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Margret I place the bag of toiletries in my suitcase and finally zip it up after hours of packing. Dress, shoes, make-up, lingerie, shorts, razors...Shit! Did I pack any razors? I unzipped my suitcase once again and ran through my checklist again to make sure I had everything I needed. "Almost ready, Ms. Hill?" "It's still Miss Medina until I say I do", I teased him. He came up behind me, put his arms around me, and whispered into my ear. "Are you trying to tell me no?" "After all these years? Never" I turned my head back and stole a kiss from him and tried to sneak away until he gripped me tighter and turned me around. He smashed his lips into mine and pushed his tongue through my lips. I happily parted them and ran my hand up the back of his shirt. Beep! Beep! Beep! "Thats the alarm," he said slowly, breaking away from me. "We have got to get in the car now or we'll miss our flight." "Fine". He grabbed my suitcase and opened the door for me on our way out. He put our bags in the trunk and the taxi took us to the airport. "Seattle, here we come!" I looked back and Denise, our foster mom, waved goodbyes at us from our tiny home. Lucas was here first. He came when he was 12 and roughly six months later I joined them when I was 11. We had become fast friends and were inseparable and we even started looking after each other when Denise lost her husband and fell into a dark depression. Denise was an older lady and her husband passed away four years ago in a car accident on his way home from work. She had decided then to let us stay with her until we graduated high school because she didn't want us to be separated and she knew we could take care of each other. After a while, she had become the closest thing we had to a mother. Although she never let us call her that, we could only call her Denise or Deni for short. The house was originally two bedrooms but she had turned the master into two separate rooms, giving me and Lucas our own space. We were in the same grade and went through middle and high school together and it wasn't until I was 16 that the relationship between Lucas and I had changed from friends to lovers. I had my first heartbreak when Jimmy, my first high school boyfriend, cheated on me with my now ex-best friend Jasmine. He comforted me while I cried and after I spent a couple of weeks grieving, I decided I was ready to get back out there. I had been out on some dates with real losers and one night Lucas had managed to get some alcohol and we climbed the tree in our backyard and drank while we watched the stars. After we both had a bit too much to drink, Lucas had confessed to me that he had always liked me. I wasn't sure at first how I felt, but then he had kissed me before I could say anything and I knew at that moment that we were meant to be together. We decided that when we graduated we would join the military, but before we enlisted we would get married so we could stay together. We had never traveled and we had some money saved up for emergencies, but now that we're graduated we decided to use this money to have a destination wedding and a real vacation before we went off to serve our country. After months of debating, we decided we would get married in Washington because we always dreamed of moving there. I looked over to my left and I took a moment to take him all in. He still had a smile on his face and the hair on his head passed his eyebrows, causing him to move his hair to the side. He has light brown eyes and dark brown hair, his skin was a bit fair but darker than mine. He's six foot two now, which is surprising to think because when we met I was taller than him. He had a later in life growth spurt and it was not until just recently that he grew into his body. This trip would also be the first night we were ever away from home, which means it would also be our first time alone together. Denise was really religious and made us promise to wait until we were married or she would give us back because she couldn't handle the drama that came with foster kids dating, which was a big no-no. I wasn't nervous about losing my virginity to him. I was actually so excited that I didn't know if I could wait. He felt me staring at him and turned towards me. "Soon," he says and reaches out to hold my hand. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes mine back. "I love you, Ms. Hill" I rolled my eyes at him. "I love you too, Mr. Hill" We arrived at the airport and he got our bags and, after checking in and finding our boarding area, and waiting what felt like hours, we were finally on our plane and only a few hours away from Seattle. When we landed, we rushed to grab our luggage and rushed to our destination. We didn't want to wait any longer, so we had planned that when we landed we would have a moonlit wedding in the mountains and stay in the honeymoon cabin that we spent our last dime on. The clouds in the sky were turning gray and it was getting darker outside and Lucas could see my panic. "We'll be married tonight, my love." His words reassured me and he finally got the keys to our rental car that thanks to Denise we were able to get. He jingled the keys in front of me and smiled. "Ready?" "Definitely", I kissed him and before I could grab my suitcase he grabbed both of them and we made our way to the car. "Do you have the address?" "Yes," I put it on the car's GPS and it said we would be there in an hour and a half. "Just a bit longer" I joked. We were about halfway through our trip and the weather turned sour and a storm warning came on through the radio. " That's right behind us, so we must have made it before it could hit us. We'll just have to move the ceremony inside. Everything will be alright", he tried to reassure me and I could see in our rearview mirror the black clouds but it was behind us, so I tried not to worry. We were along the cliffside of the mountain and on the left of us was the ocean. I just silently prayed and crossed my fingers that we would make it to the top of the mountain. It was about fifteen minutes later when the black clouds were now above us, the wind was starting to pick up and the rain was starting. The rain hit the window and it sounded like glass breaking and it was getting harder to see, so Lucas slowed down. "We'll be alright, I'll get us there." "I know you will, I trust you." I could see the lights from the town beneath us and as we were coming around the turn we could see a blaring light coming from the front of us. "What is that?" "I'm not sure slow down a bit more". As he braked, something was caught beneath our tire and it popped the wheel, causing us t spin out. Our car hit the railing and tumbled over it. My butt lifted from my seat when the car turned upside down. I used my arms to brace myself but my head hit the dash and I blacked out. After what feels like years, I open my eyes and my vision is hazy, but I could hear and smell the ocean. Water was crashing into our car and I could semi-see Lucas through the haze. His head was lying against the steering wheel and I think I could see him bleeding. I try and reach out to touch him but I'm so weak I can't. "Lu...Luc...Lu...Luca...Lucas" I tried getting his attention and that's when I could start feeling my legs get cold, I look down and see that the water was rising. "Lucas" I get out in a dry crackled voice, my vision still hazy I try to move and check my surroundings but can't see anything clearly. I feel around and try to unbuckle my seatbelt. I managed to get it off and I pushed the door open and fell out of the car onto the ridge before I could move around I see a bright light coming towards us. Is this heaven? I felt something running down my face blocking my vision and when I went to wipe it, I checked my hand after and saw that it turned red. I looked back to see Lucas and the car was disappearing. "Lucas? Lucas? Lucas?!" "Over here" I heard a strange voice call out. I reached out for him but something was pulling me away and everything faded to black.
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