Into the Mix of Things

2488 Words
It's sunday morning and I'm not leaving my bed. After last night, I just need a break. I hear a knock on my door and it’s Aaron and Shan. "Jaz can we come in?" Shan yells from the other side of the door. She sounds worried and honestly, I don’t blame her. I haven’t allowed myself to be humiliated like that in a long time. "Yeah you can." I’m honestly so pissed off with myself. She opens the door and they sit on my bed. "Baby what's wrong?" Aaron asks. The concern on his face is something I’ve seen before. "I went to look for him last night and I found him with another girl." I say in a neutral tone. "What the f**k?" Shan says. I can tell she’s getting frustrated "That's not the worst part, I literally asked him what happened and he just stood there and stuttered. I feel so stupid." I sit up and hold my head. "Don't feel stupid. He is the stupid one. He ruined this by himself and I don’t want to sound like that but that’s how most of these guys are. You haven’t been in the game for a while and unfortunately you can’t think everyone’s genuine. He knew what the hell he was doing. He probably does that to every girl he talks to." Aaron says. "We love you and we are sorry you’re going through this. He’s really not worth your sadness. Let’s just cuddle and concentrate on us okay?." Shan says and she’s right. I shouldn’t be thinking about him. I have every right to be hurt but I shouldn’t be wasting my energy on some guy at a club. “It just hurts you know. I miss breaking hearts too and making people cry for me. Karma is kicking my ass. Maybe my days are finally over.” I say and laugh cuz it’s not true. “Oh please, you’re the baddest b***h on the planet.” Aaron says and I laugh. As much as they are annoying, I love them and I care about them a lot. We end up cuddling all day, eating pizza and watching our favourite movies. We even talked about how fun last night was. It was fun as hell but Draven just had to mess s**t up. "I love you guys." I say and hug them. "We will keep checking on you. Bye baby." They leave and it’s time for me to go back to sleep. I sleep all afternoon just to not feel anything. When I finally decide to get up, I take a shower just to calm me and relax my muscles. I change into a t-shirt and sweats and I'm honestly drained from everything. I turn my phone on and the messages just start coming. I don't even read any of them. I delete them all and connect my phone to the speaker and put some Sabrina Claudio on. I connect to every song and every word. I spend the rest of my sunday listening to music and getting s**t ready for work. I feel so drained and I can't do anything about it. I am not going back to the same person I was. A cold human being with no emotions. I’ll just keep moving forward and minding my business. … It’s Monday and honestly the day has been full of thoughts. I have had clients come and go but I can't get Draven out of my head but I can't be talk to him either. He doesn't even want this and that’s okay still. We were not even together but I still feel like he cheated on me. Why does is it hurt so much? He isn't even my boyfriend. He was just a guy I met in a club, I thought I had a connection with. Why can't I just meet someone like normal people do? In a library or at work. My life sucks right now but I have to make sure I am happy for my clients. They keep me going. If I can help other people fix their problems, then that's good enough. It’s a good distraction. f**k. It’s one of my distractions. It has been my biggest distraction. In fact, my only distraction right now. I expected my last client to come in but he didn't show up and It's Frank. Frank is the most fragile client I have. He has been through hell since his wife died and it is my job to help him restore himself. I'm honestly worried about him. I grab my stuff and walk to Suzy's desk. "Hey, have you heard anything from Frank? He didn't call to cancel?" I ask "No I haven't heard anything from him but I'll call just to check up on him for you." She assures me "Thank you so much. Just ring my cell." I tell her. She smiles and I walk out the door and head to my car. I drive home and walk into my apartment building. I get in the elevator and walk down the hallway to my apartment. As I'm walking towards my apartment door,I notice someone sitting outside my door and I can't believe who it is. It’s Draven sleeping in my f*****g apartment hallway. The minute I see him, I want to run but I decide against it. "Stop using distractions to suppress your feelings." I hear Jessica’s voice in my head. I need to face my problem instead of running from it. I stand over him and he is fast asleep. I know he has f*****g hurt me but he looks adorable in his sleep. Why am I staring at him? I shake his arm trying to wake him but he doesn't flinch. "Draven." I shake him again He wakes up and groans a little. "Jasmine?" He opens his eyes to look at me. "Yeah it’s me. Get up." I say He stands up and I open my apartment door. "Can I come in?" He asks nervously "Um yeah." I respond and he walks in and sits on the couch with his head in his hands. Why is he being so dramatic? Does he really think he is the victim right now? I walk to my room and open the door and then close it. I change into my pyjamas. I take my makeup off with wipes and sit on my bed. "What am I going to do?" I whisper to myself. "Jasmine.” He says, startling me out of my thoughts. “Let me explain what happened please" Draven speaks on the other side of the door. I walk over to the door and open it and he looks at my body from top to bottom. "Don't look at me like that." I say and close my bedroom door and walk to the couch. He follows me and sits at the other end of the couch. "Talk." I say "Jasmine, before I tell you what happened try to believe me okay? Please." I nod and he continues. "Thank you. This is what happened.." *FLASHBACK* *Draven’s POV* "Good." I kiss her soft cheek and go and look for my friends. I wanted to tell my friends about the new girl I've been talking to but instead I found them playing a round of truth and dare with a few girls but one of them looked familiar. I just