Chapter 4: Reunion from hell.

1361 Words
Gabriel stood outside the window for a few more seconds after Raven had clearly told him to walk in. His body had been seized by tension the moment he had stood there and seen him. Blood rushed through his ears, his heart dropped to his stomach and twisted oddly; he clenched his abdomen and blinked his eyes, now noticing the slight moisture in them. Sebastian stood on the other side of the door, glancing at the door with a scowl twisting up his features. Exhaling audibly, Gabriel wiped at his eyes and on shaky legs walked to the door. His hand gripped the handle, and steadying himself he forced his face calm as he walked into the room. He kept his eyes on Raven; the woman leaned against the table with one hand, her other on her hips as she stared at him, her gaze shifted from Gabriel to Sebastian and simultaneously forcing Gabriel to follow her gaze. His heart beat harder, hands clamping up with a cold sweat as he stared at the other man. Sebastian had yet to move from his spot, his face had been set in stone but Gabriel could see the emotion rising behind those grey eyes, emotions that he didn’t want to see Clearing her throat, Raven broke through the tension in the room. “Gabriel Hastings meet Sebastian Knight, he will be your partner in this.” She motioned to Sebastian,” But my records show me you know each other…old school friends. Am I correct?” His throat felt tight, restricting his breathing as he turned back to Raven. “Yes you are correct,” Before she could say anything else, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and her brow knitted in worry, “Please excuse me, I’ll take this and you two can reminisce about the old days,” The door closed behind them and they turned to each other. Sebastian stared at him for longer than could be deemed appropriate and a shudder raced up Gabriel’s body, he prayed it would go unnoticed. The other man blew out a deep breath, running his hand through his hair. “There must be a mistake,” He wiped at his lips, momentarily drawing Gabriel’s gaze to them, “You can’t be involved in this.” Confusion knitted Gabriel’s brow, he took a hesitant step forward, “Excuse me,” His voice was sharp, hard. “What do you mean by mistake?” The apprehension in his tone startled him, but not more so than the anger. Sebastian met his gaze with steely grey eyes, a muscle twitching in his jaw as it clenched. “What I mean is this is too dangerous, especially for you Gabriel. You shouldn’t be here, talk  less be my partner for this case,” There was a note of urgency his voice, “I’ll tell Raven to let you go, you’re not getting involved in this,” Anger squeezed at Gabriel’s chest, his eyes narrowing and lips pressing into a thin line. After years without seeing each other this was not the way he had planned their first conversation, but he had known there was going to be a few choice words “You’re not telling Raven anything,” He snapped fiercely, “They chose me for this and whether you like it or not and that’s that,” He placed his hand to his hips, glaring back at Sebastian as he pointed a finger at him bitterly adding, “Besides, why would you care?” ---------- The words were tinged with bitterness, knocking into Sebastian with force. His jaw clenched, heart pumping furiously in his chest as he stared at Gabriel. Anger and tension gripped his body, as he met Gabriel's  molten gaze with his own angry stare, his hand on his hip as he pointed a finger at him. The words left a ringing in Sebastian’s ears as he met the bitterness in Gabriel’s voice with hardness in is tone, “Why wouldn’t I care about you Gabriel?” His voice softened, heart beating wildly in his chest. It was hard to handle the anger coursing through his body as other feelings were there as well, joy, desire…lust. It had been years and this was not how he’d wanted to see him again, in a briefing office while trying to accomplish a suicide mission. A harsh laugh burst through Gabriel causing Sebastian to flinch back. “Really? You care about me Sebastian? Could have fooled me 10 years ago when you up and disappeared on me,” Pain filled his voice, “You have a real unique way of showing somebody that you care. A glossy sheen had filled Gabriel’s eyes, causing a squeezing pain to grab at Sebastian’s heart. It wasn’t like that baby, I swear. The words were on the tip of his tongue, ready to dive down and be spoken, when Raven walked back. The tension in Gabriel seemed to double; he ran a hand over his face and turned sharply away from Sebastian, as if it hurt too much to look at him. “That was the secretary of defense, tomorrow evening Alexander is having a grand party to open a new hospital, You have been invited Sebastian, and Gabriel will be going with you as well,” Raven said, oblivious to the tension between the two man. She glanced at Gabriel, her hand grabbing at his arm. “Are you okay?” She asked softly, batting her lashes. Anger burst through Sebastian at that moment, his jaw clenched and hands tightened into fists, nails digging into the palm of his hands. The emotion came out so fast it started him as he forced his breath to calm down long enough to unclench is hands. Quickly he reminded himself that he had no right to feel angry in anyway, Gabriel wasn’t his…not anymore. Though a small part of him calmed because it knew that she wasn’t his type, he wondered how he’d react if it was a man touching Gabriel, the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth and suddenly he wondered if maybe after all the years, Gabriel did have someone in his life. He looked back at the man, seeing him shift uncomfortably in Raven’s hands. “Uh, yeah I’m fine,” He briefly looked back up at Sebastian. “I just have a meeting to get too, text me the address and time for the party,” He carefully pulled his arm out of Raven’s hold, then left, almost running out the room. “I don’t want him as my partner,” Sebastian said, staring at the closed door. He turned his attention back to Raven. “Find me anyone else, just not…him.” “That won’t be possible Sebastian; Gabriel was hand-picked by the secretary of Defense due to his sound principals and work ethics. He is the best of the best and the only one smart enough to carry out such a task besides you... Remember, there is no back up, no wiring. You go in and that’s that, fully undercover. You’re going to need him,” Sebastian’s face pinched I’m anger, “It’s going to be dangerous, he could get hurt.” “That’s a risk we are willing to take, he knows what he’s getting into and he doesn’t seem to mind,” She turned to Sebastian, casting him a doubtful look, “I’m confused as to why you do,” Looking away from those prying eyes, Sebastian blew out a breath, turning to the door. “You know, maybe I could help you,” He stopped, turning back to Raven. “But you’d have to help me too,” the suggestion behind her words made his stomach twist in disgust; it was people like her that had him staring at retirement after this one last mission. He ignored her and left the room, releasing a shuddered breath as his encounter with Gabriel replayed in his mind all over again. His heart leapt and blood heated. Running a hand through his hair a groan left his lips. He knew Gabriel well enough to know he’d never go back on his words; he had a lot of groveling to do if he wanted his baby back. A smirk replaced the scowl on his face. It was a good thing he was well equipped in the art of begging when it came to Gabe, His hands brushed the small chain around his neck. I’m sorry I Left baby, I’m back to make it up to you again.
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