Warriors 18

365 Words
     The women in Mobi market who helped Gizza home began to plan on what next to do. Some said it was an abomination and that Gizza must die while some refused to listen to this. Three women secretly helped Gizza out of Mobi that night. The next day when some women arrived in the hut of Gizza to have her killed they found out she had escaped. They started searching for her all over the land. From the East, the largest army was on it's way to Mobi in the company of the prophetesses of the West. "We know the West more than anyone. We will find Gizza and bring her head back to the East" one of the prophetesses assured Nabel. "You are taking the largest army from the East. I have faith in you" said Nabel before the prophetesses left with the army. There was enough horses and provisions. They were really prepared for the hunt for Gizza.                  ** In a small forest of Mobi, Gizza and the few women who were helping her to escape were seen very hungry. Gizza was becoming scared on how her stomach was growing every second. She was helped to lie down under an iroko tree by the women before they stepped away a bit to discuss. "She looks like she is ready to deliver" said one of the women. "This pregnancy is not ordinary" said the other woman. "We must keep her safe. Looks like we are the only females in the world who still believe in men. We need men. I need a man. We can't die in silence while the tyrant in the East that calls herself the ruler of the world sits on her throne and watch us all die of starvation of s*x. We will save this child at all cost" said one of the women.                         *** Two days ride and the greatest army in the world arrived the West. They first entered the capital of the West and visited the great shrine of the prophetesses. When they knelt and invoked their gods they were made to believe that Gizza was in a small forest in Mobi. Off they went to Mobi.
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