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Victoria and Nestor sat down for dinner, the aroma of freshly cooked dishes wafting through the air. The atmosphere was cozy, with the dim light from a nearby lamp casting a warm glow on the table. "So, Nestor," Victoria began, sipping from her glass of water, "I heard some interesting news about the newcomers from Manila. They seem to have quite the story." Nestor looked up from his plate, curiosity evident in his eyes. "Oh, really? What did you hear?" "Well," Victoria started, taking a bite of her meal, "apparently, there's a family that recently moved here. A daughter returned from the United States after studying culinary arts. Quite the accomplished chef, I must say." Nestor raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A chef, you say? That's impressive. What's her name?" "Carmela," Victoria replied, savoring the flavors of her dish. "Carmela, the daughter of Martin, our neighbor. She inherited her mother's beauty, they say." Nestor nodded, his interest piqued. "And what brings her to Eldoria?" "She and her father bought the old resort by the beach. They're planning to turn it into a business. Quite ambitious, don't you think?" "That's quite the venture," Nestor remarked, cutting into his meat. "What does Martin think about it?" Victoria chuckled. "Martin seems thrilled about the prospect. He sees it as an opportunity for growth in our quiet town. Eldoria might see some changes soon." Nestor listened attentively as Victoria shared more details about Carmela's background and the potential impact of the new endeavor on Eldoria. The dinner conversation flowed, filled with anticipation and curiosity about the unfolding developments in their tranquil town. As they continued their dinner, Victoria and Nestor delved deeper into the details of Carmela's return and her plans for the old resort. Nestor, chewing thoughtfully on a forkful of food, asked, "Do you think this venture will bring significant changes to Eldoria?" Victoria nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and contemplation. "It's quite possible. Carmela seems determined, and Martin is genuinely enthusiastic about revitalizing that old place. Who knows, we might see new faces around here, perhaps even tourists." Nestor smiled at the thought. "Tourists could bring more opportunities for everyone. Eldoria could become a destination, not just a quiet seaside town." "Exactly," Victoria agreed. "And with Carmela's culinary expertise, the town might gain recognition for its unique flavors. I heard she's planning to showcase local ingredients and traditional recipes." "That's wonderful," Nestor remarked. "Preserving our local culture and bringing prosperity to Eldoria—it sounds like a win-win." Their conversation meandered through various topics, from the potential benefits of the resort's transformation to their aspirations for the future of Eldoria. The prospect of change hung in the air, and Victoria and Nestor found themselves caught in the excitement of what lay ahead. As they shared their thoughts, a sense of unity emerged between them, a shared anticipation for the transformation that Carmela and his father Martin might bring to Eldoria. Little did they know that the currents of change had already begun, subtly weaving through the fabric of their lives. ***** Like Carmela's intentions since yesterday, she began her leisurely stroll around the entire resort. Growing impatient, she stepped out to revisit the shoreline. The sun had not yet climbed too high in the sky, and its gentle warmth embraced her skin. Adorned in a simple, sleeveless white dress with floral patterns, she stood watching the rhythmic dance of the waves along the shoreline. Her hair, left untied, swayed freely with the breeze, kissed by the gentle caress of the wind. Unbeknownst to her, her flowing locks became a point of attraction for some onlookers, Nestor included. ****** "She's incredibly beautiful..." Nestor whispered with admiration as he stood transfixed, watching the woman from a distance. He knew exactly who she was—Carmela. Since last night, when he overheard her name during a conversation with Victoria, she lingered in his thoughts. He couldn't quite understand why. In truth, he couldn't pinpoint why, after a simple and seemingly ordinary chat with Victoria, he found himself intensely curious about Carmela. ***** IN a matter of moments, Carmela felt the seemingly paired gaze fixated on her. Shifting her focus from the vast and seemingly endless expanse of water before her, she scanned her surroundings to pinpoint the source. Her search did not go in vain. Not far from where she stood, a tall, dark-skinned, undeniably handsome stranger stood. At the mere thought of him, Carmela couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement that swiftly embraced her heart with a flutter. For a few moments, Carmela locked eyes with the stranger. Then, as if on cue, when he began to make a move, seemingly prepared to approach her, she was abruptly interrupted by the consecutive calls of her yaya, Ising. "Hija, your father has been looking for you since a while ago. The table is set. Why did you go out alone?" Ising inquired in a tone that unmistakably revealed her concern for Carmela. "It's remarkably tranquil here in Eldoria, Nanny Ising," she replied, seemingly absentminded, as she momentarily turned her gaze towards the spot where the man had been standing. Whether Carmela admitted it to herself or not, she knew she felt a pang of regret when she found that he was no longer there. After that, she couldn't contain a soft sigh, as if a sigh of its own accord escaped her. "Do you know the news, Nestor?" Later that day, Ariel, Nestor's friend and fellow fisherman, visited him. Nestor was busy preparing the nets he would use for tomorrow's fishing expedition. "What news?" he asked, stealing a glance at Ariel, who had just arrived and was now smilingly turning his attention to Victoria, handing her a cup of coffee. "There's going to be a party at the resort, and Don Martin plans to get fish from us for the celebration!" Ariel shared enthusiastically. "That's good news, Ariel. Where did you hear about it?" Victoria, seated on the staircase, asked. Like Nestor, she held a cup of coffee. "From Nanny Ising herself. They say she takes care of Don Martin's child," Ariel explained further. In the brief silence that followed, Ariel spoke again. "If it's alright with you, Nestor, let's visit the resort now. It's guaranteed that many fishermen will flock there. It's better if we're among the first. At least that way, we're sure to have buyers for our catch," Ariel persuaded Nestor. Nestor took a moment to contemplate Ariel's suggestion. Then he glanced at Victoria, who nodded in approval. "When you come back, dinner will be ready," she added. Nestor nodded and left Ariel and Victoria. As they walked away, Ariel couldn't help but comment. "You've been together with Victoria for quite some time now, huh?" "Five years," Nestor replied without looking at Ariel. "Why haven't you married her yet?" Ariel asked Nestor again. Nestor didn't respond immediately. Instead, he sighed. "I still haven't saved enough. I want our wedding to be beautiful, at least a decent celebration," he explained, turning to look at Ariel. "That's not important, Nestor. Victoria loves you very much. I'm sure she'll accept everything about you. No matter how simple it may be." In silence, Nestor agreed with Ariel's words. Yet, in his mind, the truth lingered—though he himself didn't know the real reason why, he still hadn't proposed to Victoria.
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