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The people of Ugodu who had gathered to where Rega fell had waited for him to wake up and he did wake up and when he did he was startled by the number of people that founded him up and he immediately stood on his feet and while he was about to move one of the men held him by the shoulder and drew him back that he nearly fell. He wanted to know what the problem was and one of them who had already seized a club on the floor made his way to hit him but was hindered by another who said, "We can not harm him now, not until he tell us what we need to hear. Someone as him should have something to say that we need to him. If he is working with those witches then his death is not what we should be seeking for now but some truths out of him" When the man was done speaking the one that had seized a club dropped it and immediately went away to sit by himself. He was visibly angry.. Then the man who had hindered him walked up to Rega and reminded him that he needed to be a good lad and answer him the question he was going to throw at him. "Who were those people that came to unleash terror here and what are they called?" "I do not understand what you mean by that but I do know that I am a stranger who entered this land not long ago. How will I know of the people you speak about " Said Rega. "Those people are not from here but you were with one of them in there before the attack. You ate also the fruits one of them provided you or can you deny that too? Will you say that you do not know the one who served you some fruits. She first hurt one of the marketers of Ugodu before bringing you those fruits. You ate them and so you can not deny not knowing him. If you deny again we will be forced to beat you and if we beat you you will be dead. Out with it immediately and tell us who those people were" Rega did not know what to say or how to make them to understand that he truly had no knowledge of what they were asking of him. His silence made the one that had been asking him questions angry and he slapped him across the face and pushed him to the ground. "Do you think I am joking with you? You have got to answer my questions else I will be forced to make sure you do not see another day. Get up!" The man shouted and Rega stood up and faced the man again. "Are you ready to talk now?" asked the man and Rega looked around and cleaned the tiny blood that dropped from his mouth when the man slapped him and then began, "I do not know of what you speak of but I do know that I saw what you speak about and it scared me much more than it scared you all. I am not from this town and neither am I from the town of those people. I am from Meha under King Zaz" Said Rega and the people of Ugodu became even more infuriated as they held onto him and began to drag him. "You are from a kingdom being ruled by a cursed man. The king of Meha is a cursed man and if you truly come from there then you are cursed also and we will show you no mercy?" said the people as they dragged him away and locked him up. Rega remained inside the dark cell till the next day. While inside the cell he kept on thinking of what he had gotten himself into and what the people of Ugodu meant when they say the king of Meha was cursed. He then thought about Yara and then shook his head piteously. In that land they had a ruler who was known for having only one eye. His eye was destroyed when he mistakenly ventured in the land of Akpara. When he entered there he had seen the witches praying and instead of turning back he went further in to know what they were praying about. The leader of the witches had looked at him and told him that even though he had entered there mistakenly he will go back home with only one eye and that one eye will serve as a lesson to him and to his people who might try in nearby future to do what he did. The king of Ugodu had immediately had one of his eyes destroyed where he stood and so when he went home he did not want to tell his people of what happened, instead he said that a boar attacked him while he was hunting. He did not want the people of Ugodu to think he was weak but then some who thought their king was lying visiting soothsayers who told them that the evil place of Akpara was not far from the city of Ugodu and that their king had had an encounter with the witches of Akpara and that was what blinded him in one of his eyes. The king had waited for the people of Ugodu who said they had captured one of the witches of Akapara to bring him to his palace and when they brought him he kept on looking at him as though he resembled someone he knew. At that point he threw his first question at Rega and Rega kept mute. "Young man you have to learn to answer my question when I ask you and do not shy away from me. I had asked you a simple question and in my question I said, " What is your name or do you not have a name?" Rega after hearing him the second time then looked sideways and began to talk.. "I am not whom you think I am. I am not a killer neither am I a wizard. My name is Rega and I come from a land called Meha. I have a proof that I am from Meha Kingdom but I have heard some say that I am from Akpara. I do not know where Akpara is and I am not from there as they claimed" "What then are you looking for in my land, in our land? They say that you were with the person that brought the winged witches to attack us" said the king. "I was not with her. She came to me and I did not know who she was. I am not lying to you and you should know it king of Ugodu" said Rega. The king of Ugodu then rose from his seat and stretched himself and then began talking to his subjects, " Ugodu is a land of peace and it is a small land as well. I do not know why other lands would not let us be small in peace and leave us alone. I do not know this man and I do not believe in his words and that is why I am going to as us, Do we believe his stories?'" "Nooo!!!" shouted the crowed and the king of Ugodu sat back on his throne, eyes on Rega. "I king of Ugodu hereby sentence you Rega to death by burning" when the king of Ugodu said this the people began to jubilate and to dance around. Rega was held and taken away to be executed. Inside the land of Akpara Zirima was restless and even through they were praying for the world her mother could see that she was not concentrating. At a point she rose and began to walk away from the praying ground. Her mother went after her and held her back. "What are you doing daughter mine?" She asked her. "ever since I was born I have been praying here with you people but I have not seen the changes these prayers we say here have done for the people. You pray for the people, the same people you kill" "Those people would not understand..You should be lucky you are privileged to be born here. This place does not operate like like the place of the humans.. Over here we are united and our duty is heavier. We carry the burdens of the humans and they should respect that fact and desist from trying to harm us. I came for you and did what needed to be done so I could rescue you. Your life is more important that a million human lives. We pray for them, we protect them from the anger of the nature against them. They will not understand but you do and that is how you are privileged. Are you now going to think like them because of the love the young man whispered in your ears?" "He did not whisper any love in my ear. I purposely wanted to save him from those who would harm him. I simply did the practical aspect of what we have been praying about. We can not only pray for them. The gods of Akpara and the originator of this land did so and we have this power so that we can make use of it. We should be out there I said in the past, rescuing the oppressed and the maltreated. That is what we should be doing mother" The leader of the Akpara people then decided to leave her and get back to where she was praying with the rest of the witches. "It is good you are back and it is also good that you will have nothing to do with him again. You will stay here until I am done teaching you all that is required to lead these witches to victory against the nature that is against us and the people of these world" The mother left her seated there and went back to rejoin the rest where they were praying. Zirima was not comfortable with the fact that her mother was paying deaf ears to her feeling and acting like she was the one that knew everything. If her mother was not going to listen to her she would then take the law of Akpara in her hands and do what needed to be done.
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