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CHAPTER 3 Anabella's POV The loud slam on the door made me flip in fear and take a few steps away from him. He glared coldly at me for a while before moving his gaze to my brother. ''Alpha Eric.'' my brother whispered in a weak voice. It was obvious he hadn't recovered his energy. ''Alpha Eric!'' His name rang a bell in my head. Of course, he was Alpha Eric; who hasn't heard about him? Gifted with an incredible gift of strength and the ability to appear in places, he became the most feared Alpha, which gave him the title ''The Alpha King.'' I've heard so much about him, but I haven't gotten the privilege of meeting with him because I've never left the snow pack. I moved my gaze to him and wondered why he was here and put on this angry look on his face. ''You!!'' He yelled and rushed to my brother on the bed before I could process what was happening, he grabbed my brother by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out of bed. ''Let go of him! You will hurt him.'' I rushed to him, but like a flash of lightning, he gripped me by the neck with his other hand and stared coldly at me. ''Stay out of this.'' He warned and pushed me to the floor. I felt my wolf whimper in pain and discomfort, but that wasn't my concern; I was concerned about my brother, who had almost been choked to death by alpha Eric. ''Do you know what you've done? How dare you!'' He yelled and shoved my brother against the wall, which made him hit his head on the wall. ''Brother.'' I rushed to my brother and tried to heal him, but he stopped me and mind link with me. "Just run, Ani, run!!!'' I shook my head at him and moved my gaze to the angry-looking man standing before me. On a normal day, I would have been scared to death, but right now, I have to be strong for my brother. Quickly, I stood on my foot and stood in front of the fearful-looking man, preventing him from coming closer to my brother. ''Mate.'' My wolf whimpered and tried pushing me forward, but I controlled myself and stood my ground. ''I won't let you touch him.'' I declared firmly while I fixed my gaze on his. I noticed he groaned angrily and clenched both fists before taking a deep breath. ''Move away; I'll deal with you after I'm done sending your brother to the goddess.'' He spoke in anger, which made an icy shiver run down my spine, but I held myself together and spoke up. ''Then you will have to pass through me.'' I muttered those words with not an atom of fear in my voice while I kept my hands on my waist. ''Listen, I don't lay my hands on women; now move away,'' he ordered. ''No!'' I yelled back. He groaned, gritting his teeth and held my arms with his two hands as he stared directly into my soul. ''I'm in a very bad mood, little bird. You don't know what I'm capable of doing when I'm in this mood, so I'll advise you to stay away from this because this is between your brother and me.'' He shouted and pushed me aside with ease. He picked up his brother from the floor and slammed his head against the wall. ''How dare you! How dare you!'' He yelled in anger and continued slamming my brother's head on the wall, which I couldn't bear to see. Brother was weak and couldn't even fight back, and I can't just stand here and watch him kill my only family. ''Stop, please stop.'' I begged and pulled his arm away, but it felt like I was pulling a rock because he did not move an inch but rather kept hitting my brother's head on the wall. Not knowing what to do, I bit him on his arm, which made him groan bitterly, and let go of my brother before holding me by the neck. ''What do you think you are doing.'' He yelled as I spotted his green piercing eyes, which were now darker, which made my body enveloped with fear, but I refused to show it. Not able to speak, I kept hitting his hands until he groaned angrily and let go of my neck. I noticed he was going back to brother, and I knew one more hit on him would kill him. Quickly, I rushed and kneeled before him while I held his leg and bowed my head to the floor before him. Never in my life would I have imagined that one day I would have to kneel on the floor and bow my head like a slave to someone, but I had to do it for my brother. ''Please spare him, I beg of you!'' I pleaded in tears as I felt my wolf whimpering in agony, which made me wonder if he doesn't recognize me as his mate. ''Get away from me!'' He roared and kicked me with his feet, but I held tightly to his leg and lowered my head to the floor. ''Please, I'm ready to do anything; just spare my brother's