don't remember where I saw her. … “I dare you to run around naked." Gerald dares Dan and laughs at his own stupid dare. Gerald has been my bestfriend for years and "Drav!" Gerald shouts and everyone turns to look at me. "Join us." He says again. I couldn't say no because I am the king of truth or dare but if I want to play it will be better if I let Jasmine know. "Let me go grab some more girls." I suggest "We don't need anymore girls. There's plenty of girls here." She says. She was a pretty girl with long brown/black hair and her eyes burning with lust. She's already getting on my nerves. "Sit down man." Gerald says. I sit next to him and the game begins "Aye you girl with the pink shirt truth or dare?" Dan asks one of the girls. "Dare." She answers confidently. She is in for it "I dare you to makeout with the girl next to you for a minute and make it sloppy." She gives Dan a dirty smile and completes her dare. "Gerald truth or dare?" A blonde asks him "Truth." He says "Have you ever had a threesome?" She asks. "No but I'm about to." He says and winks at her and her friend. This s**t is getting pretty disgusting. I miss Jasmine and she’s here for me while I sit around playing truth or dare. A few rounds go by and it’s almost 1. I haven't been dared to do anything crazy and I'm glad about that. "Drav. Truth or dare?" Ugh it just had to be her. "Dare." I say and instantly regret it. "Well finally. I dare you to take me to a room for a few minutes." She dares. What the hell? "That's it?" I respond "That's it." I get up and she follows me . We walk up the stairs and head to my room. I can feel the lust in her body and it’s making me feel a little weird. I shouldn’t be doing this. I should be with Jasmine. We walk in and she closes the door behind her. She tries to lock it but I disagree. I stand by my bookshelf and she sits on my bed and leans on her elbows for support. "Remember me?" She asks. "No I don't." I answer immediately. "Let me come a little closer." She says and walks towards me. She looks me in the eyes and presses her body against mine. "You're the girl from my coffee shop. You put something in my drink." I say and she takes off her pink vest exposing her bra "I just want you to feel good." She says and one of her hands grab my d**k. "Woah woah. Get your hands off of my dick." Before I know it she is stroking me. "Aye stop it." I try to pull her off but she grabs on to my d**k and squeezes it hard. "Take off your shirt or I'll smash your dick." She threats and I’m a little intrigued even though I know I shouldn’t be doing this but why would she go out of her way? "Okay." I take it off and she smiles. Her hands are still wrapped around me and she drags me to the bed. I try to pull her off but she tightens her grip. "I want you to f**k me." She says. "What? No.” I can't do that to Jasmine but we aren't together but f**k, I can't. "If you don't I will tell everyone here that you forced me to sleep with you." She says and her tone changes immediately. "What? Why would you do that?" She stays quiet. “Let me get on top before I scream." I was terrified so she got on top of me and before anything happened, "You walked into the room and saw us." He explains. I am completely shocked by what he has told me. Why would anyone want to do that to him? He isn’t a small dude, I know that he is attractive but still. I know it can happen to men too but this is crazy and if it’s true, that's some crazy b***h but what if he is lying too but why would he lie like this? "Draven. That is dumbest s**t I have ever heard. Did you really expect me to believe that bullshit story?" I clap my hands once. I know I shouldn’t be brushing him off but I know he’s lying about something. "Jasmine." He says and his face looks hurt that I don't believe him. Why should he be hurt? I am the one who caught him. I am the one going through all this pain. I am the one who saw him and I bet it would’ve been a different situation if I told him this. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation but maybe I’m being cold hearted. "Draven. Look." He sits next to me on the couch. "No listen Jasmine.I know it sounds stupid but I’ve never lied to you since we met. Not talking to you for the past two days has been hard and you know you feel it too. I would never purposely hurt you or even show as much affection as I do if I didn't like you. I know what we have is different and you know it too. So let me make it up to you. I want to take my time with you. I want to get to know you and completely understand you inside and out. I like you Jasmine " His words make me weak. He honestly sounds genuine and I don't know whether to give him a chance just yet. I need to think about it. "Jasmine?" He says breaking me out of my thoughts. "I'm scared Draven. I like you but if what you're saying is true then you have a stalker and if she finds out about us then she'll come after me too. I am still hurt, really hurt. I don't want to rush s**t it either but I don't want to feel like my time is being wasted too." He stands up and grabs my hand so I stand with him and he puts his hands around my waist pulling me closer to him and I put my head on his chest. "I'm sorry, I’ll try my best to be the best for you. Please give me another chance." He says and I look up at him. "Don't f**k up again." I say "I'll try my best." He says and kisses my lips softly. My body shivers from his kiss. "Can I sleep over? I promise I'll behave." He tries to convince me and it works. "I know you will behave." I tease We walk to my bedroom and I get in the sheets while he takes off his pants. His body is perfect. He has a few freckles on his body and I can imagine my tongue li... "Don't look at me like that." He mocks me "Shut up and come and sleep." He jumps in the sheets and wraps his arms around me. "Thank you for understanding Jasmine." He says,holding me tighter. I don’t trust him but at the same time I’m having fun with him. Let’s see how it goes from here. "Goodnight Draven." I smile "Goodnight Jasmine." He says and yawns after. I close my eyes until I fall asleep in his arms.
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