Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 ( Dawns opportunity) After spending time with Daniel, I couldn't sleep last night I kept thinking about the moment we spent together and hoped it lasted longer. The next day at school, Daniel came to me and asked when next we would meet I told him tomorrow by 2pm. Jennie told me if I wanted us to be close we should spend some quality time together like go out and have fun. After classes, I head home to think about what Jennie said. I suggested we go out for movies tomorrow after our project I just hoped Daniel agrees. The next morning I got a call from an unknown number I was curious so I picked it up and it was Daniel, he said he called to check up on me and what next we had to do on the project. Few hours later the door bell rang and Daniel came in we started working on our project again and I decided to ask him out to movies and he agreed. I went to the mall with Jennie for shopping to get the perfect dress and some make up we had fun. The next morning was Saturday, Daniel came to pick me up and my mom couldn't stop smiling, on our way to the movies we decided on what to watch we got some popcorn and sat down few minutes later the movie started. It was nice but I couldn't concentrate cause I kept looking at Daniel before I could watch the movie it ended I didn't care because I was on a date with him even tho he wasn't aware. It got late, we both headed home and kept in touch, Jennie called me and we both talked about it, I felt that Daniel and I started to know each other better so we hanged out a lot. Weeks later I was heading to teacher office and found Daniel with his friends talking I wasn't trying to be rude but I decided to listen, turns out Daniel was going out with me because his friends made a bet with him, I stood there looking dumb and I left. My best friend Jennie came to check up on me cause she was worried I told her everything I heard but she wasn't bothered about it because I was also getting close to him to get rid of the name people called me but she told me it was going to be alright people have stopped calling me Bloody Mary. On Monday Daniel asked me why I didn't pick up his calls I didn't want to talk to him and ignored him, he came over my house, after classes to get me to talk I couldn't take it anymore so I told him what I heard about going out with me and we was shocked.

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