Chapter 2

1781 Words
(Masons POV) “Why are we here again?” I question Dominic as we walk up to Galaxy Girls Strip Club. “Because man I need to get laid and since you mate less as well I know you need to get laid.” He says laughing. “Watch how you talk about your Alpha,” I say in an annoyed tone. “Sheesh man lighten up,” Dominic says as he puts his hand up. Dominic is like my brother and he’s the pack beta. He was right about us both not having our mates yet. I needed to hurry up and find mine or else the pack would become weak. “Let’s get a drink man,” Dominic says pointing to the bar. Just as I’m walking up to the bar I get hit with an entrancing aroma. It smells like a herb garden. “Mate! It’s our mate!” Storm my wolf says excitedly. “Hey man where you going? We haven’t even sat down yet!” Dominic yells as I rush towards the wonderful scent. I walk through some locker room to the back of the building. I finally reach a blue door and I turn the knob but it’s locked. A frown drops on my face. “Mason, what the hell man? What are you doing back here?” “My mate is in here I can smell her!” I say in a frustrated tone. “Well hell man what are you waiting for?” “I said get the f**k off of me!” I hear a soft voice yell. “Our mate is in trouble get in there!” Storm yells. I hear tussling in the room and waste no time I kick the door open effortlessly and that’s when I see her. My mate is being assaulted by some sleazy old man. My eyes go dark and I can feel a storm starting to come out. “Get the f**k off of her.” I roar causing the entire room to shake. I grab this guy's collar and throw multiple blows to his face. I continue to beat this guy bloody not noticing that she ran out of the room. “Mace that’s enough!” Dominic yells pulling me off the guy. He’s on the floor sobbing, his eyes are swollen and his face is completely bloodied. I smooth the wrinkles out of my shirt and look around the room. “Where is she Dom? You let her get away!” I growl. “Goddess man I was trying to keep you from killing the guy!” He shouts visibly annoyed. I scoff and push him to the side following her scent through the club and outside the building. I look around but she’s gone. “f**k!” I say as I follow her scent up the block and to a park. That’s when I saw her. She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. Her dark curly hair lays perfectly against her smooth-looking face. As I get closer I can see her pink lips forming a frown. My heart jumps knowing she’s probably shaken up from the events that just transpired. As I get closer she looks up at me and my heart almost skips a beat. I see tears falling from her green eyes. “Who are you?” She says shakily. “May I sit?” I ask her politely. She nods her head and I sit next to her. Her body tense up as the tears continue to fall from her eyes. “What’s your name sweetness?” “I can’t tell you.” She says shyly. “Why not?” I ask. “Because I can’t trust anyone.” “You can trust me,” I say smiling. “I don’t even know you.” She scoffs. Wow, she’s feisty I think to myself and smile. “My name is Mason what pack do you belong to?” I ask. She scrunches her face up in confusion. “What do you mean by pack?” She questions. “I mean who are your parents, what’s your alpha name? Where is your pack located?” I say in a serious tone. “What the hell are you talking about?” She shouts, waving her hands. “You a wolf I can smell it all over you, Storm my wolf can sense yours. You don’t have to pretend with me.” Suddenly she slides to the edge of the bench as if she’s about to run for it, I grab her hand and pull her a little closer. “Let me go you freak!” She shouts at me. Her words sting. “I’m not going to hurt you, I would never hurt my mate!” I shout back. “Now relax and tell me where you live, I’ll take you home!” Her eyes widen “Are you crazy? She says a little lower this time. She starts to struggle with me kicking and punching me. “Are you rejecting me?” I say and she softens her face a little. (Joelle’s P.O.V.) Geez was this guy seriously trying to tell me I’m a werewolf? What is with everyone in this town blabbering about werewolves? And why is this guy claiming he’s one as well? I think to myself zoning out. “Are you rejecting me?” He says in a worried voice bringing me back to reality. I soften my face. Just those words send a cold chill down my neck. Weirdly, I feel connected to this guy a little bit. “Hello? Are you there?” He says snapping his fingers in front of me. I shake the thoughts away. “Listen buddy I don’t know what the hell you talking about but I’ve got to go,” I say assertively. “Please don’t go.” He pleads. “Just tell me your name.” He says in a gloomy voice. “Joelle,” I whisper. “That’s a beautiful name.” “How old are you Joelle?” “How old are you... uh? What did you say your name was again.” “It’s Mason.” He says calmly. “And I’m twenty-five.” “I’m twenty.” He looks at me curiously, he doesn’t say anything he just looks me over curiously with his sea-green eyes. “How can you be twenty and not know about your wolf or finding a mate?” He questions. I palm my face. “Dammit, I am not a freaking werewolf. I am a human being!” “A regular person! Werewolves aren’t real they are fictional creatures from children’s stories.” His eyes widen with shock. He loosens his grip on me and slides over a bit. “How could you not know what you are? Could you not sense that I am your mate?” He inquires. “I don’t know what you're talking about.” Just then he glances down at my neck. “Your necklace where did you get it?” He asks while reaching for my broken moon chain. “Don’t!” I say clutching the broken moon in my hand. “It’s one of the only things I have left of my mother.” I can feel all of the memories of my mom rushing back but I shake them out of my head. “Take it off.” He says sternly. “Hell no!” “You're not going to rob me!” I yell and pull out a tiny can of pepper spray I’ve been hiding in my pocket. I spray it directly into his face and he winces and lets out a gruesome growl that shakes the trees in the park. I quickly grab my bags and run deeper into the park. I look back and see him standing up rubbing his face. “What the f**k!” I say out loud as I keep running and looking back. Next thing I know I’m tripping over some rocks and crashing to the ground. I bang my head incredibly hard on the ground and my eyes go black. (Mason’s P.O.V.) “Ah f**k!” I growl. As I rub my face rapidly trying to remove the pepper spray. “Mason what the f**k happened to you.” Dominic laughs as he runs up to me. “Don’t laugh you i***t she f*****g pepper sprayed me go after her!” I yell in my alpha voice. He straightens his face and goes after her. He leaves and after a few more minutes of rubbing my face, it cools down a bit from the trauma of the pepper spray. “Dude she fell and hit her head she’s out cold,” Dominic says through our mind link. “Well carry her to the car I’ll meet you there,” I say and start walking to the car. Once I get there he’s already putting her in the back seat. I slide in the back as well and Dominic gets in the driver seat. “Man, your face is red as hell.” Dominic teases. “f**k you, Dom.” I snort. “So why did she spray you? Did she reject you?” He questions as he starts the car and begins to drive. “She doesn’t even know she’s a wolf, she’s wearing this broken moon necklace, it looks to be enchanted with a magic cloaking charm. The kind used to suppress werewolf abilities.” I let out a heavy sigh. “Damn, why would she be wearing that?” “Before she pepper sprayed me, she said it was one of the last things she had from her mother.” Dominic snickers at the fact of me getting pepper sprayed. “Keep laughing and you’ll be running 30 miles every morning for the next five months,” I say in my alpha voice. He instantly zippers his mouth and drives the car. “So where are we taking her ?” He says wearily. “To the pack hospital. She’s my mate and I don’t intend to lose her!” I say sternly. “What are we going to do when she wakes up?” “I don’t know but I’ll start by taking off this bewitched necklace.” With that, I remove the necklace from her neck and place it inside her book bag. I caress her cheek with my index finger, brushing her beautiful curls out of her face as she sleeps against the side of the car. “I can’t lose her,” I say as I settle my head on the window of the car.
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