Chapter 31: Beginning of the love Triangle

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Kai At noon that fateful Saturday, an SUV pulled over at the garage. I was watching from the window with a drink at hand, curiosity having the best of me. What was she like? Fun like Lynn, hot like her? A freak under the sheets and able to make me sleep? Speaking of which I couldn't sleep well the previous night. The nightmares got worse and guilt had me yawning the entire night until the few hours to dawn. Hugging my pillow imagining it was her. Ava Whitaker was not that bad. From the first look I had of her. Blonde hair, Light skinned, curved eye brows, elongated eye lashes, her eyes were grey with a shade of black under them, typical witches. Thin Nose Bridge down to banana shaped lips, red hot with lipstick. Dressed in a long red halter dress, her cleavage visible separating her two firm breasts, thin waist I wished she could spin but I was convinced her ass was fine too. Honestly, good but not better than Lynn, I didn't have that feeling I had when we met with Lynn. Maybe it was because I anticipated Ava and the former just happened. She had another lady behind her, young too. They hugged with mum happily like longtime friends, dad was standing behind mum just putting on a smile. "Welcome Ava, glad you could make it" mum said. "I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting for long" she spoke in a soft voice. "No you're right on time, welcome in" Dad said shaking her arm gently. I felt Arthur walk behind me. He exhaled slowly, funny how he was more tensed up than me. "It's time boss, you have to meet your wife" "She is not my wife....yet!" "Come on sir, she is good isn't she? I mean not as beautiful as Lynn but every girl can't be a model can't they? Am sure this one both of you will love her unlike Lynn where the other guy loves her and the human in you not so much..." "Not the psyche I was looking forward to man" I complained turning around to face him. "Sorry Boss, she seems nice. No criminal record, no past relationships..." "Hold up, did you do what I think you did?" "You mean do a background check? Yeah I do a background check on everyone around you it's my job" "Lynn" "Let's see" he pretended to be thinking, "No criminal record but she has ever been arrested, four previous relationships one with an actor, two with popular Hillwood CEO's and the latest with a Soccer guy" "How come you didn't tell me this?" "You didn't ask, and she is not a threat" "But you told me about Ava without asking" "Sorry" he shrugged showing me the way, I handed him the glass and Walked downstairs in brown loafers and a maroon suit. Something about Ava was not making sense. No previous relationships, never been arrested? And I thought Lynn was the weird one. I mean how comes no one wanted her? Witches are a pain in the ass but there's someone for everyone out there, at least that's what I knew. Unless. "Are you sure about Ava's relationship track record? I have this feeling you're trying to persuade me" "You can get it from the horse’s mouth. But trust me, I was thorough" “Better hope you’re right!" I hissed grabbing his collar and pounding his heavy body on the wall. "Son, not cool!" Dad said walking upstairs. He adjusted my collar and coat before holding my hand. It was one of those rare occasions when my dad put on a suit too. They were really overdoing this introductory lunch. We found mum and Ava seated in the living room, talking over wine. When she saw me Ava left her seat and went to her knees. Well, that was another level submission that got my heart melting. "Please rise, you don't have to do that, whatever it is" I said helping her up back on her feet. "Thank you" "Does everyone do that where you come from?" "Yes, only to the man you intend to get married to" She said seating back on the couch. "Glad, my name is..." "Kai Watson" She said happily, "am sorry but you're kind of a celebrity in this city, I think everyone knows you" "I don't have a very good repute out there" "Yeah, that one is obvious too" "Am glad you two are catching up, let's have lunch" Mum said leading the procession to the dining room. They'll forgot to remind me that witches being the nature balance gurus were staunch vegetarians. The table was full of vegetables, yams, mashed potatoes and seeds no meat. And dad was screaming at me to show some manners through the mind link. I was forced to put on a feigned smile while serving the boring meal. At least she seemed to be enjoying it, chewing thoughtfully with a smile on her face. "Am glad you came" I sparked a conversation to keep my bored taste buds busy. "And am glad your reputation precedes you" "So, mum, I was hoping that Ava and I can get to walk and talk, know each other a little bit after lunch" "It's okay, that's why she is here" Dad jumped in the conversation uninvited. He was really enjoying that moment. Me doing everything he and mum wanted without being much of a pain in the ass. Now I could tell where I got that insatiable need to be worshipped. We enjoyed the vegan lunch, dessert was brought and thank God it was a chocolate cake. Mum read my mind. I needed something sweet to short circuit my taste buds. Then, we went for that walk. Just the two of us walking aimlessly in the forest. Not talking much. I knew it was my duty to start the conversation but I didn't really know where to start from. Unlike Lynn-who I couldn't stop thinking about by the way Ava wasn't making it easier for me to communicate. "Beautiful right?" I asked when we got to a man-made