Road Trip Trio: Aly

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Finals week isn’t the nightmare everyone has been making it out to be, at least not for me. I don’t stress over academics the way everyone else seems to, and I don’t really study. I finish the final assignments Sunday, and then after that I kind of just cruise through the rest of the week. I find it to be easier than normal weeks because it’s just tests, and once you finish them, you’re free to go. I get it, though, why a lot of people don’t look at it the same way I do. Ronnie, for instance, I’m pretty sure actually enjoys homework and studying. It seems to be her favorite pastime, and she loves note cards and post-it notes. Matt, I think just stresses about everything and studying through his every free moment helps him combat the anxiety. I’m sure he would have done fine without all that, but there’s no convincing his brain of it. Trevor is like Ronnie and has a whole system that you should never interrupt if you know what’s good for you, but the real surprise is Tyler. He has seemed as nonchalant about school as I am, with the exception of his class with Izzy, but I’m shocked when he turns down every offer I make to hang out during finals week so that he can study. I can’t relate to it, but I do support it. I turn my attention instead to making sure all my friends eat occasionally, picking up take-out and playing delivery girl twice a day until we all make it out the other end of finals week. And then it’s time to pack up and go home until the next semester starts after the new year. Though I’m glad to be getting an extended break from the schoolwork, I have gotten used to having my friends nearby so that I can go visit anytime I want, and it hits me pretty hard that we’re going to be in different states for a while. It seems to hit Tyler just as much, so it comes as no surprise to me that he doesn’t want to let me go when I stop at the guys’ apartment before I leave for home. “I’ve decided that you’re not leaving me,” Tyler informs me with a smirk. The smirk is familiar; the desperate look in his eyes is not. “It’s only for a little while. I’ll come visit you in about a week like we planned,” I remind him. “Nope, new plan. You take me with you now, and we’ll both go visit my mom in about a week.” “Alright then. Fine by me, as long as you’re packed and ready to go in about five minutes, which is when I’m leaving.” He grins, the relief apparent in how his body relaxes. He reaches for me, pulling me in for a bear hug, then pulls back and plants a sloppy kiss on my forehead. I find the whole exchange to be interesting. He acts like he can’t bear the thought of being away from me, and I realize that I’m relieved too. I toss him my keys so he can load his stuff in my car and then head down the hall to track down Matt and Trevor. I find them both in Trevor’s room packing up a rolling duffel. “Hey, guys,” I greet them. They look up at me at the same time with the same surprised expression on their faces, and it makes me giggle. “You and Tyler heading out?” Trevor asks me, turning his attention back to rolling up a t-shirt. I guess he knew about Tyler’s plan before I did. Matt keeps his gaze on me, so I make my way to him and sit beside him on the bed. “Yeah, I told him a minute ago that we’re out of here in five.” “So, four then,” Trevor smirks, and I can’t help but chuckle. “Just wanted to say goodbye. I’ll miss you guys,” I tell them, adding a pout to the last part. Matt puts his arm around me and pulls me close, like any closer and I’d be in his lap close, and I put both my arms around him and lean on his shoulder. “We’ll miss you too, Aly,” Trevor says, looking expectantly at Matt as though he is waiting for him to say something. “You’ll come visit us?” he adds, and I wonder if that was what he expected Matt to say. “Yeah. Going to New York to see Tyler’s mom next week, and then after that to see you guys. If that’s okay?” I ask. I know that my plan puts us in Wisconsin quite near the holidays, which might be a bit of an imposition. I love the idea of it, though, spending my favorite holiday with the guy who smells like Christmas. I hope they’ll invite us to stay, so I can meet all of Matt’s family. “Yeah, that’s fine,” Matt speaks finally, his voice strained. I can’t tell if he’s upset about us all leaving, or if it’s still all the stuff that happened last weekend with Jess. I haven’t seen him much this week other than to sit next to him while we took exams. He was quiet then, too. Trevor looks again to Matt as though he’s trying to will him to say something, before finally he sighs and blurts, “Look, can you just put him out of his misery and let him know what your dad said about him coming over? He’s jealous that Tyler can just invite himself over and spend the whole break with you, but he hasn’t heard anything about whether he can even come for a weekend or something.” Matt snaps his head toward his best friend and glares daggers at him, his whole body tensing. He tries to pull away from me, but I tighten my hold. He’s blushing a vibrant red after that revelation. I make an executive decision, knowing I’m about to irritate my dad who already told me that until I work up the nerve to tell Matt and see how he reacts, he won’t risk the safety of his pack by having him there, mate or not. “My dad said no, which is why I haven’t said anything to you because I knew it would upset you. There’s a reason, though, and it’s a good one – but we can talk about that on the way there. Come with us, Matt.” Trevor