I'll be watching

1166 Words
Maria was shaking as she closed the office door, Mona stood waiting for her, 'how did it go?' her cousin asked, a smirk on her lips. Before even going inside to speak to Mrs Chapman, Mona had told her it would be pointless. She was Chase's mum, she would only every take the side of her son, and Mona tried to remind her that it was Andrew who threw the first punch. As they walked down the hall it was clear the whole school was talking about the fight. Whispers and quick glances told Maria people knew she had been involved. 'I don't want to get into it' Maria replied, walking away. She wasn't in the mood to hear I told you so. 'Rude, but I'm hungry so you can talk while I eat because I want to hear all about it,' Mona led them to the canteen, thankfully it was still early and so almost empty. Sitting on an empty table away from straining ears, Maria wasn't in the mood to see anyone. Now everyone looked at her and spoke about it and although she had Mona, it was Andrew she needed. Maria waited for Mona to sit with a plate of food and started, 'it went worse than I thought. She literally threatened to have Andrew expelled, and to have you kicked off the cheerleading team’ Mona gasped and stopped eating, ‘at the moment the deal is, I become a cheerleader…apparently, I’m lacking in school spirit. How messed up is that, having to cheer for the animal that attacked Andrew!’ Mona looked at her seriously, ‘Maria, if I lose my spot…my grades are crap. Teachers let me get away with it because I’m on the cheer squad, but without that I will not get into a decent college.’ Maria took her hand, ‘I’m not letting you get kicked off. I’ve said I’ll join the team, I’ll wave pom poms and cheer, and Andrew will only be off for the week. She’s calling it a leave of sickness as opposed to suspension, but she’s made it clear, I basically piss her off one more time and all three of us are f****d’. Mona looked with sympathy at her cousin. She knew Maria was stubborn and probably wouldn't mind missing a couple of weeks over things, if only to make a point, but there was no way she would let her or Andrew suffer. 'How did you think it was going to go?' she asked her. Mona knew how the conversation was going to be. Chase was the school's golden child. He pulled in the crowds at games, sponsors wanted him signed, and because of him every other guy on that team had a shot of a scholarship. Not to mention his mum was in charge of the school. 'You know what Mona, I seriously don't need to hear I told you so' Maria snapped. It wasn't so much Mona she was angry with, she was dreading having to tell Andrew the news. 'Well, I wasn't going to say that. What I was going to say is that maybe I could help you with the whole cheer thing, and yes, I overheard the whole conversation with Mrs Chapman. You didn't think I was going to let you go in completely alone, did you?' 'Why did you ask me then?' Mona simply shrugged, 'Thanks for the offer, I have a feeling I’m going to need help. Mona, I haven’t danced in ages, and frankly, I have no idea how to be flipped about and how to do all those tricks. There is no way I’m going to manage to be cheering Friday at the game’ Mona finished eating and headed back to class. Maria had a free. She wasn’t sure what to do. All she knew was she wanted to avoid Chase. She headed over to the gym, to talk to the coach and pick up a uniform. Mona could help her practice after school. Slowly she would have to learn. She knocked on the coach’s office door, but it was Ryan who answered. She hated him, his smug, superior attitude. It didn't help he constantly made twin jokes whenever he saw her and Mona together, 'Well if it isn't the lovely Maria, come to help me warm up?’ he leered at her. ‘I can safely say never to that. I’m looking for the coach. Have you seen him?’ 'Come on Maria, we both know he's just an excuse. Admit it. You wanted to catch a peak of me changing,' 'No Ryan, I really am looking for the coach, apparently I’m a cheerleader now and need to pick up a uniform,' 'Ah so the rumours are true, I have to say my fantasies are coming to life. You and Mona both in your little outfits, bouncing about…..' He rubbed his fingers down her arm as he spoke, just as he was about to say more, a voice behind her cut him off, 'I didn't know you were looking for a fight Ryan?' Chase said. His voice made Maria jump. She hadn't heard him approach but, now he was so close to her she could feel the heat radiating from him body. Suddenly she was conscious she was too close. Inbetween Ryan and Chase, Maria stepped to the side, 'Can't blame a guy for trying,' sneered Ryan, walking past Chase. As cocky as he was, Ryan wasn't willing to go up against Chase, they were best friends, but also Chase wasn’t stable, plus he’d claimed her, ‘just having some fun bro’ he raised his hands in defeat. He walked off, leaving them to it. 'Looking for me?' his piercing blue eyes met hers. Stepping closer, her back against the wall, he could feel her, it was exciting, the look in her eyes. He could barely conceal his lust and didn't care if he didn't. She swallowed, not wanting to be this close to him, she had resolved over the weekend to try and put more distance between them. Not wanting to meet his eye, she made herself. ‘I spoke to your mum; Andrew will be back next week’. She was uncomfortable this close to him. He had hurt Andrew, really hurt him, and it was only through luck that he wasn't out for longer. Suddenly she wished someone else had been there. She didn’t want to be alone with him. Chase just smiled and raised his hand, she flinched, and he stroked her cheek with the back of it, smiling, enjoying the moment. 'I’m sure you’re thrilled. But like Ryan, I’m more interested in watching you cheer for me. Tell me Maria, will it pain you to celebrate the guy that beat the s**t out of your boyfriend? Or will it excite you? To cheer me on against your will, knowing I’ll be watching you, knowing I’ll want you?’ he left, and Maria wanted to slide down the wall to the floor.
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