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CHAPTER THREE “I’d bet my life on Vanilla,” He argued.   “Come on, you think a vanilla would taste better than a strawberry one mixed with chocolate pieces? I’ve helped my mum out a lot when she owned a bakery in New York,” I argued back. I was not about to lose the argument to him just yet.   “Your mum owned bakery? Why doesn’t she open one in Woodcave? God knows we need another one in town. Mr. Kingsley has quite an attitude and too many orders,” He shook his head, almost as if he actually sympathized with the situation.     “She’ll get the money for it and hopefully soon she’ll open one. Its her dream. You know, that bakery back in Brooklyn, was sort of a family bonding place for us until we had to move to Woodcave out of nowhere,” I said. I kind of missed life back when I had it all figured it out and we were actually really happy as a family.   “I have no idea how a bakery has anything to do with my ice cream but you could take both the vanilla and the strawberry mixed with chocolate pieces,” We turned our attention to the Ice cream vendor, who now wore a suppressed impatient look.   “You are right. I’ll take the vanilla and she’ll have the strawberry mixed with the chocolate,” Lucian answered then returned his attention to me.   I had never stepped out of Woodcave since we stepped in but life outside it was actually pretty great and most importantly, peaceful. It felt like I didn’t have to worry about a single thing and as I glanced over at Lucian smiling at me, I knew instantly that everything I wanted was right here with me. No matter how hard life got, he was right here with me and for me.   “Thank you,” We chorused as we accepted our ice creams.   “You are welcome and you clearly seem like quite the happy couple but here, let me tell you something. When I was around your age, I had a girl I loved so much and we were very happy in our relationship but people began getting into our heads, telling us this won’t last past high school graduation. You know what’s the sad part? I listened to them and so when we got into different universities, I called it quits. She was heartbroken by it, begging me not to listen to other people but as karma would have, she is now happy with someone else and with a family. The point is, I wished someone had told not to care about other people when I was with her. Love has no age. So do not let people break you apart either,” The ice cream vendor said.   Lucian wound his arm around my waist as a confident smile dancing on his lips,” I’m sorry that you lost her but,” He paused, turning to meet my gaze,” for this girl right here, I would do anything,”   “And for you I’d do anything for you too, Bub,” I promised.   “Then hold onto those promises,”   “We will. Thank you,” Lucian answered as we walked away, already arguing about whose ice cream tasted better. The battle lasted only a few minutes and soon we were back to talking about the most random of things.   “You want to take a swim? I know this amazing hotel with an amazing swimming pool,” He suggested, getting on the bike.   “But I don’t have any swimming piece on me,” Sure, I had gone swimming so many times since I was young with my family but I have never actually swum with a boy. But everything had a start, right? And besides, I planned on making a memory out of every second we got today.   “We go shopping,” He smirked, putting on his helmet.   The clothes store we walked into seemed like a high-end fashion store. I had never felt so poor before in my entire life until now. As we walked around, all I could do was stare at everything in awe.   “Lucian?” A pretty woman walked over, adorning a bright smile on his face. As much as she didn’t look or sound familiar, there was something about her that struck a distant familiarity.   “Lara. I didn’t expect you here,”   “I own the place. Please tell me this is the gorgeous girlfriend I’ve been hearing a lot about?” Compared to her, I didn’t think I counted as gorgeous.   “Yes, this is my girlfriend Faith. Faith, this is my aunt Lara but she prefers going by just her name and not a title. She is my father’s only sibling but they do not get along,” That was quite the introduction and looking at her now, I realized she actually did look like Mr. Black, which explained the distant familiarity that had struck me at first glance. Speaking of Mr. Black, how was I ever going to forget about his affair?   “It’s a pleasure,” I shook her hand.   “Oh no, it is my pleasure to finally meet the girl that has my brother all in his feelings. See, no offense to your father Lucian, but he has this kind of obsession with perfection and when you are not what he wants, he’ll always finds faults in you,” Now, I definitely liked her.   “You don’t need to tell me twice about it. I grew up with the old man. So now that you are here, we are looking for some swimming costumes. Could you help us out? And in addiction to that, is it possible to get a reservation at the hotel?” Lucian questioned.   “Well, its been closed down for some kitchen renovations but if you are planning on using just the swimming pool I can arrange for that. Caleb would be thrilled to have you guys with us,”   “Caleb?” I questioned, unable to contain my curiosity.   “That’s my husband,”   “You are married? Sorry, I didn’t mean sound that surprised. Its just that you look like you are in you are twenty,”   She laughed airily,” I get that a lot but I’m twenty-six and married to man I love although my brother hates him because they are business rivals,” She stopped in the section for bikini.   I had a feeling this day was going to more than I bargained for and I was here for all of it.
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