Chapter 3- Simon’s Illness

1046 Words
“f**k off!” Elvis roared.    Before Daniel could touch Elvis, a slap echoed throughout the room. Elvis hit Daniel violently across the face, sending him flying to the ground. Daniel held his hand up to his cheek, before he started spitting out blood and then fell into unconsciousness.    Elvis lowered his hand, then looked coldly at Daniel.   Nobody in the room dared to speak, their blood ran cold when they saw how strong Elvis had become.    “You bastard! How dare you hit my son? I’m going to kill you! I’m going kill you!” Glaring at Elvis, Shirley yelled at the top of her lungs. She looked around and ordered the bodyguards, “Beat him right now!”    The next moment, four bodyguards pulled out their batons and rushed at Elvis.   Mandy’s eyes became large, she was worried something like this was going to happen. Elvis had no chance against the bodyguards, he was outnumbered, so she quickly jumped in between him and the guards.      “What are you doing, Mandy? Are you out of your mind? Get out of the way!” Nancy shouted at Mandy.    At the same time, Elvis eyed the four bodyguards coldly and then grabbed Mandy around the middle with one hand, slightly stamping his foot.    With a loud sound, the hard tiles burst under Elvis’s feet. The next moment, the four bodyguards were hit in the shins with flying debris and fell to the floor in agony.   The guests stepped back in shock when they saw what had happened. They could not understand how Elvis was able to take down four well-trained bodyguards.   Holding Daniel in her arms, Shirley looked at Elvis and Mandy, is disbelief.   Mandy glared at him with gleaming eyes, her heart pounded wildly with happiness. He was her hero.      “Mandy, where is my father?” Elvis asked silkily.     “He’s in the guest room in the right-wing. He was moved out of the master bedroom as soon as he fell ill,” Mandy sighed.   Elvis shifted his body and held her in his arms, then rushed up to the second floor.   After kicking the door of the guest room open, Elvis lowered Mandy to the ground. He looked at his unconscious father and remembered how he used to be the decision-maker in the house. Nobody ever questioned Simon’s authority, but now he looked so weak as if he was just waiting to die. Elvis whispered, “Good and evil will always be rewarded; it is only a question of time.”   Before Mandy knew what was happening, Elvis was at Simon’s side pulling out his IV.        “What are you doing, Elvis?” Mandy exclaimed in horror.     “Don’t worry, I came to cure him,” Elvis replied and put his hand to Simon’s neck.     In his early days in the army, Elvis had a lot of adventures, shaping him into the man he was now. His ability to heal was remarkable, and within moments, he was able to pinpoint Simon’s illness.   His father was infected with Heather Virus, which could only be acquired from a foreign organization. Once one was infected with the virus, they would not immediately die. However, the long-term effects included heart disease, and often infected people would suffer from a fatal heart attack. Most people had never even heard of Heather Virus, and therefore no hospitals could detect it.        Elvis suspected that it was Shirley who had been poisoning Simon. He quickly pulled out a three-inch silver needle, then inserted it into his father’s heart. Simon’s body began to spasm then slowly relaxed, that was when Elvis removed the needle and turned to Mandy, “He will come around in a few days.”     Without saying anything more, Elvis turned and left the room. Mandy was confused and quickly followed after him.     As Elvis and Mandy walked back into the living room, they saw Shirley and a large man talking. Daniel had already been taken to the hospital for treatment and most of the businessmen left.       At the sight of Elvis, Shirley pointed and snarled, “He was the one who knocked Daniel out. Kelvin, we need to kill him!”     The man was Daniel’s biological father, Kelvin Black. He was one of the top Mafia men in Murray, and few people dared to stand up to him.     “You bastard! How dare you hit my son? If you don’t kneel down to me and allow me to cut off your hands, I will put a bullet in your head!” Kelvin threatened, pointing at Elvis.   “Shut up!” Elvis snapped then in the blink of an eye, he was standing in front of Kelvin.   When Kelvin looked Elvis in the eyes, his heart skipped a bit. The rage in Elvis’s eyes made his blood run cold, his body started shaking and he fell to his knees in front of Elvis.     In one quick movement, Elvis slammed his foot down on Kelvin’s hands, crushing them. When Shirley saw Kelvin passed out on the floor, she turned a sickening shade of grey and began to shake.   “I guess I underestimated you, Shirley,” Elvis glared at his step-mother but gently took Mandy’s hand in his. He coldly said, “You did everything you could to marry my father. And now, you are trying to kill him with poison, just to take our family property. You are a vicious, evil woman!”        “I intended to kill you when Simon woke up. However, I have changed my mind! He will be able to function in the next two to three days, I will let him decide what to do with you. But, if for some reason he does die in the next few days, I will kill you and your entire family. I mean it!” Elvis warned.   Shirley was left shaking with fear, then she slumped down to the floor and watched Elvis and Mandy leave. She mumbled under her breath, “I’ll make your life a living hell, Elvis!”  
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