Chapter 6: His missing Cure

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Lynn The yellow-golden rays of the sun splashed across my face making my eyes ache and bringing with them warmth. A cold breeze made the giant curtains swish and the air was fresh, the birds were chirping their melodies and together nature was forming a perfect morning rhythm that made feel grateful being alive. When I opened my eyes, Kai and I were lying sprawled on the bed his masculine, hairy arm posessively around my slim frame. He was still sound asleep and I didn't want to wake him up but I had to go so I carefully slipped out of his romantic grasp, dressed up and picked my stuff. Before leaving I wrote a note: "Thank you for last night Kai. You know how to take care of guests. And get a wife. Grateful, Lynn" I stuck it on his bedside lamp and leaned in to kiss his cheek before leaving his room. His bungalow was more beautiful during the day than it looked the previous night. The art on the wall was exquisite and without knowing I found myself lost in the urge to just stare at it and let it sink, decipher what most of the artists were trying to put across. "They are his most prized collection, some are his own work" a familiar voice said from behind, "Am the house keeper" she formally introduced herself. "Am Lynn, I came in with Kai last night. I'm running late already, I have to leave and he is still asleep" She laughed through her teeth looking at me and then she stopped when she realized that I seriously had no idea why she was laughing at what I said because it wasn’t funny. "Ooh you're serious?" "Yeah, sound asleep. Anyway bye" I said walking away briskly. "Okay good day" she lazily said after me. It was weird how she laughed when I said Kai was still asleep. My guess was maybe as a billionaire he always woke up earlier. They had no time to sleep. Lucky for me his palatial home was closer to the road. It took five minutes of standing by his iron gates before a cab pulled over and I hopped in. During the entire drive, I was leaning back on the seat with my gaze fixed outside, lost in my own head. I felt alive after that wild s*x with a hot incredible billionaire. Now I couldn't stop thinking about him and his massive arms holding me, flipping me around like a pancake and his scent engulfing my senses. That feeling of our skin touching brought a tingly feeling in my abdomen and the memory of his kisses falling on me like raindrops and drowning me in ecstasy. "Hey, we are here!" The cab driver snapped his fingers in my face. "Sorry" I said and paid him his dues before walking to my apartment. When I got in my room, I shut the door and undressed on my way to the shower. Stood under it and let the warm water hit my skin in ripples cascading down my back to my feet, washing away my beautiful sins of the previous night. That image of him smiling was still stuck in my head. Nothing new for me, it was going to take me a few days to forget about him and move on with my boring lonely life. That impromptu date with Kai had been the best I had been on for a long time. Honestly, I wanted to see him again, but at the same time it was risky to put myself out there. What if he didn't want to see me again? Or I got so attached and it ended up the same way. In tears, regrets and sorrow. For my own good, I had to forget him by all means. There were a couple of missed calls on my phone. One from my guide at the sunflower lotions and another one from my mum. Since I was already late I called my mum on my way outside. "Good morning mum" "Morning, are you coming back today?" "Tomorrow mum, I thought we had talked about this" I said waving down a cab, it stopped right in front of me and I slipped in. "You're still my one and only baby girl I won't stop checking on you from time to time. Anyway, Marcus was here and he was asking about you. Apparently you blocked him" "As you should mum, we're done with him" Marcus was the latest man to break my heart, a symbol of pain and sadness, because that's all he reminded me of. Turns out the bastard was married with two kids and he was neglecting them to be with me. Not that I even wanted his money, I had enough for myself he was just a jerk by default. "I told him you're coming back today and he promised to come back what should I tell him?" "Tell him to move on" "Have you?" "Yes mum, I moved on a long time ago and I hadn’t thought of him since we parted until you brought him up" "Okay, as you wish. Bye" My day was going on well before Marcus came up. A single phone call had managed to ruin my happiness and now I didn't even want to go back home knowing he was snooping around. As long as he knew I was single there was no stopping him that easily. It gave him hope that perhaps