raises an amused eyebrow in our direction, smirking, and Matt gives me a stunned look. I can’t tell if he’s more hurt that my dad doesn’t want him there or happy that I invited him, because I saw both reactions cross his face when I told him. “I’m supposed to drive Trevor and Meredith home,” he says finally. “Nope, I’ll book them a flight back,” I insist. “I need you to come with me so I can tell you something before we get there. It’s important, and you can’t come until I tell you. I have a plan, though, and it involves you riding along with us to give me the time to do that before we get there. So, leave your van here and put your stuff in my car.” I realize how bossy I sound, to the point that I know I sound a bit like my dad, but Matt looks like he’s seriously considering my offer, so I don’t regret it. I also know that if I’m his ride, then he’s less likely to run away when I tell him, and if I bring him with me, then I can't change my mind again. Trevor catches my eye and gives me a look like he’s trying to sort out if what I need to tell him is “the secret,” so I nod. He smiles, seeming happy about it. “I can just drive your van instead,” Trevor offers. That seems to do it for Matt. Now he’s on board, I can tell by how he’s nodding his head as if he’s convinced. “Yeah, okay. That works. I’ll just come down and transfer my stuff over to your car,” he agrees. I release my hold on him now that it doesn’t seem like he’s about to run away, and he rises from the bed. He pulls Trevor into a bro hug, then they pull away slapping each other on the back. I take my turn hugging Trevor, wishing Meredith were here so I could hug her too. “Take care of my boy,” Trevor tells me, pretending to be fatherly. “I will,” I laugh. “And tell Mer goodbye for me. I’ll see you guys later in the month.” “You bet. Don’t do anything too crazy, kids,” he scolds playfully before returning his attention to packing. Matt and I make our way down the hall to where Tyler waits in the living room, tapping his wrist as if pointing to a watch. “Your definition of five minutes is a bit off, Aly,” he teases playfully. “Yeah, change of plans. We’ve picked up a hitchhiker,” I joke, looping my arm through Matt’s. “Oh yeah?” Tyler seems pleased by that, to my surprise. I thought he might be a little upset about not getting me all to himself. “Good choice, man. You’re hanging with the cool kids, now,” he tells Matt, patting his back as we pass by him and head for the door. After we get Matt’s bags tucked in next to mine and Tyler’s, we all load into the car. Tyler sits in front with me and Matt gets in back, sitting a bit sideways and doing what he can to stretch out his long legs. I immediately feel bad and make a mental note to let him switch with us regularly, so he doesn’t end up permanently pretzeled by the time we make it back to my pack. “So, how are we doing this, guys?” I ask my new travel companions. “Going solo, my plan was to head to the airport, but now we have potentially three drivers and three times as much luggage, so … road trip? Take turns driving?” “That sounds good,” Matt says agreeably at the same time Tyler enthuses, “That would be awesome!” I laugh, turning and shaking my head looking back and forth between the two of them. “Alright, well, plot me a path, then. Where to first?” Other than when I rode to school with my parents, I've never really been on a road trip, so I'm pretty excited about this. We decide to flip our plans around and head to Tyler’s first since it’s nearest. Then we start making a list of places that are relatively along the path to my house that we want to stop and see along the way. Tyler adds Hershey, Pennsylvania (because chocolate, man) and Matt wants to visit Nashville. I don’t have any particular place in mind, but I’m excited about their choices. I love chocolate and music, too. Once we’ve got our new plan in place, I pull out of their parking lot and begin the long drive ahead of us. I’m excited about it, though. I get a lot of extra time with these two guys I’ve grown pretty attached to, two of the three reasons I was feeling sad about leaving campus earlier. The third would be Ronnie. I love that girl. I hand my phone to Tyler and tell him to connect it to the Bluetooth in my car, intending to call my mom, but also pointing out to the guys that we should all call our parents to tell them about the changes in our plans. “Dare you to do it over my car’s sound system,” I tease Tyler, and he grins, waking my phone back up so he can dial his mom’s number. After a few rings she finally picks up, sounding tired. I feel bad when I realize we might have woken her. “Hey, Ma,” he greets her. “You work last night?” “Nah, your Auntie needed some help with a busted water heater that was leaking everywhere,” she replies, and I can almost picture her shaking her head in equal parts amusement and frustration. Almost, since I don’t know what she looks like yet. “You get it fixed?” he asks, concerned. “Well, yeah, I mean if you consider shutting it off fixed. I fixed the leak, at least,” she laughs. “They don’t have hot water, though, not until the repair guy makes it out. So, she and Uncle Roy slept on the couch here. I took your bed, but don’t worry. I’ll leave it cleaner than I found it.” There’s a pause before she adds, “Are you talking while driving? That’s not safe, baby.” Hearing her call him that warms my heart, and I smile at him. He grins back, a slight blush crossing his cheeks. “Nah. Aly’s driving. Actually, that’s why I’m calling.” “Oh,” she says, and I can hear