Chapter 9- The Situation Was Getting Worse

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  “It is easy for you to say, after all, it’s Mandy who will need to assume all the blame,” Nancy said, not believing Elvis could make it at all.   With those words, she stormed into her bedroom in a rage, slamming the door.   “Do you have any good idea, Elvis?” asked Mandy, her eyes bright and shining. She knew he was neither reckless nor did he tilt at windmills.   “Just leave it to me, and I’ll make a good job of it,” Elvis said softly. Any difficulty would be solved when he was around, after all, he did have the ability.   Late at night, Elvis went out alone when Mandy was asleep.   Walking down the silent deserted street, he finally hid in a remote place. And the next moment, a man jumped out behind a tree. At the sight of Elvis, the man half knelt on the ground, his eyes full of extreme respect. “Good evening, Your Grace,” said the man.   The man was none other than Scott’s brother, Martin. Though he was a man of noble birth, as well as he had established brilliant achievements in war, he was obedient to Elvis.   “How are things going over there?” Elvis asked, beckoning Martin to stand up.   “Your father is all right. With our men secretly protecting him, no one dares to do harm to him. But you need to carry out the mission as soon as possible, Your Grace.” Martin said.   As Elvis’s subordinate, Martin had been secretly protecting the safety of Elvis and those around him. And actually, Elvis had come back to the city of Murray with a mission. Seeing that Elvis hadn’t begun to perform the mission, Martin felt quite anxious for him.   “It’s not an urgent matter. Just lay it aside for the moment. I need you to help me contact the officers of the city of Murray. Besides, help me send each of them a gift in your name.” Elvis instructed.   Martin said yes without question. And after Elvis told him the details of what to do, he quietly left there.   The next day, after breakfast, Elvis and Mandy went to Greens Jewelers together.   Greens Jewelers was located in the center of the city of Murray, covering the prosperous area of some 400 square miles. However, the poor management of the previous proprietor had caused a capital chain rupture of it, making it move toward a recession.   In the heyday of Greens Jewelers, it had had a staff of more than 100, but now it was down to the last dozen.   There were few customers in Greens Jewelers, and passers-by didn’t even have the desire to go in and have a look.   Seeing that, Mandy sighed with disappointment in mind, even though she had expected the worst before she had come over.   “Here are the financial statements of Greens Jewelers in recent months, Miss Green.” The manager of Greens Jewelers said deferentially.   Although Greens Jewelers was on the verge of bankruptcy, Green Group still had many subsidiaries. Therefore, those who were still working in Greens Jewelers thought as long as they did well in their work, they could be moved on to other subsidiaries one day.   After having carefully read through the financial statements, Mandy’s face clouded over, for the deficit had been growing in recent months. According to the current situation, Greens Jewelers would undoubtedly close down within two months.   “Do I really have no choice but to declare bankruptcy?” Mandy muttered, biting her lower lip. She hadn’t expected the situation of Greens Jewelers would be so bad that it was even beyond retrieval.   “There is no need to declare bankruptcy so soon.” Noticing the disappointment on her face, Elvis said, “There’s no making without breaking. The current situation of Greens Jewelers is caused by poor management. So the first priority is to recruit more people and change the decoration, so as to attract more customers. At the same time, we need to engage some jewelry designers to make fine jewelry. We must bring Greens Jewelers back into repute as soon as possible, for there is no other way to pull it from the brink.”   Elvis’s words made Mandy at once become enlightened.   Just then, however, a voice came from behind her. “Stop joking. You now can’t even afford the rent, so do you think you can recruit more people? You’d better declare bankruptcy before suffering greater losses.” Gordon jeered.   Greens Jewelers had been under his management for a period of time, and it was mainly because of him that had got Greens Jewelers into the mess it was in now. But now that Mandy had taken over Greens Jewelers, all he needed to do is wait to see Mandy fail.   “Don’t rejoice so soon!” Elvis sneered, making no attempt to conceal his dislike of Gordon.   In those days, Gordon had been guided entirely by his orders and had kept blowing up him with flattery. But now, seeing he was down, Gordon was anxious to kick him, and even dared to bully Mandy.   If it were not for that the mission hadn’t been completed yet, he would blow Gordon’s head off without worrying about blowing his cover.   “You have no right to speak here! You’re unable to hold on to your family property. How dare you say you can pull Greens Jewelers from the brink?” Gordon said with a venomous smile.   The next moment, however, there was a hubbub outside the door.   Dozens of luxury vehicles were parked outside Greens Jewelers, blocking the road. Besides, there were many trained bodyguards and police officers busying themselves maintaining order.   
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