Chapter 35: Mum, I'm fine

1939 Words
Lynn When the plane landed at JKIA airport that evening my heart melted with profound joy of being home again. For over two months my body and soul had been far from home, having left happy and landed back home happy again. Happier than I left. To me, that was a blessing. After going through the immigration I found mum and dad waiting with a placard: "Welcome Home Lynn" It had two red hearts after my name. The first one was mummies love and the second daddies. The last few meters I ran and fell into their arms as mum hugged me tight denying dad a chance to feel the impact of that hug but he was okay, he hugged us both instead. It was really emotional, thrilling and heartwarming to be in their arms again. Two most important people in the world who had gone through thick and thin to raise me give me an education and even during my struggles with love they'd always pick me up from the rubbles of the problems caused by myself. "My child is back safely, ooh how we missed you sweetheart" Mum said. "Missed you too mum, dad" I fell into his arms and lay on his chest his steady heartbeat in my ear bringing a soothing feeling, he kissed my hair and stroked my back gently. "I missed you so much kiddo, don't you ever stay away that long" he said. "Told her the same thing. Let's get home we have a lot planned for you" mum suggested. Dad carried my small luggage to the car, he took the driver’s seat while mum and I were in the back seat. All the way they told me stories of what transpired in my absence, hilarious tales of two people who were aging in love, one of the things I really admired about my parents and in every relationship the goal was to have what they had. So far, it had not worked well for me. "And how is life in ski city, settling in well?" Dad asked. We were approaching home. A few minutes from the main road somewhere in the woods, peaceful with not so much neighbors where the beauty of nature was a normal thing. He, dad, claimed he chose the area because it reminded him of his days back in the service. "Yeah, my job is great I have made a friend too" "Kai" mum blurted out the not comfy Kai topic. "We're friends” "Really? You seem so close" "Close friends" "We are not done here" she said when dad drove in the compound. That one I was fully aware. Mum was going to find a way for us to have that one on one genuine girl talk. Dad followed me with the luggage in my room and he looked happy, hugged me again long this time. In silence letting me feel the fatherly warmth I had longed to have. "Am so glad you're here, you know I never thought you'll become this big model to an extent of going out of the country to do gigs" "People grow dad, you wanted me to be a local model huh!" "No sweetheart, I mean it's just a lot to take in you know. My little girl all alone out there in the big scary world with few kind people" "Am not alone dad, Kai and Mona have been taking care of me" "The boy, you like him?" That one made me break free. Unless it was important my dad was the quiet type and he getting out of his comfort of silence, being much of an observer it had taken a lot. His silence made me wonder what the service had done to him. Was it that he had seen a lot of deaths that he couldn’t talk much because of trauma or maybe he was shot in the frail gut and all the fun in talking sipped out with the blood? Yeah, none of us could ask him that. "You know your mum doesn't give me a chance to talk about this with you. This is the only we've got" "We're friends. Our relationship is not defined already you know my history dad I rushed and got hurt and now am just taking it slow" "But you're aware you can't know people fully. No matter how long you stay with them you just have to hope what they are keeping from you won't be lethal to the relationship" "It's not a relationship dad, don't worry okay?" I said holding his hand and looking in his eyes. He was calm and relaxed with my assurance. "Okay, I believe you. Freshen up see you at dinner kid" He said walking out of the room. After he opened the door he stopped and turned around to look at me, "am glad you're here kid, tell me have you been feeling okay health wise, anything weird?" "What do you mean by weird?" "Headaches you know, immune responses" "Had some at the beginning, change of weather you know but now they have subsided" He seemed hesitant to leave before he left. Weird right? Not really with my parents looking out for me at all times like their egg. This one I blamed on them for having me alone. Perhaps if they had more children they wouldn't be worrying about me that much. I put on some music and hit the shower dancing under it while scrubbing my body clean and letting the water wash away the jet lag. Upon emerging with a white towel around my chest I was feeling light and comfortable. Sat on the bed and applied lotion on my well shaven smooth as butter legs, my lower abdomen and boobs, spent a lot of time at my sternum and cleavage then squeezed my thirty double F’s or whatever size they