Warriors 14

926 Words
    Prince Davi dropped the wild beast he killed from the forest of the East and refused to look at Gizza whom he pushed to the ground a moment ago. Gizza remained seated as tears flowed from her eyes. "I only meant to make things right" she cried. "By kissing me? My mum is dead because of you. My father died because of you. Don't tell me that kissing me is the best plan you have for our survival, for the survival of the men folk?" Davi asked angrily. "What if I tell you it is?" Asked Gizza as she stood up. Davi also stood and faced her, "then you are mad" he said and tried to walk away but Gizza held his hand, "there isn't time to explain. But you must trust me" there was a long pause before Gizza broke it with, "make love to me" Davi chuckled. A long pause again as Davi shook his head "you are sick" he said and left her standing there, picked his belongings and started walking away. Gizza was still standing there, looking at him. After a while she followed him.               **** When Davi and Gizza reached the wide road leading to Akaz, the greatest kingdom in the East they heard wild screams from the sloppy side of the city. When they climbed the mountains they saw as thousands of women were Jubilating in the palace of Akaz. This meant that the women of the East had come together and had taken up arms against men and had destroyed the great palace of Akaz. Davi could see one of the ladies holding a man's head and on that head was a crown. That was the king of Akaz, killed and beheaded by the slave women of Akaz. Gizza could hear them chanting her name and turned to look at Prince Davi. "Why do you look at me? You have become the most popular terrorist on earth. These women kill in your name" said Davi. "Who could be leading them in my name?" Asked Davi. "I don't know who to ask" said Davi as he sighed and added, "nowhere is safe. West, South, East and North are no longer safe"  Gizza kept looking at his face. Davi gave her the look too. Gizza said, "...in a dying world with only both of us to make it right" Davi had no other option but to indulge into what Gizza proposed was the solution. He held her and she moaned already. He put her down and she felt his strength. The lovemaking stopped the clouds and made the animals in the forest to pause for a second. "This will help" Gizza continued to say as Davi continued. They then realised that the mountain was no longer safe. The angry women from the palace of Akaz were climbing the mountain. Davi knew they had to run. Gizza and Davi began to run. When they reached a cave side Gizza said to Davi. "Go in and hide and find me later" "Where do you go?" Davi asked suspiciously. "I will try and lure them away" Gizza tried to move but Davi held her hand. "What...they will kill you" he said. "I didn't know you cared about me. But they won't kill me. I'm a woman. I'm Gizza" she said and lured the angry women away from the cave side. Davi hid inside the cave. When the women caught up with Gizza they realised it was a woman. One of them helped her on her feet and said, "we saw figures on the mountains, that's why we came. Tell me, are you alone?" Gizza nodded. "What is your name then?" Asked one of the women. "My name is Gizza" said Gizza. "Gizza of the world wouldn't be alone in this mountains.  If your name is Gizza then who is conquering the West in your name?" Asked one of the beastly looking women. "It's a long story. I still don't know who is leading the armies in my name in the West and North but the thousands of women here in the East can be loyal to me can't they?" Asked Gizza. The women looked closely in her eyes and as though manipulated agreed and bowed before her. That moment, hundreds of thousands of women from the south started arriving in the East. This development troubled Gizza as she asked the ones kneeling before her, "what has happened?" "My Queen, every single man in the South and East is dead. All these women from the south are coming to join forces with the Eastern women so we could march to join forces with you in the North. We received a raven from the West; from the person leading the slave women in the West in your name would be heading back north but it appears she changed her mind and will be heading East instead. We do not know yet what prompted that change but we are planning to receive her" said one of the women. Gizza thought for a while and said, "good, we will receive her then; whoever she is. As it stands now, inform the rest of the women of the South and East to assemble in the capital city of the East. I will address them" the women bowed and led her out of the mountains, down to the grand palace of Akaz. Inside the cave, Davi was still seated and waiting. From the West, Nabel was leading hundreds of thousands of female warriors to the capital city of the East.
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