1. R I C K A R D O

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"Don," Came Salva's grumpy voice from the other side of the phone. "cosa hai ottenuto, Salva?" Salva was one of my many men looking after my friends back in America. He was basically the head of all the spying men in America. [trans: what have you got, Salva?] "Qui non va bene, capo..." He said while I straightened in my place. I didn't want anything happening to my friends. They were family. My men are supposed to protect them, so if they f*****g let anything happen to them, I swear they will-- "Ella Hunt..." And I just froze. I knew it was about time before, and his following words only confirmed my f*****g suspicions. [trans: This isn't good, boss...] Oh my f*****g God! It was happening. It was f*****g happening. I started panicking. Mia, Blake, and all of them. s**t, s**t, s**t. I have to-- I... I... "Should we interfe--" What kind of a f*****g idiotic question is that? "Yes, f*****g interfere right now! Go f*****g go now!!" I swear if anything happened-- I have to be there. I have to go. "Hey, Cosa c'è che non va? abbiamo sentito urlare ..." Valerio's curious voice drifted my attention to him from the door. [trans: What's wrong? we heard yelling...] I looked up at him sharply while loading the safety of my g*n. "Prepare the private jet, immediately!" My heart was f*****g beating like a hurricane as my thoughts swirled to the worst. “We are going to America.” “I am coming with.” I didn’t even notice Roberto’s presence. One glare from me informing him that it was not time for his bullshit had him firing back a glare at me. “It’s not up for negotiations.”  Of course, another young replica of papa. “I don’t have time for this shit.” I brushed past him. Only hoping that I would get there in time. As I passed by the living room, hurried steps followed me, and I knew before I saw the figure who would that be. “Where are you going?” Not again. Why is she so determined? Why can’t she leave me the hell alone? I didn’t reply. I won’t respond. I told her to get over it; what’s her deal? “Alfonso is waiting in the private jet.” Came Valerio by my side. “The extra clothes we keep for emergencies are safely secured in the jet as well.” “Private jet?” We just reached the doorstep, and I was f*****g over the moon for getting away from her. “Why? Where are you going?” “America.” Valerio took it upon himself to answer her instead. Then his phone started blaring, and he excused himself to take the call in a corner before we get in the car. “America! Why?” Why was she worried? Who does she think she is? “Is everyone alright?” before I can get in the car, she grabbed my arm. “Rick! Answer me!” With my other hand, I slapped hers away, and in a second, she was pinned to the car door by my hand gripping her neck. “Don’t f*****g touch me!” I growled in her face. Her eyes flashed with hurt for a moment before she quickly disguised it. “You don’t f*****g talk to me nor touch me ever again.” Her face was turning red from the tight grip I had around her neck but… she didn’t fight. As usual, she is a f*****g p***y! “Never associate with me and f*****g turn back to your country.” Her arms still by her side. Her annoyingly rose-painted lips between her teeth as she bit on them as her eyes dared to look at me blankly as if I am not cutting her air circulation at the moment. “You have no place here!” “Rickardo!” Came Valerio’s yell as he got off the phone and noticed what I was doing. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He pushed me away from her, and her coughs filled the air. She is a damn fighter for holding for so long. “Are you okay, donna?”  “Don’t call her that!” I growled at him, my eyes pinned on the woman before me as she crouched down on the floor with Valerio’s hand rubbing her back. Such a dirty woman she seems for letting him rub her back like that. “She is a damn outsider.” “She is your equal. Respect her, Rickardo…” Valerio’s glare was set on me as he helped her stand up. What’s the deal with them all? Why are they so drawn to her? She is not that delicate. She is such a snake.  “Or what?” I challenged. “You will fight your don?” He couldn’t reply. He knew the consequences. So, he stayed silent. “That’s what I thought.” I opened the car door. “Now get in.”  “Take care of the mafia for us, donna.” I scoffed at his words. Donna? What’s the problem with them? She is no donna. She is a pitiful girl called Lariene. Why isn’t she with her family? Didn’t she find them? I am so sick of her presence. “I will don’t worry.” I slammed the car door shut after hearing her irritating voice. She just brings the beast in me. I hate her so much. I hate everything that happened for me, and the only person I can take it all out on is her. I am pretty sure she is the root of all of my problems. “Valerio,” I yelled from the car. “We don’t have all day. Get your a*s in there.” “Ciao, donna.” I heard him peck her cheek and only fisted my hand. As soon as Valerio climbed in, the driver started the car, and soon enough, I was watching the woman who has been haunting me day and night for the past three months. She stood there watching the car drive away while one of her hands covered her neck. I could see the red marks of my fingers on her delicate skin. Her rosy lips again swiped between her teeth. This woman… I-- she ---  I hate her!
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