Chapter 44

1096 Words
"What happened, Zach? Hey, are you crying?" Mira chuckled while tapping Zachary's left shoulder. She looked at Aldreon, silently asking the stranger the reason. Aldreon shrugged in return. Mira is about to say something when Zachary decided to hug her tighter, doesn't have any intention to let go. "Nothing." Zachary sits straight and casually wipes the tears that soaked his lashes, "I'm not crying you know? Dust just come to my eyes accidentally. Who said that I'm crying?" "Alright, you're not crying," Mira said in defeat while attempting to lift herself. Zachary quickly reached and gently helped her to stand up. Mira stretched her arms then punched his arm lightly like a small rock hits my shoulder, "You're cool when you used your magic to create a giant glacier. I got goosebumps when I also heard the announcement." Zachary can't help but shake his head in return as he handed her a glass of water. 'Mira just woke up and that thing is the first to come up to her mind.' Zachary thought as he slide the handed inside of his pocket. "Hello there," Mira smiled at Aldreon, "Are you my mother's assistant or a new student?" "Aldreon Gullywasher, new student." "He's here because of some diplomatic affairs. If that's the perfect word for it. Her majesty puts him under my custody. He's also staying on hybrid's dorm," Zachary commented, "However, Lady Marionette and Lady Selene agreed about it already yet it doesn't reach the leader yet." "I see, have you met two troublemakers? Or just one of them?" Mira directly asked without any hint of mockery. Zachary got choked while drinking water and punched his chest many times; that makes him look like he got drowned by a pail of water. Speaking of which, on the other side of the room, Salem yawned as she entered. She glanced in their direction in neutrality before slumping her body on the soft mattress. "I don't know who are those troublemakers that you're talking about." "You don't know them yet. My bad." "How's your sleep, Mira?" Salem asked while staring at the ceiling. Aldreon veered around and left his mouth ajar soon as he realized who was talking. He tapped his shoes against the floor to relieve the developed terror that day. Even the voice is not that loud for them to hear, he recognized it right away; silently wishing in one of the seven moon guardians or the deities for himself to not get recognized. Aldreon got through plenty of roller-coaster-like scenarios, one more push to the edge, he might be lost his mind. However, he survived them but not his sanity. Not on his third peaceful week, not on this moment. "Normal sleep. I've been sleeping for 10 hours." "Are you sure?" "Yeah?" "10 hours or 72 hours?" "72 what?" "Nevermind." Salem stood up then leaned her arm on the drawer and placed her chin behind her palm. She steals a glance on recognizable Aldreon's back to the door. Salem silently counts down while keeping her gaze fixed on the infirmary's doorway. "What happened to you, Aldreon? Why does it comes up that you have a sight of a ghost? You look so pale." Mira held on to the metal bed frame before standing up and placing her palm on his cheeks, forehead to his neck, "You don't have a fever at all." Mira settles on the end of her bed, arms crossed, trying an effort to figure out why the other man has turned pale. "It's nothing, I forgot something important but it's too late to accomplish it." "Anyway, can I know where are my parents? It's odd for them to leave this place." "Aunt Lily is on the west wing's infirmary and Uncle Winston is lending a hand for celebration's preparations." Zachary explains as he started to comb Mira's tangled hair, "I bring your clothes here. Your mother told me if you woke up any moment and decided to take a bath, better do it here." He whispers. "Geez, I look like a child here." "You can't go against it, it's your mother's orders." "Are you sure she's not your wife?" Aldreon asked, causing the couple to be caught off guard. He is about to ask once again when a slender arm is placed along with his shoulders, "I told you, man. We're not." "Where did you get that?" Mira laughs, can't conceal the fact that she can't hide the awkwardness. Aldreon scratched his cheek innocently while looking at her, "He especially treats you, that's why I thought both of you were." "We're too busy studying. Since it's Mira's main priority. I'm graduating this year so I don't guess there's no reason to think about it right now." Zachary explains and grabs the black bag from the chair while Mira shuffled on her bed then reached the infirmary's bathroom knob. "But if Mira wants to, I'll make a move right away." Zachary laughs then handed Mira the bag. Though, before Mira closed the door, she faced Aldreon with a smile. A smile that Zachary hasn't caught a single glimpse of for three days. A smile that even Zachary would fall for. "You get it wrong, Mr. Gullywasher. We're not yet." "That's why I prefer to be alone," Salem murmurs while scanning the knife on her hand. Zachary looked at her then shook his head, "They're looking for you earlier. They haven't seen you in days, where did you go by the way?" "Out to kill." "Yeah to kill---what?! Quit fooling around, Salem!" "What's the problem? My majesty has told me it's a suicide mission. There's no way I can't decline." Salem retorted in a sardonic way as she seats in a manly way. She stared at Aldreon who was too horrified to speak. The worst person can be worst tenfold. "About the dorm leader, would he accept me there? What kind of creature he is?" Zachary steals a glance at Salem who's looking at Aldeon's back. A smug smile cracked upon her lips as she meets the alpha's reluctant gaze. 'I won't stop you.' "Hmm, the leader has reached the notice. The leader requires ten honest reasons why should he should accept a rouge creature like you. You see, the leader doesn't accept the outsiders easily. Unless he got a sight on you." Aldreon turned at her, brows almost got aligned. "Is he that strict?" "To be honest, we don't know. Maybe because that leader finds something on you." Zachary straighten the wrinkled sheets, giving Salem a meaningful look. "Why hybrids by the way?"
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