there was a spark of love between us. Well, I wouldn’t hate to disappoint him, there was none. Ever just got so used to being disappointed that you don’t get mad or sad anymore you just get done? I was there, done with him and now I was living as though he never existed and nothing reminded me of him. Nothing not even his stupidly handsome face. ****** It was business unusual at Kai's Home. All the employees were gathered in the living room under the guidance of Arthur, worry on their faces. The fact that they had not seen their Boss since morning was raising an alarm. Although he was mean, easily irritable and spent most of his time yelling out their incompetence, he paid their salaries so handsomely that they cared about him somehow. On a normal day, Kai always woke up at five in the morning. The likes of Arthur and the guards knew he didn't sleep much. Not even a glimpse of it. He spend the night on the balcony drinking and swimming, sometimes watching the beautiful city and star gazing or taking a stroll in his man-made forest then watching the sun rise. "You guys calm down, everything is okay. He is in there with a guest...." "The girl left very early in the morning" the housekeeper interrupted Arthur. He had to come up with something else quick. "And you just let her go?" He asked surprised. "What would you have me do Arthur? She said she was running late for work" "For Christ’s sake Arthur it's already noon, go in there and check on him. Who knows? Maybe the girl you guys are talking about was an assassin" the gardener said. "She is not an assassin, you guys wait here I'll go check on him" And so they waited as their conduit to their Boss strode upstairs. He knocked on the door once calling out his name. No answer. He turned the knob and the door opened. Kai was lying in free faller position, his bed sheets covering him up to his waist. "Boss, everything okay?" Arthur asked getting closer. He saw the stick note, plucked it and skimmed through it before shaking the hell out of Kai. He woke up sweating the grip of his right hand around Arthur’s neck. His iris was glowing, his eyes wide open as though he had seen death with his naked eyes sweat was trickling down his tattered chest. Arthur's face was turning purple from asphyxiation and his eyes were bulging out. "Sorry, what's happening to me?" He asked setting him free. "You were asleep boss, like deep sleep" Said Arthur in rusty hinge voice still trying to catch the next breath. "That's impossible, we both know I don't fall asleep but I feel so light" he said concerned and happy at the same time. "You did, it's noon. Everyone downstairs was worried that maybe the girl you came with last night had harmed you" "Where is she?" He asked looking around as though Lynn was hiding somewhere in his huge bedroom. Instead of explaining what he didn't know Arthur gave him the note she had left behind. He read through it and handed it back to Arthur rolling off his bed. His long strides led him towards the bathroom, naked. Arthur followed him behind waiting for his next instructions. And they were surprising. "Find her, don't come back here if you don't!" He said and shut the door in his face. How do you start finding someone you don't even know? That was Arthur's headache. He stood there until Kai emerged with a towel around his waist. "I thought I told you to find the girl" "Do you know her name, where she comes from, maybe a street address? Anything boss, anything I can start on?" He just glared at Arthur and defiantly marched past him to his walk in wardrobe. Like a loyal servant Arthur was a few steps behind him. None of them knew even her full name, where she came from or her address. All they had was that video, blurred and not showing her complete futures. "Please don't tell me you think she is the cure, maybe you are healed and you just need to believe it a get a good night sleep" "The doctors said it will take time, not heal abruptly. There is something special about that girl, he wants her, she makes him go nuts and just want to grab her maybe I still can't feel it" "Then morph, track her scent down" "We both know that's stupid Arthur. Take as much men as you need, find the damn girl, and tell everyone to go back to work" "Okay boss" "Please" he said his right arm on Arthur's shoulder, the remorse and sympathy in his voice were new but genuine, "Do this one thing for me, I feel different, happy and energized. I feel normal again and if there is a chance she is the cure I've been longing for, then am willing to take it" "I got you sir" With nowhere to start from, Arthur had to find Lynn in the massive ski city. Was it even possible to find her? And was she indeed the cure?
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