Chapter Fourteen

3236 Words

———-LUKAS———— My body was shaking in rage, and I was very f*****g close to losing it. I glared down at Rhea as she cowered back.  No matter how hard I f*****g try to calm myself down, talk myself off the ledge that I was about to f*****g fall from, I couldn't do it. I was pissed.  Raging. Fucking seething. I f*****g told her ass, did I not? I f*****g told her to stay inside. I f*****g told her she needs to keep a low profile. It's only a matter of time before Morozov found us out here. I know we can't hide out forever, but that's not the f*****g point. She put herself in danger. All for f*****g what? I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't get anything out. I was that f*****g mad. I wanted to throttle her. "Where the f**k did you go?" My voice came out gravelly, even to my

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