A Warning

2313 Words

Ward drags me to the kitchen where Reginald is puttering about. Someone has made him a crutch that he's heavily leaning on as he goes from fire to table to chair. He has food cooking, water boiling and a sheaf of paper with quill and ink that I can see hastily scribbled notes on in his neat hand. He looks a little better after a night's rest, but his appearance still makes me wince. I'm not certain how he's even moving under his own power other than raw determination. Maybe it's just being back in his natural element that's keeping him going. “Ah, my Queen!” He hobbles over to greet us. “Good sir.” He bows his head to Ward. Somehow Ward has ingratiated himself to Reggie and I'm curious as to what has happened between them. I look at the two curiously. “I'm glad you're here-we have many th

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