waterfall, the water howling down the cliff and the birds chirping crated a soothing rhythm not to mention the serenity brought by the naturals shade. "Very, you don't talk much don't you?" "Yeah, in my defense, we just met so I don't want to seem like that vague guy" "You're an alpha werewolf, possessive, super confident. A little arrogant" She said whispered the last part out. "You're okay with all that?" "Come on, it's in your nature. It won't be a hindrance to this relationship if that's what you're asking" Wow! See what I was talking about. She was easier to deal with than....I don't want to mention her again but you know. Here is a girl who was ready to have me despite my anomaly. I didn't have to hide my vintage nature or be afraid of being myself. "Okay, now I don't know what to say" I said raising my gaze then dropped it quickly looking away. "Are you blushing?" She asked getting closer, her scent was all over the place in every inch of breath I took. "No" She entangled her arms around my neck. Now I had to look at her in the eyes, dark pupil darting on the milky cornea of her eyes, she was breathing in short puffs, her heartbeat steady and the warmth emanating underneath her velvet dress jerked my body. "So, you didn't say anything about me. Do I meet the standards of your dream Luna or am losing to Lynn?" Yeah, saw that one coming. I just never thought she was going to be the one to bring it up. Her mind was made up she was in for a long haul, whether we were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend quicker than normal it was up for me to decide. "You're beautiful..." "But not like Lynn?" "Don't make me compare and choose it's" I exhaled lazily holding her waist, " awkward, you're beautiful that should be enough and I like your personality so you're winning" "Feels good to hear that. You know I thought you'll say no the moment you see me" "Is that why you over did this make up?" Ava shyly dropped her gaze with a weak smile. She was ashamed and for a split of a second I thought it was really embarrassing to say that considering she was trying to be like Lynn but she raised her gaze again with confidence. What came out as an insult seemed to have done little damage to her confidence. It was bullet proof. "If it makes you feel better, it's my first time" "Sorry I didn't mean to insult you" "It's okay, I deserve it. Anyway what can we do for fun? We still have the whole day" she said breaking free, there was cheekiness written all over her face. "I don't know, you're the visitor I'll be up to anything you decide" Taking that insult was eating me up a little bit. If it know who...she wouldn't have brushed it off or pretended like it didn't hurt simply because she wanted us to work out. Then again, if you come to think of it, in our relationship Lynn had the power and in this I seemed to hold the power and that was my biggest weakness. They say power is the greatest aphrodisiac. "A swim, but before that, it'd be cool to see you morph" "You mean like right now?" "Yeah, am sure you don't need a full moon to do that unless you're not in the mood or you need a trigger that..." "It's fine" I said and started undressing right away. Honestly I didn't want to morph. My wolf was angry with me. Once again we were having one of our usual internal fights that rose from our different demands. Ava had her eyes glued on me until I was totally naked in front of her and as expected she had her lovely, almond shaped eyes glued on my slightly erect boner. "Here goes nothing" I said to capture her attention and she responded by clearing her throat and apologizing in a mumble. My iris glowed first. She gasped with happiness, then my claws sprouted followed by a pelt sprouting from my face. Coincidentally my bones started breaking from my feet and in less than a minute I swiftly morphed into a complete calf sized wolf. I just stood there watching her as she walked in amazement, knelt down and ruffled the pelt under my neck down to my p***s. It really felt good that I snarled as she ruffled the pelt on my back. "You're beautiful this way. I think I can enjoy this version of you" She said lying on the grass and in lay by her side waiting for that command to morph back if she had already had her fill. My wolf didn't like her as much as it did like Lynn too bad Lynn had never met him and I'm sure she was going to freak out if she did. If I were him I would have cherished Ava. She got out a comb from her handbag and sat up, with me lying between her feet she started combing my pelt in silence and I just enjoyed her touch, gladly, my stubborn wolf was starting to enjoy it too. "I wish someone could take a picture of the two of us, it'd be beautiful" she said and kept her comb away then got on her feet, "time for that run, go easy on me, can't use magic you know" Like she said I gave her a head start before I followed her. She kept running while looking back and that image of her laughing, her hair sprawling melted my heart. She was not that bad. Don't get me wrong am not saying she was better than Lynn but she was having fun with the beast side of me and that was priceless. Maybe there was a chance I could live two lives, the human with Lynn and the wolf with Ava until whoever won? At first I thought it was a bad idea until I realized it was my only practical idea. We ended up having that swim in the lake and I loved it, every bit of it including that near kiss before she left. We were not ready. But we were just delaying the inevitable.
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