The Conqueror Thief 4

440 Words
In the palace, Ome had been brutally handled and he was dying. The two sisters woke up in the middle of the night and went outside to question him again but Ome had nothing to tell them. Ann was very angry. She picked a hot iron and pushed it right through his left eye, causing Ome to scream. Nana pushed Ann aside "What did you do Ann?" "I blinded him in one eye. If I step out again and he still resisted from telling me where our sister is I will blind him entirely" Ann spoke, dropped the hot rod and walked away, back to her chamber. Nana stared at Ome where he was tied up for a while and looked at the palace guards before going back to her chamber as well. In the forest that night, Chaze was struggling with Lilly. "Leave me alone. I must return to Kaborn. I have a bad feeling that my love is not alright. Please let me be!" Lilly cried. Chaze pushed her to the ground. "You are selfish. You want to abandon me after I rescued you from my friends. You don't think I'm no longer one of them if I'm helping you!!!" shouted Chaze. "Helping me?" Lilly said, while angrily standing up. "You came to my father's palace to kidnap me. You are nothing but a thief and my father will behead you" she started walking away. "Come back here!" Chaze shouted while running after her. In the hideout. Gilly, Chaze's girlfriend was getting well. She cried bitterly on remembering how Chaze pushed her down. She swore to find Chaze, even if it meant forming her own group to do so. Lilly climbed the hill just before the palace gates and stared right into the palace compound. Her expression changed as she watched what was happening in the palace. Chaze reached her and stood by her side, "what is it?" He asked before looking the same direction. They both watched as the palace guards bundled Ome's lifeless body with no head to the stake. Ome's head was on the ground and the palace touch lights provided Lilly the opportunity of seeing Ome's head clearly. Lilly looked up and saw her sister Ann holding the sword that was used to cut off Ome's head. She saw Nana covering her face with both hands and she turned and walked away. "Where are you going back to? This is your home, your father's home" Chaze was saying but Lilly kept walking while she replied. "Kaborn is no longer my place and you are forever my enemy for being the cause of Ome's death"
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