The Conqueror 5

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after the Queen of Aturu had left her husband seated there alone he stood up and began to think and to pace from here and there. In the land of Idima the king of Idima had sent a messenger to Obieze, to inform him of what happened in his land after he had left his land and returned to Idima. Obieze was with his father when the messenger arrived. Before the messenger arrived the king of Egwu still could not understand why Obieze, his only son was so bent on helping the people of Idima. He tried to understand if there was any other reason why he wanted to help them and Obieze's response was that it is always good to help the oppressed from their oppressors. When Obieze was through with his reasons the king of Egwu sighed deeply and just as he was about to say another word a guard came in to announce that a messenger had arrived from the land of Idima. When Obieze heard he immediately stepped outside to meet with the messenger. The messenger gave him the sad news and equally let him know that the king of Idima needed his support now more than ever. Obieze sighed and asked him to go. The messenger left and Obieze went back on to inform his father of what the messenger came to tell him. The king rose from his seat and told Obieze that there would never a time when all those that need help would be able to find all the help they need. "You can not help everyone" The king had told him and walked away. The prince decided to pay a visit to the King of Idima with his trusted men. ******** In the camp of the king of Aturu he knew what it meant to attack the prince of Egwu and his wife having told him that as long as the king of Idima had had an attack the prince of Egwu, Obieze would likely pay him a visit. That meant that if the king of Aturu was to find a way to attack Obieze and kill him he would have to lay ambush for him on the road going to Idima and have him killed on sight. When the king of Aturu had thought about this he went into the tent of his wife o inform her that he was ready to lay ambush for the prince of Egwu and asked his wife to pray for him so he would return alive. The wife stood up from the bed and went up to him, giving him w kiss she assured him that he was destined for great things and that death was still far away from him. She made him to understand that she has a lot of faith in him and that he should not fear any man nor any woman and the king of Aturu left with his men. On the road heading to the kingdom of Idima was Prince Obieze and his men as they rode. They were not expecting what came to them. The king of Aturu and his men who were already laid in ambush had their spear which had been infected with snake venom and had positioned them at the prince and his men as they rode. On the count of three the spear were seen flying up in the air and descending on Obieze and his men. Most of his men were graced with the sharpened spears while Obieze who was not expecting it did not dodge the blow and one of the spears landed on the neck of his horse. The horse instead of falling struggled for his life and continued running. It went towards the cliff and before Obieze could jump down from it it had already jumped. Obieze's remaining men decided to stand their ground and fight the men of the king of Aturu but the men of the king of Aturu were many but Obieze's men were now few. The battle ensued and the King's men began to take advantage of their number and killed Obieze's men. They went over to the cliff top and looked down the running water and one of them said he saw the spear enter Obieze's neck and he was sure that he must have died. When he said this the king of Egwu smiled and said to the rest, "The gods are with us. We need to ride now, back to the camp and in form the rest of the good news and then have them prepared for what lies ahead. We need to get them ready and attack Idima as soon as possible. Now that prince Obieze is dead we must make sure we do not waste any more time and go for the Idimas at once" After the king of Aturu was done they threw the bodies of the men of the prince of Egwu down the cliff and then began to run back to inform the rest. When they arrived and the wife of the king of Aturu saw that her husband was healthy she smiled and looked up into the sky. She was happy and she hugged him so tight. The king of Aturu kissed her and told her that her prayers had worked for him and that he was now going to conquer Idima for good. They began to make preparation immediately. ********* In the land of Idima, the king of Idima was restless. He could not understand why Obieze was not coming as he promised. He was pacing when one of his men ran in to in form him that some of their patrol team saw the bodies of men bearing the tag of the kingdom of Egwu inside the river and that those men were said to be Obieze's men. The king of Idima was shocked as he heard this and he was led to believe that Obieze must have been ambushed while on his way to Idima.
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