Chapter One

2339 Words
  Buds tucked tightly into my ears, the wicked tones of The Used blasted through my head at full volume, as I vacuumed the carpets for the last office of the night. It was two fifteen in the morning. I was dog tired, my shirt dripping with sweat and the bone in my bra was digging into the side of my breast. I cursed silently at the blister the size of Antarctica rising on one hand and the slight twinge beginning in my back. I was a night cleaner for several local businesses. I lead a reasonably boring existence these days, thank god. I worked, came home, showered, ate then went to bed. My days off were similar, fractured only by the occasional book or shopping adventure when I dragged myself from my cave of despair. It was the wee hours of Saturday morning and I should have known something horrible was going to happen. I was almost finished. A mere half an hour away from a shower and bed when the building's lights suddenly died. I tore the buds from my ears and whipped my phone from my pocket. The torch blazed through the darkness, a split second later. It wasn’t that I was afraid of the dark, just the monsters it tended to conceal. “s**t on a stick. Please tell me that psychotic bastard isn’t lurking around again? Should have brought that taser. Light him up so hard, his arse would glow in the dark.” I muttered for the hundredth time, rolling up the cord with quick smooth actions worthy of a professional roper. I hefted the back-pack vacuum onto my back once more and made for the chemical bucket. I picked it up as my phone rang. I let loose another stream of obscenities. Only one person would call me at this hour. “Lucy.” I greeted as cheerfully as I could. I frowned at having to give up my torch. I pressed the speaker button and light cut through the darkness again. “Lucy, Barry here. Have you finished already? I drove past to see the lights turn out.” The owner of the business barked down the line at me. I fought to keep a tight rein on my good mood. I knew it! He’d been watching the place all night. The thought creeped me out to the max, the hair on the back of my neck standing up at the thought of him being out there in the dark, lurking like the snake he was. “We just lost power as I finished up. I think the whole grid is down. Are there any street lights?” I replied knowing full and well he was skulking somewhere in the car park as I made my way through the twists and turns of the confusing corridors. I toyed with the thought of calling the police to escort me to my car. “No, the lights are all dead. How peculiar.” He murmured almost forgetting I was on the other end of his phone. I ended the call. I took several deep breaths, psyching myself up. I slipped out the back door of the building as I set the alarm tied to the backup generator. I turned off my torch and made a quick dash for my car. I hoped against hope, Barry would not follow me home this time. If it wasn't for the contract and the money, he paid; I would have had him charged for harassment weeks ago. According to the other cleaners I spoken to, he was a bit of a monster. Several women had charged him in the past, though the man had never been to prison. I loaded my equipment into the back of my car when I heard footsteps behind me. I spun around as Barry lunged out of the dark. “You always run away, Lucy.” He breathed against the side of my face. “That’s because men like you make me f*****g sick.” I hissed, shuddering at his proximity. The strong smell of garlic assaulted my nose as he tried to shove me into the back seat of my car. “Let go, get away from me. HELP!” I cried out, struggling against his heavier bulk. I kicked him away, going for my driver’s door. I swore as I broke the key off in the lock.  He grabbed me again slamming my head into the window, it shattered. Glass raining down onto the ground. I cried out at the pain rocketing through my skull, dazed I swayed where I stood. Broken glass crunched under my feet when I moved slightly. Barry laughed. “That’s more like it. Good girl. You want this, look at you? You’re practically begging me for it.” He whispered ripping open my shirt. That abrupt act bringing my mind screaming back. I slammed my head down, putting my body weight into the head-butt. There was a loud crack. Barry was the one to cry out this time. “Gods damnit.” I swore holding my head in my hands. A blazing light suddenly surrounded us. Barry staggered backwards holding one hand to his bloodied, gushing nose. “What the hell!” He yelled as we were wrenched into the air by an invisible force. A pressure built in my head, beating at me until I passed out.    I woke groggy and in pain. Someone was pulling at my belt. My eyes snapped open to see Barry struggling to release the button on my jeans. I was suddenly glad to have worn them. I palmed him using the flat of my hand to his broken nose and kicked him away from me. Barry screamed cupping his face as he rolled away. I scrambled to the other side of the cage we were currently held in. “Touch me again, I’ll f*****g gut you.” I growled. My gaze darted around frantically looking for an escape. I buckled my belt with shaking hands. Several people, two women and three men stared at us, each one wearing a similar smirk on their faces. One of the men pressed a button on the wall. “Do you speak the universal language?” He asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know. What’s the universal language?” I replied confused. The glass wall separating us shimmered and collapsed like water thrown from a bucket. “Good.” He said. The group marched in and dragged us out into a hallway. Barry yelled and cursed like a mad man, flopping all over the place. I did not struggle; I was still too groggy and my head was thumping. The small tussle with Barry having drained my strength, even with the adrenaline pumping through me as the terror at what they planned for us, rose within me.    