Guide To Names and Pronunciations-1

2007 Words

GUIDE TO NAMES AND PRONUNCIATIONS PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS & PLACE NAMES & TERMS PEOPLE - ELLECH Bildaer (BILL-dair) One of the companion wizards who accompanies Vylkar to Yenit Ping. Elkif (EHL-kiff) The daughter of Gialfinnur, who carries on her father’s studies. Gialfinnur (GYAHL-fin-noor) An old scholar who wrote a book on devices and was banned for yrmkenrolek, crooked learning. Innurrys (IN-noor-rewss) One of the companion wizards who accompanies Vylkar to Yenit Ping. Penrys (Ryssi) (PEHN-rewss) The chained adept. Wizard trained at the Collegium of Wizards. Preinnur (PRAYN-noor) The Ellech ambassador to Yenit Ping. Vylkar (VIEWL-kar) Senior wizard at the Collegium of Wizards. Patron of Penrys. PEOPLE - KIGALI Am Limzu (AHM LIHM-zoo) A chained wizard hiding in Yenit Pin

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