Chapter 20

3204 Words

CHAPTER 20 After her solitary meal, Penrys took advantage of the guide sent by Tun Jeju to show her the way to the roof. When he opened the door for her, she stepped out onto a slate walkway. The evening was quiet and a breeze blew from the west, fresh and moist. Five stories was enough height to let her sense the darkness to the south that marked the river. No moon was visible, but there was enough ambient light to see Tun Jeju waiting for her. “I admit to being curious about the wings,” he said, and she laughed. “My pleasure,” she said. She pivoted on her heel and told the guard, “I may be out for hours. Can I open that door from the outside to get back in?” “He’ll stand watch on the inside and wait for your knock,” Tun Jeju answered on his behalf. “All right, then.” Penrys stepped

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