From The Frying Pan...

2171 Words

“Thank the Gods you are all right!” Ives claps a hand on Ward's shoulder and then nods to me. “You look rough, but I hope you're up for taking this camp out anyway. We've been observing them, and think we have enough information now to take them, and with a few of our number being ill.. well let's just say we could use the help.” Ives squeezes Ward's shoulder and then turns to me. “I apologize for not waiting, my Queen. We had no idea we'd run into the ambush and when we did, we were chasing down a runner that we weren't sure was headed here. We had hopes his Majesty would be able to find us with ease.” “Did you catch the runner?” I question him and he winces. “Despite our attempts, the ambush slowed us down. We broke up into two groups, the injured and the hale, but we lost too much tim

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