Chapter 10 - The men of the ring-3

2446 Words

“Vy, vitch of you would look Tom Slack in the face?” piped the old fellow; “or Jack Broughton? - him vot told the old Dook of Cumberland that all he vanted vas to fight the King o’ Proosia’s guard, day by day, year in, year out, until ’e ’ad worked out the whole regiment of ’em - and the smallest of ’em six foot long. There’s not more’n a few of you could ’it a dint in a pat o’ butter, and if you gets a smack or two it’s all over vith you. Vich among you could get up again after such a vipe as the Eytalian Gondoleery cove gave to Bob Vittaker?” “What was that, Buckhorse?” cried several voices. “’E came over ’ere from voreign parts, and ’e was so broad ’e ’ad to come edgewise through the doors. ’E ’ad so, upon my davy! ’E was that strong that wherever ’e ’it the bone had got to go; and wh

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