Chapter 13

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"The birds that went here earlier said that they have a caster with them. The woman with the blindfold. She's the one who's summoning the monsters and feed some slave that they caught to them." "The three of you," Zachary pointed to Mira and her friends who are sitting and silently listening to them, "You're going to catch the caster." "According to what Salem told me earlier, the Captain is far more dangerous than her." He added then pointed to the map, "After we landed at the bay," He looked at Mira, "Three of you should wear some clothes that I bring." Zachary smiled mischievously as he keeps on dodging the bullets coming from the gun of the ship's Captain using the sword he's holding and smoothly moving. By every step, it makes him looks like colliding with the wind and dance along the sea's waves. "Isn't that little imbecile of you if you keep on dodging the bullets and let your prey slips from you?" The Captain asked him before slowly and simply walking back to the place where the other shifters are having chaos and where Salem and Ifrit are. "I'm not an impatient shifter. I'm a type of wolf that enjoys the hunt." Zachary got restrained by Mitchel while Dominic landed a punch on his face when their Captain leaves Zachary for the two of them. After the wolf tasted the metallic taste of the liquid inside his mouth, he immediately spits it out as his eyes turned into a threatening yellow. "Not going away pretty boy," Dominic said before cracking his fingers and put himself into a fighting stance. Mitchel laughed as he secured his hold on both arms of the wolf shifter. Zachary let out a small growl and let the tiger shifter's blow hit his abdomen. He swings his leg and landed on Dominic's neck. He successfully gives him a fatal hit. Everything turns into slow motion for Mitchel seeing his friend and also a counterpart fall easily in just one kick. The wolf didn't think twice nor waste his time and stepped on Mitchel's feet hardly. "I told you not to touch her." He tried to remove Zachary's hand clutching his neck but the last thing he witnessed is the golden eyes that can make everyone quiver in fear and fire enveloping him. The blindfolded woman got cornered by Mira and about to take the opportunity to escape when her remaining comrades are brawling with Mattheo and Freddy if Mira didn't shoot her using the bow and arrow that she got from the gazelle shifter. The woman is taking the left part but Mira lets the arrow pierced the wall next to her. "There's no point of running." Both of the lady's hands were surrounded by a purple aura and aim it at her, making Mira to flew meters away from her and almost hit the metal bolt on the wooden post if she didn't hold on to the ropes. Her chest thumped in shock. She mentally cursed and started to get annoyed since she can't use her magic even how many times she tried to. "Jump! Don't worry, we're going to catch you!" Freddy yelled. Mattheo is defending him from behind. "Cut it! Focus on what you're doing!" She yelled back before jumping while her hands are holding the rope. She turned at the woman who tried to throw her away again but this time, on the water. "You're so annoying!" "Her two friends are aiding her," Salem said after she accidentally leaned her back against Zachary's, "I know you don't want her to earn even a small scratch here." Ifrit disappeared together with the snake and the tiger shifter. A whistle break through the uproar that Mira and others made. "Two monsters," Zach said, causing Salem to smirked. "Under this ship and one with a thousand eyes, right?" "Yes and a caster." Salem closed her eyes when she let the air gush around her, the tides are going high every second. "It's not just two. It's four. The snake is not aware of the remaining two." Zachary looked at her, "Two of them are good at concealing their aura. Better be aware. Got to her now." She added. They got surrounded by a silence like a peaceful day before the storm. Zachary nodded before running to the other side where Mira and the others are. Salem remained to stand even though she saw the creature's fin and something hissed behind her then got followed by a tapping sound indicating that the creature behind her have many legs. "A hybrid huh?" "We wonder what hybrids taste like." She looked in the direction where the tapping sound comes from. There's a black spider with red stripes on each of its limbs that stands taller than her. She stands face to face with a spider with thousand eyes scattered on every part of its body and moves constantly whenever the main eight eyes in the front darted at. Each of its eyes comes from the spider's every victim. "Hybrids eat like what their races eat. If they're half vampires, they drink blood. If they're half-shifters, they eat like what humans eat. It applies the same to other supernaturals. However, I only eat vegetables and sometimes.." Salem licked her lips then smirked sadistically, "I eat monsters." Aquillion, the monster who's under the ship hits the vehicle underneath, making all the individuals who are boarding the ship lose their balance, and that might include Salem if she didn't move her foot to balance herself. "You understand us?" "For a mere hybrid that's quite impressive." "It's four of you here, right?" Locus, the spider crawls behind her and slashed her hand to cut it short. Half the portion of her long hair falls on the wooden deck and leaves her hair short beneath and long underneath. Salem prevented him to cut it whole this time by halting his sharp as a sword hairy leg using her right arm even that makes her arm bleed badly. "Yes, I came here to eat since I smell delicious food, and turns out that you're the one. I would love to serve you to our master" "They have another girl on their group, Aquillion." "You keep on tolerating that pain, why don't we cut your arm to remove the pain." "Have a simple common sense." Salem deadpans before flicking her two fingers that make the spider's thousand vision surround by black mist, "As like what I've expected on you. You have a thousand eyes but your brain is too small for your size." A spear appeared on her hand after she removed her arm from preventing the spider's leg. "In all of the spiders, you're the only one I despise," Salem whispered before piercing the spear on Locus' head that passed through his skull. It produces a cracking sound as the blade passed through its bones. Locus let out a loud and agonizing cry and tried to attack the girl who's keeping the weapon pierced. The spear turned red caused by the heat and smoke escaped to the certain spot where Salem pierced it. Salem pulled the spear then walk towards the side deck and step her foot at the wooden porch. "I speak in monster language, Aquillion. You're the next." She looked at the water where the monster has the same size as the ship was. "Let's see if you can! I have scales like a dragon!" "Is that so? Then allow me to introduce Pryos to you." 'Mattheo and Freddy, don't let your guard down. There are four remaining monsters here.' Mattheo takes a glance at Zachary who's on Mira's side while observing the Captain protect the blindfolded woman from them. The woman removed her blindfold recklessly. Freddy yelped when the watercraft shakes by the impact caused by the monster under the water. It got followed by a mist that surrounds them faster and rattling sound. A roar of the dying monster surrounded them, making the rattling sound got louder and then, a dead silence. 'A mist?! In the middle of the day?!' 'Calm down. Don't let your guard down, we don't know what that monster can do.' Freddy remained alerted and immediately prevent the blades from flying from in his direction by running in the opposite direction. He focused his hand on the water as he closed his eyes. "What do you think you're doing elf?"
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