
1826 Words
Tatiana I was hunting in the forest when I picked up the most intoxicating scent. It was woodsy with a hint of something sweet. Whatever it was, I wanted to rub my body all over it and claim it as mine. As soon as I lifted my eyes to search for the source, I spotted him. A large black wolf standing twenty feet away, watching me intently. Other wolves were behind him, but my attention was solely on the black wolf. It didn't take long before I realized what that smell meant. I froze in my spot. It couldn’t be. Why would the moon goddess be so cruel to grant me another mate? Thanks to my first mate, I hadn't heard from or sensed Chloe, my human, in over two years. I had zero interest in a second mate. When I finally came to my senses, I knew what I had to do: kill him. He would only be cruel like our first mate, and I wouldn't let anyone hurt us again. I could tell he was strong by his size and aura. He was likely an Alpha. Fighting him wouldn't be easy, but I had no choice. He was busy taking me in, probably trying to decide whether I was a worthy mate that would benefit him. I took his distraction as my opportunity to attack. I lunged and knocked him over. A flash of surprise crossed his eyes. Clearly, he hadn't expected me to attack. Good. I could use his distraction to my advantage. I kept going for his throat, trying to end him, but he was faster than I expected. He kept pushing me off but never tried to scratch or bite me. That only pissed me off more. I wanted him to fight back, so I didn't feel bad when I killed him. At one point, he had me pinned to the ground. I struggled to break free, but he was stronger. He wasn't hurting me, only holding me down with the weight of his body. I didn't stand a chance. I was waiting for him to kill me or, worse, bring me back as his prisoner to use as a toy like our first mate wanted to do, but it never happened. Suddenly, he shifted into his human form and released me, shocking me to the core. He stood up from the ground and watched me closely, looking conflicted. I couldn't help but explore his naked body with my eyes. He was still my mate, after all, and a wolf was naturally programmed to seek out their other half. He was like the missing part of my soul, and I craved him even though I shouldn't. I needed to fight the mate because I would never give in to it, no matter how attracted I was to him. He was tall, around six-foot-four, with short dark brown hair and green eyes. His face had a little stubble, which only added to his s*x appeal. One of his arms was covered in tattoos, and so was his chest. His body was sculpted like a Greek God, with muscles in all the right places, including a perfect six-pack. Don't even get me started on his c**k. Just looking at it had me drooling. It was huge. I was brought out of my thoughts when my mate commanded me to shift. Like hell, I was going to take orders from him. To be honest, even if I wanted to shift, I didn't remember how. Chloe was always the one who took care of our human body. It didn't matter, though. The fact that he was trying to command me sent a wave of fresh anger crashing over me and fuelled my urge to kill him. I lunged and quickly latched my jaw around his throat before biting down. I didn't bite him hard enough to kill him, not yet, but hard enough for my teeth to penetrate his skin. I had the upper hand and knew I could easily end his life in a heartbeat if he tried anything. To my surprise, he didn't fight back. What was the fun of killing someone without a fight? It was starting to piss me off. What caught me even more off guard was when the other wolves began circling me, ready to attack, but my mate called them off. At one point, I was almost sure I sensed Chloe looking through my eyes with me, but she was gone before I could be sure. I tried to talk to her in my head but didn't get a response. Maybe I imagined the whole thing? My mate tried to talk to me, but I didn't want to hear it. I was already feeling confused, and memories of my first mate flashed in my head, making it even worse. As angry as I was, I couldn't kill this guy unless he fought or threatened me, and he wasn't doing either. I spotted an opening between his men, so I released my mate's neck and took off at a full sprint. My heart hurt, and I was more confused than ever. I knew I should have killed him so he didn't become a problem, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I really wished Chloe had been around so I could talk to her. I felt so alone and lost after that encounter. I ran for hours, making sure to change directions frequently. I also followed a creek to ensure no one was following me. It was now morning, and I hadn't stopped moving all night. I was practically going in circles, trying to rub my scent everywhere to confuse anyone who stumbled upon it. I couldn't sleep after everything that happened, so I decided to go hunting instead. Maybe some breakfast would help. It didn't take long before I came across a deer. It was drinking from a creek and hadn't sensed my presence. The excitement started to bubble within me as I prepared to hunt. I lowered my body to the ground and slowly approached the deer, using the tall grass to hide my form like a true predator. The deer raised its head and sniffed the air, probably smelling me. Without waiting for him to react, I pounced and landed on the animal's back. I moved quickly. The deer didn't have time to process what happened when I tore his neck out with my canines, killing him instantly. I liked the hunt, but I wasn't cruel. I put my prey out of its misery as fast as possible. I also consumed whatever I hunted and never wasted. I ate one of the hind legs until I was full. When I finished, I went into the creek and cleaned myself off. The blood had blended with the color of my fur, but I hated the feeling when it dried and clumped. Not to mention, it got stinky if left for too long. That was what happened to most feral wolves. They didn't care after a while and ended up looking and smelling like s**t. I didn't want to end up like that. I still had my wits with me and hoped my human would return to me one day. The possibility of hearing Chloe’s voice again was probably the only thing keeping me from going completely feral. Once done, I grabbed the deer by the throat and dragged it along. There was still a lot of meat left, and I knew exactly where to take it. I reached a small forest clearing and approached a ten-by-ten wooden cabin. It was a rustic little place with round logs that formed the exterior walls. It wasn't big, but it was cozy. "Hey Scar, where ya been? We missed you," Betty greeted me. She stood on the cabin's small front porch, holding a broom in her hand. She had a big smile on her face when she saw me. Betty and her husband, Tom, were rogues, too. They were in their mid-sixties and the sweetest couple. Two years ago, I stumbled upon their cabin while hunting and found five rogues attacking them. I didn't know them then, but noticed they were losing the fight. Her husband was seriously injured as he tried to protect his mate from the rogues. It was the first time I felt anything for someone else since becoming a rogue. I had this overwhelming need to protect them. I could tell right away that they were good people, just trying to live peacefully. I made the decision that day to fight and protect them. I killed all five rogues myself. Betty was in tears when the fight was over. Her husband was unconscious from his wounds, but Betty was already looking after him. She continued to thank me until I found enough strength to walk away. I felt this warm sensation in my heart when I thought about them. Betty reminded me of our mother for some reason. After that day, I hunted for myself and them too. I would drop off whatever animal I killed for them at their front door. I had no idea why they became rogues, but I was sure there was a good reason. Neither one of them had a mean bone in their body. There was no way they deserved a rogue lifestyle, but somehow, they ended up out here fending for themselves. It brought me peace, knowing I could ease their struggles by providing them with food. I didn't stick around for long once I did, though. I would simply drop the kill and then leave. But only after doing a perimeter check first to ensure they were safe. It became my weekly routine. Betty would always talk to me even though I stayed in wolf form and never replied. After the third visit, she decided to call me Scar, short for Scarlet. She said it suited me because of my red fur. I didn't care. She could call me whatever she wanted. It was comforting, though, hearing someone's voice again. "What do you have there?" Betty asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I dropped the deer at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the porch. "What would we do without you, Scar? You're a true blessing from the moon goddess." She said as she wiped a few tears from her cheeks. Her response was the same every week. I could see how appreciative she was when I brought them food. I suddenly felt exhausted. Seeing Betty caused a calmness to wash over me, and I finally relaxed. The fact that I had a full stomach helped too. I usually only stayed briefly at the cabin, but for some reason, today, I wanted Betty and Tom close to me. I walked up the porch and collapsed onto the ground. I curled up into a ball, and it didn't take long for sleep to consume me.
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