2 (The Meeting)

2049 Words
I hear my phone buzz in my sleep and I wonder why anybody would be calling me on a Saturday morning. I specifically asked my clients not to call me unless they have a serious emergency. I look at my phone and it's Aaron. Remember the two people I talked about earlier? He is one of them. Aaron is my best friend. He is a 26 year old, 6’3” , chubby teddy bear who lives the most carefree w***e-full life I’ve ever seen. He works for an IT company and he has always been in my life from the time we were 12 years old. So he’s basically my brother. “What does he want?” I groan before picking up. "What do you want?" I say frustrated that he messed with my sleep. "Oh Someone is grumpy. It’s the s****l tension building up baby. You should be up by now. How are you going to be a wife if you sleep like this?” He says jokingly. and I can’t help but laugh. “Babe it’s too early for that misogynistic bullshit. I had a long night.” I respond to him. “Girl where’d you go? Got some finally?” He says almost interrogating me. “No I just had loads of work to do. Now what do you want?” I roll my eyes playfully. I’m not ready to share with him that I started going for therapy. I know he’ll start to worry about me. “Well damn. I just wanted to ask you if we are still heading out tonight. You need it. You work too f*****g hard." He reminds me about the plans we made last week and he’s not wrong. I completely forgot about them. " Uh, where are we going again babe?" "b***h we are going to the clurbbb." He says in the funniest way possible and I can't help but laugh. "Do we always have to go to the club? Why can’t we watch a movie or something damn." I jokingly. I missed going out with my friends. I haven’t done it in a while because of work. "Nope. I’m not hearing that. We’ll do that next week and look cute for me. I’ll pick you up at 8pm for dinner and then we head to the club.” He says and hangs up. “So rude” I say to myself and shake my head. I look at my phone and it's 2 pm. My eyes widen because I can’t believe I slept until 2pm? "How is it 2pm? I thought it was at least 9am." I say to myself, forcing my body to get out of bed. I clean up my house and take a shower, a long shower. The shower relaxes my muscles. I needed all that emotion and tension off my body again. I open my closet, grab a t-shirt and shorts and go to the store down the street to get some stuff I needed for the house. As I am walking over to the till, I see a familiar face. A face that's too familiar to be honest and it’s my new therapist. I really didn’t need to see her outside of work honestly. " Hello Jasmine" "Hi Jessica" I say with a smile. "How are you doing today?" She asks politely and slightly awkward if I’m being honest. "I'm doing okay thanks. How are doing today?” I awkwardly respond. "I’m doing okay thank you, on my way to a book club. Just came to grab some snacks." She says. "Awesome. It was nice seeing you. I'll see you on friday. " I say cutting the conversation short because it’s extremely awkward. “Yes I’ll see you.” She responds and I smile and she walks away. I end up grabbing a quick lunch at a nearby restaurant and spend the rest of my day there. I can’t stop thinking about if this therapy thing will really work for me. Before I know it, it's almost 6 pm and I rush to my apartment. I am already exhausted and dancing in a club is not something I am looking forward to but I miss my friends and I know they miss me too. So I’ll do it for them. I hop back in the shower. Letting the hot water soak in my skin. I'd honestly stay in here if I had a choice. I jump out the shower and look for an outfit to wear tonight. I grab a blue body hugging dress and some heels to match, with a little white purse. I put a little bit of makeup on and tie my locs up in a ponytail. I check my phone and it’s almost 8. I hear my phone buzz and it's a text from Aaron. •Downstairs get your ass here?• I lock up and grab my bag and walk out my apartment building and he is in the car with Shanice. Shanice is also my best friend. I have known her since college. We don’t see each other as much but we make time. We are very different but it works when we aren’t butting heads. She’s an artist, with long beautiful red locs and has legs to die for. I get in the backseat and the music is loud as hell. "Are you ready to party bitches?!" Aaron screams on top of his voice making me roll my eyes jokingly. “I missed y’all” I hug their heads from the middle seat in the back. “Oh something’s in the air. Why are being friendly today?” Shanice says sarcastically. “Shut up” I responds and laugh “There we go.” She says and we all laugh. We go have dinner at a restaurant and catch up on our lives. We don’t see each other much because of our busy schedules. “How’s exhibition planning going babe?” I ask Shan. She’s been working on her 10th exhibition and I’m so proud of her. “Stressful but we still keep pushing” She responds “Are