Conqueror Prophetess 1

514 Words
The King of Oguma sat on his throne and commanded his gaurds to flog the newly brought slaves from across the Great Forest. He knew that his rival, the King beyond the Great Forest will come for war. Those slaves were his people and truely he was not wrong.    Across the Great Forest sat the King of Ideje. He was fierce and bold and he was too, a brutal king. He pounced his hand on his seat and shouted "the slave King of Oguma cannot continue to attack my people while I do nothing!. This time he didn't just make a slave of my people but even my daughter, my princess!!! Was among his abductors. General!!! He belowed. His general bowed before him. " my King" "Prepare the Army and travel down to Oguma and s*******r children of Oguma, kidnap their wives and r**e there daughters infront of their fathers, abduct their Prophetess and bring her to me. Let's see how well the King of Oguma would fare without his prophetess" The General set off immediately with a battalion. The prophetess in Oguma had foreseen this but she was prepared to be abducted. She had every reason to. ******************* The soldiers from across the Great Forest, under the order of the king of Ideje were now on the mission to invade Oguma kingdom. The king of Oguma was alerted by his spies and he sent soldiers on the border to battle and push the enemy back from entering their land. The warriors of Oguma and that of Ideje fought like demons on the border. Several people died but the army from Ideje was unstoppable. They breached the line and invaded the Oguma kingdom, slaughtering all in their path, r****g wives and enslaving husbands. The palace of Oguma king was heavily guarded but that wasn't the destination of the Ideje soldiers rather their mission was to capture the prophetess in Oguma. The Oguma prophetess knew they were coming but she stayed in her shrine and did nothing. She had been the eye of the Oguma people, the mouth that spoke for them and the strength that had always worn war for them but this woman was once in love with the king of Oguma and that was many years ago. The king betrayed her love and married several women in the kingdom. The prophetess swore never to love or allow any other man to touch her. She went to their god and submitted herself as their humble servant. Ever since then she had been helping the people of Oguma but in her heart she wanted revenge on the king of Oguma for leaving her and getting married to many women. She was now ready to be kidnapped to Ideje and there she would use her powers to support the king of Ideje to win the kingdom of Oguma for good. She waited patiently for her abductors but still something was wrong; her daughter was among the women the King of Oguma married by force and the prophetess was not going to leave without her daughter.
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