life!'' I begged in tears as I clung to his leg. ''Stay out of this, you don’t know anything, you don’t know what your brother did! Or do you?!?'' He yelled in rage and tried pushing me away, but I held on to him with all the strength in me. ''No, but I believe we can compensate for it.'' I whimpered. Immediately, he heard those words from me. He growled in anger, lifted me up from the floor, and made me stare directly at his fearful face. ''Really?'' He demanded in a rage as he tightened his grip on my arms, which made me whimper in pain. ''Can you compensate for the death of my mate and my unborn child?!?" He asked in a rage and shook me with anger. I was shivering in his grip. ''He already has a mate.'' I whispered to myself and also to my wolf. ''Can you fill the place of my child and mate, whom your brother took away from me!!!'' He yelled in anger, and I felt the room shake at the sound of his voice. But I also sensed the pain in his voice. ''Death?'' I asked with horror. ''Yes, your stupid brother killed my mate with his reckless driving. My mate is gone just because of him. And now I ask again: can your compensation bring her back?'' He demanded and shook me angrily. I felt words sealed in my lips, and I couldn't say a word. Now everything became clear to me. This was the reason my brother wanted me to run away. ''Answer me; can you compensate for that?" He yelled angrily, and I did not know when words left my mouth. ''Yes, I can compensate for it.'' I muttered out firmly. He gnashed his teeth and let go of me. ''You are insane.'' He muttered out in anger and moved his gaze toward my brother, but I blocked him by standing before him. ''I will be your s*x slave; you can treat me however you want; you can pour out your anger on me at any given time; just please let my brother go.'' I pleaded as I placed my two hands together in front of him. I said those words without even thinking about it, but if this will save my brother's life, then I won't regret doing it. ''What are you saying, Ani? Stop it!'' Brother pleaded with a weak voice, but I ignored him and fixed my gaze on the cold-looking Alpha Eric, who was staring at me with no emotion on his face. I took a deep breath and continued. ''I'm still a virgin, and I've never been touched by a man. I think my offer is a good one.'' I spoke firmly while hiding the burns in my heart. "No, Ani, stop!'' Brother pleaded and tried getting on his feet, but he collapsed on the floor. ''What do you say.'' I asked while I swallowed nervously and fixed my eyes on him. I noticed his green eyes looked confused, like he was trying to consider my offer, before he scoffed and turned his gaze to my brother on the floor. ''Killing you won't make you feel the pain I'm going through but taking your sister and making her my s*x slave will definitely tear your heart into pieces, and that's what I will do." He moved his cold gaze to me and held me tightly on the neck. ''I will inflict on her so much misery that she will get used to it; you will hear and feel the sound of her agony, and this is not a threat but a promise.'' He gave my brother a quick glare before staring at me. ''Welcome to a new world." And like a twinkle in an eye, I found myself in a strange room. ''Where are we.'' I asked in fear as I peered around, only to see a lady dressed beautifully in a blue royal dress lying on a bed. Without being told, I knew this was his mate he was talking about. ''Is this your mate?'' I asked as I stared at her; indeed, she was a beauty. I heard him grunt angrily and turn his back to me. ''Rule number 1: Don't speak if I don't permit you to." ''Rule number 2: Whenever we f**k, don't you ever dare touch me or even make a moan or sound; I swear if you do, I will make that s*x your last.'' I shivered in fear as his words rang in my head. ''Rule number 3: I'm dominant in bed, so there will be whips and handcuffs, and remember this isn't for pleasure but punishment for you.'' I gulped in pain and drew back the tears that were striving to come out of my eyes. He quickly turned himself to me and stared at me with hatred and disgust. ''Rule number 4: You can never let yourself get pregnant, and I will make sure of that.” He took a few steps toward me and stood before me; I could feel his hot breath on my face. ''Rule number 5, which is the most important rule: Don't you dare think of having feelings for me because the day you do, I will kill you and send your dead body back to your precious brother.” He concluded.
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