Chapter 4

871 Words
A man talking on the phone with someone, he was taking huge strides, it looks like he is in a hurry!!! "Yes, I am going to him!!! Don't worry!!! I know how to make him agree with us. I will call you back again."  A man wearing three pieces suits was standing in front of a door, he knocked on the door. The man from inside gave him permission to come in. Mr. Richardson enters inside the principal office, he saw the man look a little shackled. He saw his state with doubt as the principal was caught in the act!!! The principal eyes widen looking him in his office. "Mr.Grey, what are you doing here?" The principal asked instantly. It feels like he is scared of something. Richardson looks at him closely. "Sir, are you alright?" He asked him with worry. The principal gulped. He looks in his surroundings as searching for someone or something!!! The principal then said. "Yes, Yes!!! I am fine. Please be seated." He said. Richardson sits in front of him on the chair. The principal looks a bit calm down. "Sir, I am here to ask for permission from you..." Richardson reasons his visit.  "Permission for what?" The principal asked. "After the classes end. I want to take an extra class for the student in the second year. I think Mrs. Crimson was a bit rough on the students. As I observed many of them are weak in literature. I want you to give me permission to take the class in the library. So I can give a little more detail to students also some interesting things!!!" He gave the details for his coming in here. The principal looks at his face. "Yes, sure!!! Mr. Richardson why not? But I am afraid that students will not take an extra class. As their exams are near, also they will think of it as an extra burden." The principal said. Richardson has to make him agree on this... He said. "Sir, I think it is necessary for the students. I don't see some of them passing the exams this year. I will talk to all the class about it... I am sure they will agree." He said. The principal thought about it for some time, then he set his glasses on his nose. "Okay!!! Mr. Richardson, if the student gets agree with you, I have no issues then but you have to give me an application with your signature also with the students." The principals said. He nodded his head then thanked the principal. "Thank you, sir, I may take my leave. Have a good day." He said then get out of the office. A smirk appeared on his face. (In an old warehouse) The warehouse looks so old with broken furniture spread all around, some drums of diesel were also settled on the floor. It is lit with only two bulbs hanging in the broken roof, the wood of the walls are shattered from places. A table with five chairs was settled in front with some liquor on it. One man was standing near the door. The door was opened with a view of seashores. The warehouse is near the bay or seaport as some boats are visible from the door. He laughed hard then turned around. He walked towards the table with four men sitting on the chairs, the glasses of liquor in their hands. "Yes, he agreed. How can he not be? I will kill him instantly if he says no this time. He was very scared!!! Also, we get a chance when the students will be taking extra classes. It will work for us well. I am happy that we can do our work. We have to do the same as we did earlier!!! But these kids look very sharp. We have to do a little effort this time. We will be very rich after delivering those four kids to the boss. Boss will come by himself to take the kids." The man said laughing. He then pours some liquid for him then they all cheered the glasses. (In the Cafe) Sophia and Jimmy were delivering orders to the tables. Jasen and Harris were on the counter. It is a normal day as the people are enjoying coffee and cupcakes. All their tables are filled with couples, students, some old people. The smell of coffee is intoxicating, the scent of the air freshener is freshening the surroundings, the light music playing in the background. "Harris, two coffees for table 3, I am going home. I have to complete an assignment." Sophia placed her notepad on the counter. Harris nodded his head. Sophia walks inside the counter then she opened the back door that leads to the stairs upwards. Sophia walk upside the stairs. She opened the lock of their apartment, she moved inside. Sophia gets in the kitchen then removes the cafe apron from her body, she opened the fridge. Sophia takes out a water bottle then gulped it down, she gets inside her room locking the door behind her. She opened a drawer, the lights in the room are dim. Sophia takes out a little packet of some white powder, she smiled looking the powder. It's time for her dose...
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