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Yara could not endure the pain any longer. She was thirsty, hungry and sick. She could no longer breath well and that was too much for her. She demanded the presence of the guard who was positioned at the gate of the cell and asked him to tell the king that she would like to have his attention. The guard did a s he was told and walked to the King's throne room and bowed before him. "My lord, the lady in cell three wants your attention" said the guard. The king smiled and asked him to bring her to him. The guard returned to the cell and shortly he appeared before the king with Yara as she stood before the king. Yara was bending down her head and some of of the officials who were inside the throne room before she was brought in was asked by the king to give him privacy and they left. The king kept on looking at Yara and Yara who was getting impatient with his stare decided to speak. "I am suffering and you are watching. Apart from your desire I have a right as a citizen of Meha to be taken care of despite the fact that I am your prisoner" Yara was standing like someone that was thoroughly beaten by rain. The king walked up to her and stood before her. "All I ask for is that you accept to be my Queen and Rega will be released and he can go home" "He will go home and do what at home. Do you think he will be able to have rest of mind if I am not with him for two days. I am saying that you have kept him here for too long and it is high time you released him" said Yara. "As you wish, only that I can not grant you your request if you do not accept my offer" said the king and Yara after contemplating for a while decided to end it all. She accepted to be the wife of the king and told him that as long as she remained his wife he must promise to be a good king and a better husband. The king was so happy and he commanded the maids immediately to attend to all her needs, to bath her and have her dressed and then set the dinner to celebrate tonight. The maids began immediately to implement their duties. The king of Meha sat back on his throne and was smiling, smiling of victory. He looked up and saw Mezie enter and he hissed. He knew that he would soon preach to him like he always did. "My king" Mezie greeted and bowed before the king of Mega. "Say whatever you want to say Mezie Mezie tried to bring forth the idea of the beauty contest again but then the king broke the news of Yara's acceptance to be his wife. Mezie could not believe his ears but he did not want to go on arguing with the king on that issue again instead he bowed and said again. " What about the former husband, Rega, he is still in the cells and you can set him free now my king, at least he deserves his freedom even if he won't be allowed access to his wife again" The king looked at Mezie for sometimes and then stood up. "You sound like someone that will stab me in the back some day Mezie. You were my father's friend and I do not know why you can not be my friend as well" "Your father listened to me when he had to and never abused his power. He was not rash in he s decision and he respected and heeded my advise. You on the other hand do not respect my words but you should for this is the only way you can be a better king than your father" Said Mezie and the king shook his head and dismissed him. "You can go ahead and release Rega and I do not want to see him in this palace again. If I do I will have him whipped before having him tied to a horse and dragging him on every steet in Meha kingdom" said the king and Mezie bowed and left. He visited the cell where Rega was kept and saw him sleeping. He realised that he had become skinny and that it was caused by hunger and lack of sleep. He asked the guard to open the doors and he did. He walked in and tapped Rega on the shoulder. Rega opened his eyes and was shocked to see of the officials of the palace standing before him. He rose to his feet at once. "Are you okay?" Asked Mezie and Rega looked around and shook his head. "How is my wife?" he asked and Mezie ignored that question. "You have to get ready. You are going home" "I have been released?" Rega asked, not sure if he understood what Mezie meant by going home. Mezie looked back and said, "You have been released and you must leave the palace immediately". " What about my wife? What about Yara, where is she? Is she coming with me?" asked Rega. "Get yourself ready Rega and do that fast" said Mezie and Rega did as he was told. As Rega was being led out of the compound he could not understand why he was being taken away from the palace in a hurry. He kept on looking at the face of Mezie who was walking side by side with him and also at the guards who were seeing him off the palace. He had a lot of questions to ask and he knew that Mezie was not going to answer any of them. When they got to the home of Rega and the guards were asked to wait outside while Rega who was standing in his room waited to hear what Mezie had to say. Mezie walked up to him and held him by the shoulder and what he said was the worst thing Rega had ever heard. He was not sure if he heard him properly but he was not going to allow this man stand in front of him and be telling him things as such. "What did you say?" he asked Mezie. "I said you should forget your wife. You have to forget her and do not allow the things about her to affect you in anyway. She is with the king of Meha now and he is getting married to her any time soon. He was the one who asked that you be released and this came minutes after your wife agreed to be his wife" said Mezie. "My wife agreed to be his wife? Did you hear what you just said? My wife agreed to be his wife?" Rega said and was about to dash out of the room when Mezie held him by the shoulder. "If I were you I would not go to the palace to make troubles. If you do the king of Meha will accuse you of terrorism and you and I know that that means. Do not give him the leverage to have you killed because of a woman" Advised Mezie. "What did you say? Because of a woman? That is my wife we are talking about. She is my wife, she is the apple of my eyes and the woman I married with all my heart. You stand here and say this because I am not sure if you are married at this your age" Rega spoke and was about to dash out again but Mezie was speaking again. "If I were you I would use wisdom and not force for there is no one who controls the real force in Meha more other than the king of Meha. Use wisdom Mezie and not force" Mezie said and left with the palace guards who had been waiting outside. Rega sat dejectedly and could not imagine that the wife he married was no longer his to call a wife but to the king to be called his Queen. Rega had not seen himself cry for years but while seated now on his bed he had to cry. He had to cry and to curse. He was shattered and he knew that if truly Yara had accepted to marry the king of Meha she had really shattered his trust and desire to ever trust any woman again. As he sat there he continued to think about all that Mezie said but he was not going to let this go without a fight. He immediately jumped up on his feet and began to ride one of his horses back to the palace. Inside the palace of Meha kingdom king Zaz was seen seated in his dinning room and waiting for Yara whom the maids had come in to announce would be joining him soon. He waited patiently for her and before long he looked up to see a magnificently looking lady as she emanated from the inner chamber with the maids holding onto her hands and she walked up to the dining table and took her seat. The king was still unable to find his voice for he still could not believe that a woman could be as beautiful as Yara was. She was so beautiful that the king lost his appetite for the food in front of him. He did not know what to say and so Yara helped him say the word in his mouth. "Are you stunned?" she asked him and the king just nodded. "I am not just stunned but I...I do not know if this beauty exists in other parts of the world or if it is only me that is witnessing your beauty" said the king. Yara forced a smile and began to stare at her food. She was hungry. The king got back himself. "Go on, let us eat" he said and they began eating.. Mezie had returned and had come forth to relay to the king on how it went but the king did not want that to be discussed in front of Yara and so he dismissed him. Mezie left them alone and Yara took a glance at Mezie. "This man looks familiar whenever I look at him. He looks like someone I knew while I was growing up but I am not sure" said Yara.
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