Chapter 1 - Stop thinking about it

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Despite the attack on the northeast, the truth about their use of magic remains a secret. The few residents who saw, their memories of that day were erased. As for the knights and all the palace guards and staff, they are already aware of the matter and have long been protecting it to remain unknown outside the castle walls. On King Edward’s side, his trusted knights and guards would obey his decision. Apart from the royals and the counsel, no one knows what actually happened during that day. There was a fight and they won. How they did it wasn’t important. The details are kept to a minimum number of individuals. When King Edward returned to the north, he managed to convince the counsel that the use of magic is necessary, in case they are attacked by magic as well, which is what happened at the northeast. There was a show of resistance from some members, but majority of them see the rationale behind the King’s recommendation. When that matter was settled, they thought it’s a show of goodwill to let them know about Nate and Vince, as users of enchantments. Nate refused to do a demonstration. Vince did a simple water control from the goblets. Yeah, he still needs practice as they splashed on the table and not back to the goblets. The king took it as an opportunity to highlight the need for their training in that area. Also, their betrothal has already been widely spread across the kingdom and the neighboring ones. Nate was apprehensive at being known by everyone in such a way. Would people be talking about her now? What would they say? “Stop thinking about it. Nothing would happen even if you think long and hard.” Vince advised and he already repeated it a few times in the last three days. Finally, Nate sighed. Right. She should stop overthinking things. Previously, she doesn’t actually overthink, but being under the scrutiny of others has rattled her. Didn’t she say before that she pities the prince because of it? Now, she’s being subjected to the same thing. It has taken a few weeks for Nate to adjust to a life of royalty. I mean, when she was in the northeast kingdom of her parents, she kept to herself and practiced with Vince, so she wasn’t interacting with other people. Even after the attack on the castle and the celebration that followed, she didn’t meet with a lot of people. As a loner all the years she traveled, interacting with other people is not her strong suit. Fortunately, Vince is there to cover for her. She can simply smile at someone, say hi, and let Vince do the talking. She only needed to stick to his side, which isn’t hard to do, considering it was her job before. As for being addressed as lady and princess, she learned not to bother listening to the formal way of talking to her. Vince’s teasing made the transition much easier. It helped normalize things. For her and the other people. They have accepted it that she’s not gonna punish them in case they forget to address her as royalty. Of course, it’s a different story if some elder is to hear it. The elders are very particular with royal guidelines. She actually had to spend a week poring over the same books she read before, when she started working as companion to the prince. Now, she had to commit them to memory. Unlike before, wherein she only had to familiarize herself. She doesn’t understand the difference. Vince mainly said it is part of their responsibility to make sure it will be passed on; in case the books and records get destroyed. Nate thought it was a fat chance. It’s highly unlikely that it would happen. She settled it in her mind as the elders wanting to see them exert some effort. On other things, she and Vince spend almost half of their time studying the books about magic, the ones they borrowed from the northeast kingdom. They decided to make notes on the books of enchantments. Some enchantments are more draining than others and they had to take that into account. You don’t want to utter one enchantment and then, pass out. King Edward appropriated a hall for them to exclusively use, just like the setup in the northeast. Some days, he would watch them while he pores over a book by himself. Magic is no doubt a very fascinating subject. Remember Aaron? He’s back in the north, too. He has been taken in as a palace staff and he’s been friends with Philip. He’s taken shelter with his family and he helps them a lot. Aaron would probably grow up to be a mentor. In his spare time, he would visit the library. Pyro tags along as he starts to learn how to read. Sometimes, Nate and Vince would visit their house. The first time was very awkward. Pyro and Selene were much more enthusiastic, especially Selene. She wanted to see the princess, but… she’s disappointed not seeing her in a wonderful dress. Nate chuckled, telling her she can show her the dress she previously wore, but she’s still not wearing it again. She can try it on if she wants, though it would definitely be too big for Selene. She was ecstatic. She looks forward to visiting the palace, if her brother would have the time to take her. “How are you adjusting here?” She asked Aaron. “Very well. This is immensely better than the cages.” He grinned and she returned it. But at the back of their minds, they can’t help wondering what happened to the others. “Something will be done about it, don’t worry.” Vince stated as he watched their expressions. It was obvious what went on their minds. With the enchantresses gone, those mercenaries can easily be fought and defeated. “Stay for dinner, your highnesses. I’ll set the table really quick.” Selene offered. “Your brother’s not here yet.” Nate noted. “He normally comes home late. He prefers to clean his weapons in the evenings rather than in the mornings.” “Is he still in the armory?” Vince was surprised. He hadn’t been training as intensely as a knight these days. His attention was divided to include training his magic. “Yes. He’ll come when I’m about to sleep.” Pyro replied, walking over to a chair and climbing on it. Nate assisted him. He sat down obediently.
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