come face to face. But now, at the pack event, it seemed inevitable that they would cross paths. She took a deep breath and tried to steel herself for what was to come. She knew that she couldn't avoid Marcus forever, and it was time to face the situation head-on. When she got closer to the pack event, she could feel her heart beating faster. She could hear the chatter and laughter of her fellow packmates from a distance, but her mind was consumed with the thoughts of meeting Marcus. She knew that she had to keep her distance from him, for their own good. Thessalia felt a mixture of relief and anxiety as she weaved her way through the crowd. She tried her best to blend in with the pack members, hoping that she wouldn't see Marcus anywhere. But despite her efforts, she could still sense his presence nearby. She just kept her gaze fixed ahead, determined not to give in to the pull she felt towards him. She knew that such kinds of feelings would only make things more complicated. She finally found her group of friends and joined in their conversation, hoping to distract herself from Marcus's presence. But even in the midst of their lighthearted banter, Thessalia can't help but keep scanning the crowd, looking for any sign of Marcus. As she made her way towards the refreshment table, she tried to focus on getting a glass of water and finding a quiet corner to sit and collect herself. But just as she was about to take a sip of her water, she heard a voice behind her. "Thessalia, right?" She turned around to see a young werewolf from the neighboring pack standing before her. He had a friendly smile on his handsome face, and Thessalia couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the distraction. "Yeah, that's me," she replied, returning his smile, but felt awkward trying to remember who this man was and why he knew her name. "I'm Jacob, from the pack down south. Remember?" he said, extending his hand. Thessalia was surprised to see Jacob standing in front of her. She vaguely remembered meeting him once before, at a pack gathering a few years ago. He had been friendly enough, but they hadn't really talked much. "Of course, I remember," she said with a smile and shook his hand, feeling a sense of camaraderie between them. "It's good to see you again," Jacob said, smiling back at her. "I've heard a lot about you and your pack. You guys have a great reputation." Thessalia felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks at the compliment. "Thank you," she said, feeling a little bashful. As they chatted, Thessalia felt her anxiety fade away. For a brief moment, she was able to forget about Marcus and the complicated situation they were in. She felt a glimmer of hope that maybe things could go back to the way they were before that one-night stand. She was then greeted by her best friends, Lynn and Sophia. They hugged and chatted excitedly, but she couldn't help but feel distracted. She couldn't shake the feeling that Marcus was watching her every move. As she looked up, she locked her eyes with Marcus, who was chatting with the others at the table. He was watching her from a distance with an indescribable look, but she tried her best to ignore him and focus on her friends. Noticing the distant look in her eyes, Lynn asked, "Are you okay? You seem a little off." Thessalia forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, not wanting her two best friends to find out her inner turmoil. Sophia looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure? You seem like you're on edge." Thessalia shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I'm just a little nervous about the event. You know how it is." Lynn and Sophia exchanged a look, clearly unconvinced. But before they could press about it, the Alphas, Alphaess and Betas made their way to the front of the gathering to address the pack. As the Alphaess spoke, Thessalia found herself getting lost in her words. The Alphaess spoke of the importance of unity and loyalty within the pack, and Thessalia couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in being a part of such a tight-knit community. She looked around at her fellow pack members, feeling grateful for the sense of belonging that being a part of the pack brought her. She could hear the chatter and laughter of the other pack members, but she couldn't bring herself to join in. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Marcus and their one-night stand. She knew that no one else knew about it, but the weight of the secret was heavy on her shoulders. As she stood off to the side, pretending to be engrossed in her phone, she couldn't help but steal glances at Marcus. She could see the conflict in his eyes, the same conflict that she felt in herself. When the night wore on, Thessalia found herself drawn towards a group of old friends, laughing and chatting away. She was having a good time, but she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. Glancing around the crowd, she saw Marcus standing on the edge of the group, his gaze fixed on her. She quickly turned away, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. For the rest of the night, they still managed to avoid each other, not even exchanging a single word. It was clear to both of them that things had changed between them, as their one-night stand had created an unspoken tension that neither of them knew how to handle. Despite their best efforts to avoid one another, Marcus inadvertently made his way towards her, keeping a safe distance, and Thessalia found herself standing next to him. For a moment, they both stood in silence, not daring to make eye contact. It was as if they were both holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. But just as Marcus was about to speak, someone called out to him from across the room, breaking the tense moment. Thessalia quickly retreated, feeling both relieved and disappointed. She knew that they couldn't keep avoiding each other forever, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to face the consequences of their actions just yet. As the speeches came to an end and the event began to wind down, Thessalia felt a sense of relief wash over her. The tension and anxiety that she had been feeling earlier in the day began to dissipate, replaced by a feeling of contentment and belonging. She hugged her friends goodbye, feeling grateful for their support and company, and made her way back alone to the cabin.
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