you still not seeing anyone?” I knew this question was coming from her. “No I’m not.” I reply “He really ruined love for you.” She says and i feel myself get triggered. “Shan not now” Aaron says. “I’m sorry.” She says and I remain quiet. “Are you ready to go? I hope the dj plays some good songs” I say just to change the subject. “Let’s go.” Aaron says with a smile on his face. We get to the club and it's packed but we get in easily because Aaron knows the DJ playing tonight, of course. We walk up to our section, the drinks are already flowing and there’s a few mutuals so it’s fun. We dance to our favorite songs and the cocktails are starting to hit. “I need to go to the bathroom.” I yell in Shan’s ear. “Should I come with?” She asks “I’ll be fine” I yell back. So I grab my phone and go to the restroom. I look at myself in the mirror and I honestly look good as f**k. I grab my phone and it’s dry as hell. "Who do I genuinely expect to text me?." I say to myself and laugh. I leave the restroom and I grab my phone again scroll down my IG. I smile when I see a story of Aaron and Shan talking about how lit the club is. "Bunch of fuckers.." I say to myself. I keep scrolling without paying attention and I accidentally hit into someone. “Woah, watch where you’re go-.” I yell. I look up and his eyes lock with mine. He’s quite tall, with intense eyes and he’s extremely good looking. He has locs and a full beard and a very nice body. I don’t know if I’m drunk but he is nice to look at. Our eyes are stuck on each other for a second and I couldn't speak. "I'm so sorry are you okay?" His voice pierces through me, taking me out of my trance. "Yeah I'm okay." I respond with a bluntness in my tone and look at my phone because it's buzzing and it's Aaron. “Where are you?“ he sounds concerned. “Bathroom, walking back.” I respond. When I look up to face him. He isn't there. I walk back to our section and I am met by Aaron. "Where were you?" Aaron asks. Clearly frustrated by the tone of his voice. "In the restroom." I respond. “b***h be careful. Anything can happen” he says. “I know I’m sorry.” I say and he hugs me. "Wanna go dance?" Shanice asks me. I deserve to have fun plus the music is good. . "Sure." I answer her. She smiles and grabs my hand while Aaron remains at our table with a new 'friend'. We walk to the dance floor and start to dance. Then my song comes on and I literally scream from excitement. "This is my song!" I scream at Shan. Her eyes are closed and we start to dance on each other. A guy comes to ask if he can dance with her and she gives me a look. Kind of like she was asking for permission to dance with him. I nod and she goes to dance with him. I don't mind dancing alone because I do it all the time. I close my eyes and let the music hit my soul. When I open them I see the stranger from earlier looking right at me. I don't break eye contact with him and I let him watch me dance. He does not take his eyes off of me until he walks over to me. "Can I dance with you?" I nod and he turns me around. My back facing his front. So in Love by Sean Paul starts to play and I start to grind on him. He holds on to my waist and catches each whine. We move to every rhythm of the beat. He grabs my neck from behind to pull me up and my head lays on his chest and we move to the slow rhythm of the song. I closed my eyes to just let this moment sink in. My mind comes back to reality and I literally almost jump out of my skin and I’m facing him now. "Are you okay?" He asks loud enough so I can hear him through the music.. "Yeah I'm okay." That's all I could say. "What's your name?" He asks me. "Jaz.. well Jasmine but everyone calls me Jaz." I respond. He turns me around to face him. "I like Jasmine." He smiles and I can't help but smile back. "I'm Draven but everybody calls me Dre." He says. "Nice to meet you Draven." I smile. His eyes brighten when he sees me smile. "I know I probably won't see you again." He says and takes his phone out. "Can I have your number?" He says slightly nervous. I don't know if I want to see him again. I know its probably a bad idea but we are living more right? "Sure." I grab his phone and put my number in and save it as Jaz. "Thank you." He smiles and puts his hand back on my waist. "I have to go. My friends will be worried about me." I say while he’s still holding on to me. "Damn, I'll text you later." He says and holds my hands "Okay." I smile and walk away. I get to the table and it looks like they have had enough. “I love you both.” Shan yells and I know it’s time to leave. I grab the keys from Aaron and I drive them to my house and we spend the night there. It takes me a little longer to sleep because of what happened tonight. I can’t stop thinking about it. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking but I felt something. There's something about that guy but maybe he was just a good dancer.
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