
321 Words
Alex Williams:- A friendly personality girl but sometimes behaver's as a hotheaded b***h, attitude Queen, introvert.. And childish. Divorced by her ex husband Thomas bender. Single from 3 years. Working as a chief executive officer of crystal jewelry company. Cheerful girl with lots of miseries. Thomas bender.:- Tomas bender billionaire businessman. CEO and owner of Snow multinational company of city X. Rude, arrogant, ambitious, perfectionist, aggressive, passionate and  very handsome, Ex husband of Alex Williams. Divorced but hiding it from world. Known as prince bachelor. James Lawrence :- Chief head of sales in Crystal jewelry company Co-worker of Alex Williams. Having crush on Alex from a year. Super friendly, playful, cheeky boy, handsome .Popular in female colleagues. sensitive personality, part of elite professional team, secretly rich but works in small company to proof his father. positive person, a good advisor and so much stubborn. Ana Warner:- Owner of crystal jewelry company. Ambitious women. Intolerance to poor people. Arrogant, bossy, rude, hot, Every male employees Queen of honor. Self centered personality. insensitive person, wanted to dominate the man chauvinist world. Hate Ana Williams a lot  Linda Hayden:- Alex ex friend. Fashionable diva, Model by profession. Selfish type of personality. Madly in love with Thomas. Was jealous of Alex for marrying Tomas. chasing after money and fame. behaves madly alt he time . can't tolerate Alex to look happy at all . Vivek seea :- Biker guy. Famous for handsome looks. College king. Bossy, silly, rich father's son. Childish picky boy. college king. most popular fore his famous affair with ministers daughter.  +++here the some of characters from the story many more are on the line. they will come into light when the time comes as the story get up furtherer. so don't miss any parts of the story. I hope you will enjoy this story.. please like this story and you can suggest me some plots for future story adaptions.
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