Metal clamps were secured around our wrists when we arrived at our destination. To me they looked like thick silver bracelets. I studied one wrist and then the other. Curious. “If you try to escape, they will electrocute you.” I turned my head towards the voice off to my left. A man stood in front of a large viewing window. I was shocked into silence to see Earth growing further away. “Who are you people?” Barry yelled. Three men pinned him to the floor. I smirked unable to hide my glee when one of them smacked him in the back of the head. “Can you, do that again? I rather enjoyed it?” I asked the man who hit Barry. He lifted his hand and smacked Barry one more time. “Yup, never getting old. Cheers for that.” I murmured with a little chuckle. The man at the front of the room turned to face us. “We are Callites. Our purpose is to enrich our people. You are humans, a male and female of breeding age and high fertility. You will fetch a handsome price for our people.” Lovely, they’re going to sell us. I thought, making fists with my hands to hide the shaking of my fingers. I shook my head. I was so scared, though once more I could not contain my soft humourless chuckle. My breathing was shallow, perspiration dotted my brow. Bloody concussion. “What do you mean by high fertility?” Barry demanded. I rolled my eyes. “They mean to breed us, idiot.” I murmured pressing my hand to my aching head again. “The female refused him Commander Hirik.” One of the women reported casually. The man called Hirik’s gaze swung between Barry and me. He shrugged. “Only his consent is necessary. Does the breeding practice make you uncomfortable Captain Brady?” Hirik asked her, his tone mocking. She shook her head. “No sir, I was merely reporting that during his attempt, the female overpowered him easily. The male is physically weak and will not fetch a higher price as we first anticipated. Perhaps we should terminate this one and scout another.” She replied just as calmly. The Commander looked over us again. “He does look somewhat undesirable, I agree. We will keep him and scout another male. Perhaps we can sell this one as a slave, half-price discount to a loyal customer.” Hirik stated. Captain Brady nodded. “A wise choice sir, as always.” Brady praised. Hirik bowed his head at her compliment. “There is a ship exiting a hyper window. It looks familiar, sir. I can’t put my finger on it, I have seen it somewhere before.” One of the crew called, sounding tense. “Impossible! No one else would dare come into the NFZ. Show me, put it on screen.” Commander Hirik turned. The man’s body suddenly tensed, he swore at the picture revealed to him. “Fire damn it! Don't let them close or we are lost! Kill them!” He snarled frantically. I shrunk further into myself. “Who is it, sir?” Brady yelled driving for a control panel. “It's the bloody Helligan!” Hirik snarled. “Nixim Kane! The Ventherros Pirate! He’ll slaughter the lot of us.” Brady cried. The calm and cool captain was now sweating bullets. “Our transmission channel is being hacked sir! I cannot stop them.” Someone shouted. A face suddenly appeared on the screen. A huge black Panther with a humanoid shape. A ponytail drew back from his head, two pointed ears parted the strands, three thin braids fell from in front of his right ear. When he smiled humourlessly, he showed small sharp pointed teeth. “Ah, a Callite raiding party. How fortunate, I was hoping to kill something today. Prepare to be boarded. Haze, knock on the door.” The male announced menacingly, his gaze suddenly met mine. I felt heat curl through me at the sight of the strange creature on the screen. The slashing pupils dilating with something akin to interest before the screen went blank once more. “Kill the Pirates! Do not let them have the ship.” Hirik screamed. I flinched as the commander wrenched me to my feet, he half dragged me back down the corridor. A deafening boom sounded. We were tossed sideways, the commander swore. He used me several times as a soft landing when we fell. The door ahead of us exploded inwards and three of the huge cat-like creatures barged through weapons blazing. I was dragged up and used as a shield. The largest, the male from the television screen ducked as he stepped through the smoking doorway. He grinned, though the smile did not reach his eyes. Commander Hirik cursed softly in my ear. The huge half man half Panther dropped his gaze to my clearly terrified one. “A Terren. Oh, now that is naughty. The intergalactic council ruled Earth off-limits. How desperate your emperor must be to sanction this escapade? Release the female Hirik, you will damage her more than you already have, then where will we be? Fighting over a corpse, how droll.” The deep voice purred when he rolled his r’s. I looked to his crew, each similar in appearance. One caught my gaze. “We’re Ventherros, a race of creatures like your big cats on Earth. More evolved, yet just as savage.” He stated with a wink. “So, not dreaming then?” I asked forgetting the man holding me prisoner until I felt the bite of the blade at my throat. “Sorry, no. You’re awake.” The cat stated with a smirk. “It’s always the case.” I sighed causing the grey male to chuckle. “Are you afraid, Terren?” The leader stepped closer, more menacing and cutting off the levity of his shipmate. “What is a Terren?” “You, Human from Earth. The Intergalactic council refers to Earth’s people as Terrens.” The cat to my right whispered helpfully. Oh, yeah right, stupid. I thought. “Sorry head injury, I’m a little groggy. No, I am not afraid. Not anymore. I have experienced a cornucopia of emotions in the last several hours. Irritation, panic, shock, disbelief, anger, glee, desire and some mind-numbing terror thrown in for good measure. So, no, right now I am curiously blank. It is rather pleasant, thank you for asking. How are you feeling, today?” I replied with thick sarcasm. The captain’s eyes glowed a bright blue for a moment before fading to dull amber. The three creatures with him shifted uneasily. “I am, exceptional, thank you for your enquiry.” He pronounced smoothly. “That’s nice to know. Feel free to kill me, it’ll be a hell of a lot kinder than what is waiting for me back home.” I offered. His hand moved so fast, I did not comprehend what he was doing when a hole blossomed through my chest. I stood frozen, in shock as the sound of something heavy hit the floor behind me. “Sir, do you want the male?” A female with orange and white striped hair asked striding into view with Barry dragged behind her. I was caught gently by strong arms and hefted high against a solid chest. “I suppose, though he is rather repugnant.” The leader sighed heavily. The female with the stripes shrugged, continuing to drag him along. I lay my head back against the leader’s shoulder, meeting his gaze. “So beautiful, extraordinary beings. You have no idea what this means, true freedom is a rare gift. I thank you.” I whispered, my eyes closing. I stroked two fingers over the fur covered face above me. “Don’t thank me yet Kitten, you may live to regret it.” I could have sworn I heard the male purr before I died.
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