disappointment in her voice. “So, I’m guessing you’re headed there again, then. Well, alright. I’ll see you when I see you. Be safe, baby.” “No, Ma. We’re headed to you still; I’m just bringing Aly and Matt.” “Oh,” she says again, but this time it sounds excited. “That’s great. I’m excited to finally meet her. I’ll see about getting the air mattress out and making sure it doesn’t have any holes or anything.” “Don’t go out of your way for us,” I cut in, not wanting her to worry too much about accommodating unexpected guests. We’re inviting ourselves over, after all. “We can stay at a hotel, so you don’t have to worry about us.” “Is that Aly?” she asks eagerly. Not even waiting for a response, probably assuming it has to be me since I’m the only girl Tyler named, she adds, “Hi, sweetie. I’m so excited to meet you!” “You too, Mrs. Jenkins,” I respond, and then wonder if that’s right. Is it Mrs. or Ms.? I suppose it doesn’t really matter. “I don’t mind having extra company. I’m looking forward to it already. I so rarely get to meet Tyler’s friends, and he’s never brought a girl home before,” she enthuses. I glance at Tyler and see that he’s blushing again. Not that it surprises me all that much because I’ve been learning over time that Tyler is more shy and awkward than he seems and is not really the playboy people think he is, but it is touching that I’ll be the first girl to meet his mom. I’ve already known he’s serious about me, since he wants to be my mate, but that feels like an extra special little touch that makes him even more appealing. He and his mom chat a little while longer and then he disconnects the call, holding the phone out to Matt. “Your turn?” “Nah,” Matt shakes his head. “I’ll call on mine. My parents would be too embarrassing if they found out you guys were listening.” He pulls out his own phone and makes the call. I don’t get much of an idea of what they talk about because his responses are short and generic. I get the sense that his mom is surprised by the change in plans, but supportive of it. He blushes a handful of times, but that doesn’t tell me much. He blushes all the time. Finally, it’s my turn. Uncertain about the laws regarding making calls while driving here, I decide to pull over to call my mom. It almost doesn’t get a chance to ring before she picks up, sounding worried. “Aly? What’s wrong?” she asks. I realize she’s worried because she didn’t expect to hear from me until I got off the plane later unless there’s a problem. Didn’t think of that. “I just wanted to tell you not to bother heading out to the airport. Change of plans. I’m going to drive back, and Matt and Tyler are coming with. We’re making some detours along the way, so I’ll keep you updated as we go.” “Aly,” she begins, drawing out my name. I know what she’s going to say, so I continue explaining, “Don’t worry. I’ve got it handled.” “Aly, you heard your dad. You can’t bring him until you tell him about Mari, and he accepts you.” I hear Tyler suck in a breath and sense Matt shuffling around in the back, probably uncomfortable because he knows she’s talking about him, and now wonders what she’s referring to. I had hoped she would just let it go when I said I’m handling it, and probably shouldn’t have had this broadcasting through the car, but I think part of me wants her to out me. I’m too chicken to do it myself. “It’s handled, Mom. Oh, and he’s right here and heard you,” I inform her, as I should have done to begin with. She sighs before responding. “Oh. Hi, Matt.” “Hi, Mrs. Bentley,” he answers, blushing and confused. “Who’s Mari?” “I, uh … I’m going to let you go so that Aly can tell you about that. Keep us updated, Aly girl, and I’m looking forward to meeting you, Matt. And Tyler, assuming you’re right there, too, it will be good to see you, too.” “Hi, Mrs. B.,” Tyler announces himself. I can tell he’s anxious on my behalf, and probably wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I’m wondering that myself. “Love you, Aly girl. Get it handled, and I’ll tell your dad. Drive safely, kids.” My mom doesn’t even give me a chance to respond before she disconnects the call. I think she’s a bit annoyed with me. That never lasts long, though, plus I’m sure she understands exactly what just happened. I used her to corner myself into telling Matt. I work best under pressure. It’s tense and quiet as I pull the car back on the road and take a few calming breaths to prepare myself to just say it already. Trust the bond, I tell myself. I know we’ve been getting closer lately, and the way he has been eager to come home with me is a testament to how close. He wants me to let him in, and I need to. Just when I’m about to just blurt it out, Matt speaks first. “So, uh … I mean, I get the sense that whatever is going on is, like, uncomfortable for you, or whatever, so I’m not going to push. But if it helps, there’s nothing I can think of that would scare me away. Like, if you have a kid or whatever, I’m cool with that,” he rambles nervously. Even though he is completely wrong, I see where he would be led to think that, and I appreciate it so much. “And Mari is a cool name,” he adds, which makes Mari pretty happy. I know if I don’t just hurry up and spit it out, she’s going to take over and probably scare him, so I force myself. “I’m a werewolf, and Mari is the name of the big black wolf I can turn into,” I tell him softly. I figure it's best to keep it simple. I don't bother with explaining that I don't really turn into her because she's an aspect of me and we are the same being. I know all