chapter 2 Roman

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Roman p.o.v. I was sitting in my office, checking the recent files about our new project in Miami, when my father entered the office with an envelope in his hand. I was already aware of what he was going to say and what was in that envelope, but I had to act surprised because I didn't want him to suspect that I am now the unofficial boss of our mafia empire. If he finds out that his men are more loyal to me, then he will lose his mind again and kill them all… Why this old man was not taking retirement…no offence, I loved him, I am his son but still, I was fed up with his childish behaviour. Rather than protecting the mafia families and our business, he was getting married to some w***e. I just didn't understand why was he doing this all when the whole mafia empire was in so much danger, he was drinking and partying, like some stupid teenager. “Good morning, my son, I have a mission for you,” my father said in his usual arrogant tone. “Nice to meet you, old man,” I rolled my eyes, leaning over the chair and glaring at his deadly green eyes. “This is not how you speak to your father and don't forget who is the boss.” " I have work for you and Dane. You both will be the new teacher in an elite high school as undercover. I want you to find out about that sheriff's younger brother” “ And as you know all mafia families are covering their identity to be safe, so you and Dane are also going to do the same”, he blurted out his stupid plan, looking so satisfied. But I think his plan was shitty and childish like him. Seriously, when did mafia families start hiding their identity? The entire f*****g world knew who I was and what I did, no one was going to believe that I am some high school teacher. “Father, with due respect, your plan is s**t, I can easily kill him, and anyway, everybody knows me that undercover plan is useless like your brain” I spat, ignoring the angry daggers he was throwing at me. I was so pissed... I had to kill someone, anyone. Otherwise, I will lose my mind. I rarely talk to my father like that, he was all I had but still, sometimes I just lost my mind. I was already under so much stress due to the new projects and when he proposed to me with his shitty plans, I just lost my patience. My head started hurting again...fuck, was it because of those medicines? “Watch your mouth, little brat” he shouted while taking one step toward me. This old man doesn't know his place, did he… He was the boss of the mafia, but he wasn't my boss. When was he going to see that I had already inherited the whole business? stupid old man. I just followed his commands because I respected him, but if he keeps behaving like a child, then I have no option...I have to kill him. Standing up from my chair, I leaned in front of my desk, glaring at him. He was tall but not taller than me. One can easily piss in his pants if I stand in front of them with that look in my eyes, but my father was not one of them. He wasn't afraid of me...How wrong he is! I could easily kill him, but not until, I get all the information I want from him. “What do you think that I am afraid of you? “ He growled while smirking at me. “ I am the boss here, and you will do what I say. You know that b***h of a sheriff is targeting all mafia families and I want my wife and daughter safe, for that, we have to look like a normal family.” “It is not permanent, you just have to find out his weakness means his little brother. I'm only certain that his brother is in an elite school. There is no data about his other family members, so it's our only hope. He has already managed to kill so many family members, I don't want more deaths…” I didn't want to accept it, but he was right. That Sheriff was like a killing machine. He was not afraid of us like other police officers, and he didn't have any weakness nor did he have any family… It looks like he was just born to kill our mafia members and if he had a brother, then this is our chance, we can finish him once and for all. But still, why take such complex action when we can just kill that Sharif? Sighing, I decided to agree with him, just because I wanted him to stop nagging me...the pain in my head got ten times worst, hearing my stupid father's voice. “Okay, I will do it and don't flatter yourself thinking that I am doing it for your w***e of a wife and her daughter I am just doing this because I want that Sheriff dead and as for your new wife and your stepdaughter..." "I don't give a damn about it. I think you have to save them from me because if they come into my house I am going to kill both of them with my bare hands”, I threatened, lighting a cigarette. I wasn't addicted to smoking, I just do it in front of my father to piss him off more… I loved seeing his angry reaction when I smoke in front of him. He didn't reply, just kept glaring at me, perhaps because I was smoking, and threatening him to kill his wife and stepdaughter? I was craving for the kill now and if these two bitches show up at my house I had no idea, how I will manage to control myself. I didn't meet them but still, I hate them already… Who were they to come to my house and take my mother's place? “You do no such thing, Roman. I tell you already I love that woman and her daughter is now my daughter and your sister, you have to accept it.” For once, I could see some emotions in my father's eyes, was he afraid that I will kill them, or was he seriously in love with that woman? “Love” is such a funny word, I didn't think he or any other mafia boss will ever love someone. We are monsters and monsters never love but still whenever I saw my father talking about that woman... his eyes those dark green dead eyes show some happiness. Did he really love that woman? He never loved me, how can he love some women he barely knew when he never loved his own son? Anyway, it's not my business love or not, I didn't give a s**t. “They are your family, not mine, and they will never be, now give me my new ID and get lost,” I grumbled, taking that envelope from him. He didn't say anything and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
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