Saved By Him

1441 Words
Aubrey     When your life has been shitty, there is no choice but to try to keep going. At the age of ten, I lost my parents in a car accident and I ended up in an orphanage, separated from my older brother. I was physically and verbally abused in that place.      When Tina found me, I was already fifteen years old. She had visited the orphanage in search of girls who looked pretty and were good at dancing and of course,  I couldn’t miss the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon.      Little did I know, that dancing would be just one of the requisites for the job she had for us. I ended up being sold at auctions as a s*x slave along with other girls.     Luckily for me, none of the men beat me up. They were all sweet with me, buying me things and taking me out for dinner, of course in exchange of having s*x with them all the times they wanted.      They all took very good care of me, even using protection to keep me from getting diseases or an unexpected pregnancy.     Some of my friends were not that lucky. They were abused and they would not be given a break to rest. They would sometimes come with bruises back that next week.     I knew this was not the life for me. I wanted more, the house on the hill with a picket fence yard, a family and a puppy. Only one could dream.    “Aubrey, hurry up! We are about to start the auction!” Tina shouted and I finished putting the lipgloss on before I stood from the chair and walked towards the door.   “Remember, you are the favorite, so smile.”   “I can’t promise anything, Tina. I really don’t feel well today,” I replied, taking a deep breath.    Here we go.   We walked next to the stage in a line and I was, of course, the first one to go. Perks of being me, I guess.   As soon as I stepped on the stage, I couldn’t look up. I had taken a peek before the auction started and the men here were old. It was the first time I would be auctioned to one of them.     “Lift your head up,” Tina whispered before she introduced me, but I was not going to please her this time.     It was not until I heard a deep voice bidding for me and the other girls, not to mention threatening Tina. I realized he was the new owner. Where was Ethan?      After the auction was interrupted, almost every man left and the girls were crying of joy, knowing they would not have to do this anymore.      “Listen, that there is Lorenzo Santiago. I recognized him but I had no idea he was our new boss. Now, you better impress him, because by the looks of it, you will be stuck with him for a long time,” Tina whispered and I couldn’t help but feel uneasy and shocked.      His bodyguard led me to his booth and offered me to sit down. The man sitting in the booth was really handsome, I won’t lie. He had a sharp jawline and brown eyes that dug deep in your soul.      He had really short hair, almost bald, giving him the appearance of a modern Colombian cartel man. His beard and mustache made him look mature and sexy.     When I asked about Ethan, with a little attitude I might add, he said he was not coming back. Something that made me really happy. He was the worst man on the face of Earth, and knowing he will not be here, made me smile.    “So, why did you decide to bid on us?” I asked, curiously. There was no way this man would be able to handle so many women, and even if he did, I doubt he would want to.    “Because no woman should be treated like a toy to play with. You should thank me, I just saved you.”      I guess he was expecting for me to be grateful for that gesture. But saving me from being a s*x slave to others didn’t mean he wouldn’t use me too. This time I decided to accept a drink and gulped it down at once.     “Will you set me free?” I asked. Obviously he wouldn’t, these kind of men don’t like to let their women go. Not that I was his woman. He was strong and he looked like he could be amazing in bed, but there was no way I could be with him forever.    “Not really. I will take you to a friend’s house and she will help you get out of those slutty clothes and dress in a sexy, but decent outfit. And then you will live in my house for as long as I want,” he replied, smoking his cigar.     The night was over and we headed towards his car. Nolan, as he called his right hand man, opened the door for us and he urged me to get in.     He got in and sat next to me, brushing his arms against mine and I could feel an odd sensation at the touch. Weird, I never felt his way with any other man that had bought me. This was just a job and there were no feelings involved.    “So, are you taking me to your house now?” I asked.   “I told you we were going to a friend’s house first. Don’t be impatient, little girl,” he replied and I scoffed. Little girl? Who did this man think he is?    “I am not a little girl, I am a woman and if you need to know my age, I am twenty three and very mature. And don’t you think it’s too late to be at someone else’s house?” I said, folding my arms on my chest and looking at him straight into his eyes while I challenged him to say anything else, but all he did was chuckle.     “You are very funny, Aubrey. That’s your name, isn’t it?”     I nodded and looked away, “You must be Lorenzo. I have heard about you, not much but Tina knew who you were.”     “She didn’t seem to know who I was when she decided to question my authority.”     “Well, she didn’t know you were the bossman. We were expecting Ethan, what happened to him anyway?” I asked, curiously.      “You will know in due time. We are here and about being too late, my friends are night owls, so don’t worry,” he said as we arrived at a beautiful mansion. Nolan opened the door and let us out. Lorenzo took my hand and I didn’t even bother snatching it away. His hand felt warm and it was big, covering mine.     I was fantasizing on what he could do to me with them. How he would make me moan in pleasure.     What the hell are you thinking, Aubrey?      A lady opened the door and greeted us with a smile. “Hello, Mr. Santiago. It has been a few weeks since we last saw you, I don’t think my lady is expecting you today and Master Giuliani is not here,” she said.    “No, I know she’s not expecting me, and I’m sure Enzo doesn’t even want to see me here, so better for me. I need her help so I decided to drop in unannounced. Will you please let her know I am here and that it’s urgent?”     It surprised me to hear his tone of voice. It didn’t sound intimidating, for a moment he sounded sweet and pleading.    A few minutes later, I saw a beautiful woman come out with a little girl running behind her. I couldn’t believe Lorenzo could be her friend, she looked very domestic and peaceful. Lorenzo noticed me looking at her and leaned close to my ear.     “Don’t let her fool you. She is a tough one, and you will meet her sister soon, she’s even tougher. Don’t mess with the Riveras, or there will be trouble,” he said, letting out a chuckle and I swallowed a lump that suddenly formed in my throat.     “Don’t listen to him. We may be like that, but there is heart in us, unlike others,” she said, looking at him. I couldn’t hold back a giggle and he looked at me with seriousness in his eyes, making me clear my throat.     “What brings you here?”      “I need help with this young lady here. A makeover if you will. I want her to look like a mobster’s lady and you know how those should look.”     “That is Piper’s job. She is the fashionable one. I can call her and tell her to meet me here,”     I was nervous all of a sudden and without realizing it, I held on to him. He stiffened under my hand and after agreeing with her, she led us to the living room.     God, what kind of people will I be involved with?                     
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