were just to screen myself of breast cancer you know. After playing with myself a little, from the closet I selected a black shirt dress. "Lynn! Dinners is ready!" Mum shouted from downstairs. "Coming mum!" I said looking at myself in the mirror weaving my hair into one big long pony tail. "You're a terrible time keeper, need some help with hair?" Mum asked barging into my room. "No mum. I got this" She helped me anyway. And all I did was look at her and smile with contentment. It took me back to when I was a little girl and she would prepare me for school, during parent’s day the other parents would swarm in around her asking for hair and skin routine and I'd be in her arms shying away from dozens of eyes being envied by my peers. "Why are you smiling?" "This reminds me of when I was young" "You'll always be my little girl...perfect. Now let's go!" I kissed her cheek and we went downstairs together. The dining was well set with ally favorites. Roasted chicken in the middle of table surrounded by rice, salad and fruits, a bowl of lentil soup, grapes and a bottle of red wine-fourth street. Dad was already seated at the head of the table with his napkin around his neck and cutlery in his hands. "Looks like we have been delaying you" mum said taking her rightful seat at the lower end of the table. "This room smells nice" "Your mother's cooking makes me go nuts" He said and started serving right away. "Reminds me of how we met" "Great topic, so tell me how you met" I said pouring myself a glass full of wine. "That will be a story for another day. But heads up, it had everything to do with food" Dad said amid laughter, mum also couldn't help it but break into laughter. "It must be funny, can't wait" We ate in silence as a family. The TV was on showing the news at a low volume, the sound of our silver spoons grinding in the ceramic plates made most of the noise...once in while a glass connecting with the table. After the half an hour dinner we sat on the couch to watch TV, I sandwiched between my parents as we ate ice cream for dessert. "So how's ski city?" "Great weather, friendly people, unending fun. Peace generally" "Any news of supernatural creature, it has been known to harbor such?" Dad asked with concern, it reminded me of that weird look on his face when he asked about my health. "I thought they all went extinct. Haven't heard any cases, if it's my security you're worried about Kai has me watched at all times and my apartment is also secure. You guys don't have to worry" "We have to, you live miles away" said mum. "Do you guys get bored when am not around? Why don't you take a vacation, visit friends and relatives? Whom I've never been introduced to by the way" Another landmine topic part from marriage with my parents was relatives. When Kai introduced me to his cousin Ava I felt so jealous he had someone to tell his family story. For as long as I could remember I was always alone in a beautiful house in the woods. That's why school was such a sanctuary for me because there I got to meet friends and play until either mum or dad would show up to pick me up and no friends came over at our place. Although this lack of social freedom did not destroy my interaction with people it just made me wonder how I'd have turned out if I grew up with more people in my life. "Why don't we have any relatives mum? I don't remember seeing my grandmother or any of my uncles, cousins" "Because they live far away" "How far? To the moon? Because that's the only place we can't get we don't have a rocket yet" "One day you'll see them. You're just not ready to meet them" "Ready how? Am old enough" "You won't understand and we hope you will one day...we should rest" Dad suggested with a deflection. He got up his feet and kissed me Goodnight. "You go ahead, my daughter and I have a lot to talk about" "Don't stay up long" he warned going ahead. The talk wasn't anything I had not anticipated. Kai was surely going to dominate the conversation and I had to come up with a way to convince mum that I was okay. We sat there in silence. "Go ahead mum" "You already know what am going to talk about. Save us both sometime then" "Am okay mum, seriously am fine. Kai is treating me well, am not rushing this time we are still getting to know each other well" "No red flags?" "None that I can't handle, relax. Let's just enjoy this few days we have no Kai talk just you and I having fun. For the first time, please I really need this" "Fine. Just so you know I'll be watching. You get serious we want to meet him" "You will when the time comes. Goodnight mum" "Goodnight" It had been a warm welcome for me. Before I went to sleep I called Mona and Kai to let them know of my safe arrival. She was going to miss me so much and the feeling was mutual. Kai was also going to feel my absence, Ava had left and he was alone with his guards in his huge mansion. That motivated to go back earlier just to be with him. After a short prayer I slid under my sheets, sleep consumed me.
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