that is best saved until later. First he needs to be okay with the werewolf part, and I wait anxiously to find out how he reacts to that. I see in the rearview that he sits back in the seat, looking like he just saw a ghost. He blinks a few times and reaches up to scratch his neck compulsively for a moment. Then he looks at Tyler for reassurance. “It’s true,” Tyler confirms, and then looks concerned, reaching his arm back and holding out his hand for Matt to grab. “Look at me, man. I’m right here. Squeeze my hand.” I glance up in the rearview mirror again and see that Matt looks like he’s about to have a panic attack. He’s breathing heavily and has gone ghost white. “Pull off, Aly,” Tyler tells me, and I do as soon as I can. Tyler gets in the back with Matt and puts his arms around him. I stay in front, knowing that whatever is going on is my fault and getting too close might be too much for him, despite my instinct telling me to go to him and let our bond soothe him. I just watch as Tyler holds him and rubs his back, encouraging him to breathe in and out with him, until finally Matt seems to be coming back around. “What’s going through your head?” Tyler asks him gently. “I just … I’ve always told myself it isn’t real. People can’t really do that. It was just a dream,” he says rapidly, his head against Tyler’s shoulder and his eyes not focused on much of anything. “But then why would you say that?” he asks as he locks eyes with me. “What do you mean? You saw somebody turn into a wolf before?” Tyler presses for clarification. Matt nods his head. “My uncle. It was the last time we all went camping together, when I was like 11 or thereabouts. I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom, and I heard some people arguing. It sounded like my dad and my uncle, so I snuck over to where they were. I don’t know why. I knew I’d be in trouble, but I saw him turn into a big angry wolf and run off, and he was terrifying. But my dad found me and told me it was a dream, that I was sleepwalking. I trusted him, but that haunted me for a long time. And now, you’re telling me that you can do the same thing? I don’t know what to do with that. It’s like, if I accept that then I have to accept that my uncle is a werewolf, and my dad lied to me.” “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do or say to make it better,” I admit, feeling insecure and worried. “She’s still Aly, man,” Tyler cuts in. “And your uncle is still your uncle. Werewolves are people, just like you and me. They have to lie. Can you imagine what would have happened if you went around telling people you saw him turn into a wolf? Hunters would have gone after him and killed him or captured him to do experiments or put him in some freak show or something, I don’t know. But it’s a secret, and Aly is sharing it with you because you’re important to her, and because she wants to take you home to meet her pack. That’s special. I hope you see that.” “I do,” Matt says, taking a deep breath and fixing his eyes on me again. “Oh, God, Aly. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to … I mean, I just was caught off-guard. I don’t think it’s bad, and I didn’t mean to seem so unsupportive, it’s just the one thing that I never expected to have confirmed, or maybe didn’t want to be confirmed. But I was a kid, a scared kid, and the whole thing left me wondering if I was crazy or something. That’s what bugs me, not you.” I decide that now is when I can go back there and hug him, so I do. To my relief, he hugs me back, tightly. It does feel like nothing has changed, like he’s not pushing me away just because he knows. “That whole thing is your uncle’s fault, for the record,” I give my opinion. “That campground attracts hordes of humans and is close to my pack’s borders. It was a terrible place for him to shift. Humans could have seen him, or if he wandered off too far, patrols from my pack could have captured him. He shouldn’t have done that. But Tyler’s right, you were too young to know back then. Blame him for being an i***t, but the part about lying to you I can understand.” “How is he a werewolf?” he asks me, pulling away to look at my face. “How can my uncle be a werewolf?” “Most likely, he’s not your uncle,” I theorize. “Or if he is, then it’s because his father was a werewolf and he’s only a half-brother to your dad or something. I don’t know. You’ll have to ask your family.” “Ugh,” is his only response. “Did you want me to take over driving so you guys can talk some more?” Tyler offers. “I think that’s a good idea. I’m not ready to let go yet,” I admit, which makes Matt smile and relax a little. Tyler adopts a posh accent and tells us, “I am happy to chauffeur this happy young couple on their exciting journey of personal discovery.” “Shut up,” I reach across Matt to smack Tyler on the arm, and he smirks back at me. Once Tyler gets in the front and gets us back on the road, Matt shifts his body so that his legs are comfortable again. Our new position has him lounging against me, his upper body positioned in a way that I can drape an arm across his chest and play with his hair. Eventually, he falls asleep leaning on me like that, and that’s how we stay until our first rest stop. I hate that my secret triggered whatever buried family trauma he’s been holding onto, but I feel like it was worth it to be able to feel this close to him. He knows, and he seems to accept me, and that pit of anxiety I’ve been holding in my gut for months finally seems to be going away.
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