Chapter 3: Back To School

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Scarlet's P.O.V It was the first day back to university and I am walking through the halls like a ghost. It's been three days since Noah hit me and it still haunts me. The moment I looked up at him with horror in my eyes, he left. No apology, no help or even a look.   He just turned his back on me and left. To be honest I think I preferred it. I don't know how I would have handled it if he stayed with me, but I'm worried now.  No one has heard from him or seen him. I've been to his apartment numerous times and he's not there even though his car is. My eye is blue and black so I had to apply a s**t ton of make up to cover it up, as well as black sunglasses.  "Hi b***h, miss me." I turned around to find my best friend Alison standing there. Her bright blue eyes complimented her long dyed pink hair which was tied into a messy bun. "Of course, how was Spain?" She met some guys on a night out who had two extra tickets to Spain and of course, Alison being Alison, she decided to take it.  She offered to take me but Noah didn't trust me to go to Spain without him. Typical. I kind of wish I had gone now, so I could have avoided this whole situation.  But then again, going would have just pissed him off and we would have ended up having a big fight for no f*****g reason since he would most likely hide my passport to stop me going.  It also ended up being a big argument between Alison and Noah, not only because he wouldn't let me go but because they hated each other. Noah thought that Alison was a bad influence on me, whilst Alison thought that Noah was toxic. "Hmm, it was alright. I mean once you sleep with all the fit guys and hang out at the beach, there's really nothing else to do." I just laughed at how open she was.  The Alison I knew hated being tied down to one guy. She dated at least two guys at a time. I think she needs someone who can control her wild side but if I set her up on a blind date she just ends up scaring them off. "What about my sexy best friend? Have fun with your boyfriend?" She said the last part with disgust and normally, I would just roll my eyes because it's a common occurrence but instead I looked away hoping to avoid that subject. "Fine." I whispered and adjusted my glasses which were falling down slightly. I could feel her trying to look at my face so I just turned more away from her.  "Why are you wearing those glasses? First of all, we are inside and second, it's raining outside." I didn't reply and just carried on walking. She pulled my glasses off before I could protest and looked at my face in horror.  I pulled my compact mirror out from my bag. I thought that the makeup was enough, but it clearly wasn't as the bruise was obviously still visible.  "He did this, didn't he?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. I looked away in shame and tears slipped out. I could feel people in the halls staring at me and my cheeks turned red in embarrassment. Alison could sense my discomfort and pulled me into the bathroom. Thankfully no-one was in there.  "Why didn't you call me? I would have flown back straight away and helped you" "I know but it isn't your problem okay, I can deal with it. He was just drunk." I sniffled. "Don't you dare make f*****g excuses for him. He hit you, Scar. That's borderline abuse, it doesn't matter if he was drunk or not." She said, holding my hand and looking at me straight in the eyes. We're interrupted by the door opening. I quickly wiped my tears, not wanting anyone to see me this vulnerable.  "Uh, it's you." I heard Alison say and I turned my head to see the biggest b***h in the world.  Maddison Carter is the epiphany of evil.  She's a slut, w***e and bully mashed all in one. She's been after Noah since high school and I know that they hooked up a couple of times but all he thinks of her is that she's a slag. He has zero respect for her but after happened between us I'm wondering if he has any for me.  "I saw you come running in here crying and I was wondering, did Noah finally break up with you?" She sneered and I wanted to slap her stupid face so much.  One look at my eye and she started laughing. "Don't tell me you got ass beaten, because I wanted to do that."  "Why can't you just f**k off Maddie? Do you really have no life that you have to follow us into the bathroom? Bit pathetic, even for you. And by the way Maddie, I saw Will last night and he told me tell you that he went to the doctor and got diagnosed with chlamydia, so you should probably get a check up from your gyno." said in a smug tone and I looked at my best friend and smiled. She always stuck up for me no matter what and it's why I loved her.  Maddie gave me one last menacing look before leaving. I sighed in relief once she left and Alison started to empty her make up bag.  "Here, I'll fix it." She said as she started to apply ample makeup onto my eye. When she was done I looked in the mirror and you could hardly tell I had been hit.  I looked at my phone to see that my first class started in two minutes and she gave me a look to tell that our conversation wasn't over before leaving.I headed to my class which was business management. Noah had been the one to convince me to take the course because he wanted to spend more time with me.  I realise what a stupid mistake that was as I don't even like business that much and I've always wanted to be a teacher because I have a passion for working with children.  Typical 17 year old though, infatuated with love.  I sat down in my usual seat and watched as the professor closed the door and started his lecture. Me and Noah usually sat next to each other at the back of the classroom. We had a whole row all to ourselves so right now I looked like a complete loner.  A tall guy with warm brown hair, which was swept back, sat next to me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and saw how he was just sat there staring at me.  He was obviously new to the class as practically everyone knows not to sit or even talk to me because Noah scares them all off. "Hey." He whispered, leaning in close.  "Hi." I whispered back, not wanting to disturb the class. "I'm Jordan." He said, putting out his hand. "Scarlet." I replied, shaking his hand quick before returning to writing my notes.  This class was really fast paced and if you missed something then, there was a good chance Professor Watson would never mention it again. I noticed how he was still staring at me and it made me wonder if he could see my black eye.  "What?" I said in an irritated tone. This day is already s**t and I just couldn't wait to get back into my bed.  He looked taken aback for a moment, but quickly put on a cocky smirk. "It's just your beauty entranced me and, I can't seem to look away." I laughed quietly and his stupid line. "Is that the best you can come up with?"  "Unfortunately, yes. I'm new and I don't know a lot of people and you looked quite upset so I thought I would try to cheer you up. Don't get me wrong you're fit, but I'm guessing you have boyfriend. No-one is that hot and doesn't have guys lining up for them." He said whilst nudging my shoulder, slightly. "You're right I do have a boyfriend." "Damn, we can still be friends though right?" "Sure." I said and for the first time since Noah left I genuinely smiled.  I was thankful that he wasn't another f**k boy that just wanted to get into my pants. It's been a while since a guy just wanted to be friends. The door suddenly burst open and Noah came stumbling in. His face was tattered in bruises, he had a busted lip and his left eye was swollen shut.  "Mr Parker, what do you think you're doing? Class started twenty minutes ago, leave now." Mine and Noah's eyes met and it was like time had stopped. My breathe hitched in my throat and so many emotions flowed through me.  I felt anger, sadness and even guilt. "I said leave." Professor Watson shouted. He gave me one last look before stumbling back out.  It was like my legs worked by themselves and I got out of my seat running after Noah.  I could hear Professor Watson screaming for me.  "Miss Reynolds get back here." I didn't care though, all I wanted was Noah.
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