A Last Moment of Peace R18+

2050 Words

I look out over the rolling plains and forests of my home and wonder if I'll ever see this view again. The wind buffets me, blowing my hair back and snapping my cloak out until I twist my hair into a knot and pull my cape to me to still them. I watch a storm roll over the valley. “I can see why you like it up here.” Ward whispers. It's like he's afraid to break the silence, the stillness of the moment. Lightning flashes in the distance and I hum. “When it storms-those are the best times.” I mention, leaning forward on the wall. “I used to get in all sorts of trouble coming out here in the middle of a storm. Apparently it's too dangerous and unladylike to be out on the battlements during the middle of a storm, but not to lead an army into battle.” I say wryly. Ward gently touches my lower

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